Chapter 819
Chapter 840 Make a plan

Seeing that the two of them were so entangled, Gu Xiaobai coughed dryly, "Ahem."

Hearing her dry cough, Yan Tianning and Lu Xingyu blushed immediately, they forgot for a moment, embraced each other, said some love words, but forgot that Gu Xiaobai was still there.

"You don't need to quit the entertainment circle." Gu Xiaobai said lightly.

Yan Tianning's eyes lit up immediately, she doesn't like the entertainment industry, but she likes the profession of an actor, so if she doesn't have to quit, she is naturally happy.

Lu Xingyu frowned, "You don't need to quit the entertainment circle? Then what should we do? We break up? What's more, it's impossible to hide it for a lifetime?"

What he said was not unreasonable.

No matter how careful Yan Tianning and Lu Xingyu are, but for many paparazzi, their popularity is very hot, they are traffic niches, traffic florets, so they will definitely be noticed.

Things like paparazzi are really pervasive, even if it is day and night defense, it will eventually be known.

What's more, Lu Xingyu didn't intend to let Yan Tianning hide behind his back all the time, he would choose to expose their relationship.

"Stupid." Gu Xiaobai glanced at Lu Xingyu with disgust, then patted his head lightly, "There's no need to break up, and there's no need to hide the relationship."

Yan Tianning and Lu Xingyu looked at Gu Xiaobai suspiciously.

Gu Xiaobai smiled, "If the two of you announce your relationship, the entertainment industry will be blown up, and your fans will be torn apart."

Neither Yan Tianning nor Lu Xingyu denied this point.

"However, you don't have to worry. In this world, in addition to fans, career fans, girlfriend fans, boyfriend fans, etc., there is also the most unacceptable type of fans - CP fans." She smiled lightly, Said quite calmly.

CP powder.This fan group has always been looked down upon and belittled by others. However, this fan group is very powerful!
Both Yan Tianning and Lu Xingyu are super popular stars, male and female, although they don't have much intersection, but with their fan-attracting ability, they will naturally have CP fans, and there are a lot of fans.

"Xiaobai, what do you want to say?" Yan Tianning was puzzled.

Gu Xiaobai pinched her face lightly, and said with a smile, "You don't always work alone, you need a team now, and since you are with Lu Xingyu, you can share a team with him."

The two share a team, which means that the two of them have an intersection. After the intersection, it is normal for them to help each other forward Weibo and like Weibo, and it will not be magnified by others. More importantly, This also gives CP fans material.

As long as CP fans have materials, they can make videos of the two of them, and under subtle influence, more and more people will join their team.

"I understand." Lu Xingyu said happily.

He said to Gu Xiaobai, "Thank you. This is indeed a good idea."

Yan Tianning was still very puzzled.

Gu Xiaobai asked with a smile, "Apart from this program, do you two have commercials recently, do you want to cooperate in TV dramas or movies?"

"Not long ago, a movie came to us, but we haven't agreed yet." Yan Tianning said truthfully.

"You guys will pick up the movie later." Gu Xiaobai said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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