Chapter 814
Chapter 830 Seven

Gu Xiaobai said with a smile, "As a national male god, naturally he has to be busy flirting with girls! Striking girls is the top priority!"

Her tone of voice was very calm, as if she was saying another very common thing.

other people:"……"

I didn't expect you to be this kind of Gu Xiaobai, who can flirt with girls anytime, anywhere!

Do they want to be teased too?

Gu Xiaobai's eyes are very beautiful, very clear, full of attraction like a whirlpool, therefore, when Yan Tianning looked at her, he blushed, shy, and couldn't help blurting out, "Can you be seduced by a male god?" , so happy!"


That's right, now Gu Xiaobai is the male god in the hearts of many girls!After she put on a cool look and kicked away the instructor of Imperial University's military training, many female fans called her a male god!
Of course, in the eyes and hearts of male fans, they only recognize her as a goddess!
Thus, Gu Xiaobai has the titles of "National God" and "National Goddess".

"It's my honor to be able to pick up such a beautiful and pure girl!" Gu Xiaobaiyun said lightly.

At this time, Fan Yanghong suddenly said, "Goddess, you can also flirt with men?" After finishing speaking, he showed a shy expression!It really scared the people present.

Fan Yanghong is a superstar in martial arts, so he is burly and extremely tall, so can you imagine such a person showing a shy expression and making shy movements?


After a while, Gu Xiaobai let go of Yan Tianning.

And she also got the card, opened her own card and saw that her character was—riding a small yellow car with her partner around the Huandao Road, and she also wanted to get ten memes from passers-by.

"The person who made this task must be my fan." Gu Xiaobai said seriously, "Otherwise, how would he know that he likes to flirt with girls and wants to have sex with girls?"

The people present had black lines on their faces. Why do you want to tease a girl? You just said it outright like this?
I know you are beautiful, handsome, and able to flirt with girls, but... can you restrain yourself?
Because of the flight, the live broadcast was interrupted for a while, but when Cui Hongwei came over with the card, the live broadcast continued.

Therefore, netizens who saw this scene burst into laughter.

--Hahaha!The male god just wants to flirt with girls!
——The male god said, nothing can stop me from having a heart to flirt with girls!
——I finally understand why the male god said that there are tens of thousands of men in the world, and it is only one who can kick one. Dare you, you want to flirt with girls!
- male god!Do you want to flirt with a girl who has gone to college, looks good, and likes to give you shit, or even sex?

Gu Xiaobai's female fans were naturally very happy to hear that the male god wanted to flirt with his sister confidently, but the male fans were a little aggrieved.

That's right!

There are male fans among Gu Xiaobai's fans, and the number is not low.

—Goddess, don't you just care about flirting with girls?You can flirt!

——Here is a boy with eight-pack abs, a huge body, and a mermaid line. Goddess, do you want to flirt?

——Goddess seeks to flirt?I have been to college, and I am still the kind of school grass, please flirt!


The other netizens who watched the live broadcast were also speechless. Why did they start playing with the word "seek to flirt" all of a sudden, and even typed out the slogan "I don't want to sleep with the goddess in this life, but I want to be flirted with by the male god" Come.

(End of this chapter)

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