Chapter 820 Interaction
Chapter 840 Interaction

"You guys will pick up the movie later." Gu Xiaobai said seriously.

"Remember, what you need now is intersection and interaction. As long as you interact frequently, let the team provide material to the president of the support club of CP fans, and let them edit the video for you. Fans are slowly accepting the two of you, but you should announce your relationship again, so that it won't attract fans' plans."

Knowing that Yan Tianning didn't understand the twists and turns of this kind of hype, Gu Xiaobai explained it to her.

"Is this feasible?" Yan Tianning was still a little worried.

"Trust me." Gu Xiaobai patted Yan Tianning on the shoulder, and she said softly, "If CP fans, and the CPs of fans are really together, then for CP fans, it's really sugar, and CP is really sweet." They became a couple, which made many CP fans unswervingly follow, in this way, you can also gain their favor, and when the time comes, after the relationship is announced, they will speak for you.”

After hearing this, Lu Xingyu and Yan Tianning thought it was feasible, and this is the only way at present.

"Well. Listen to you." Lu Xingyu said.

Yan Tianning hugged Gu Xiaobai directly, "Thank you, Xiaobai."


But at this time, Yan Yufan suddenly ran in, "Is the soup ready?"

Hearing the sound, the three quickly dispersed, keeping a certain distance.

"It's almost ready, you guys eat first." Yan Tianning turned to Yan Yufan and said.

"That's good." Yan Yufan responded, and left the kitchen, and Gu Xiaobai and Lu Xingyu also left the kitchen.

When the last soup was served on the table, the show, including six guests, ushered in their own dinner.

I have to say that although Yan Tianning's cooking skills are not as good as Gu Xiaobai's or the chefs of five-star hotels, they are still good. The whole group ate like a storm, and finally ate up all the dishes.

Many people gave Yan Tianning a thumbs up and expressed their appreciation.

And after dinner, it's personal time.

After hearing Gu Xiaobai's suggestion, Lu Xingyu immediately told his agent and team about his relationship with Yan Tianning.

At first, Lu Xingyu's manager was intimidated.

However, he quickly accepted it, and under Lu Xingyu's lobbying, his manager also agreed to their relationship, and also expressed full approval of Gu Xiaobai's proposal.

So, after eleven o'clock on the Internet that day, Lu Xingyu's manager posted a Weibo——

[Bai Yimeng]: @选飞自己的感白甜, the road ahead, we will fight side by side, walk hand in hand, welcome to cooperate.

Bai Yimeng was the name of Lu Xingyu's manager.

And Silly Baitian, who let himself go, is Gu Xiaobai's nickname on Weibo.

This Weibo was quickly forwarded by Yan Tianning.

[Stupid Baitian who let himself go]: In the future, we will walk together and break through together. //[Bai Yimeng]: ...

Weibo netizens immediately exploded!
What they didn't expect was that after several years of working alone, Gu Xiaobai started to find an agent, and he was looking for Bai Yimeng. What they didn't expect was that Lu Xingyu actually liked Weibo immediately. Bo didn't say anything, but also forwarded Weibo.

The most important thing is that careful netizens discovered that Gu Xiaobai and Yan Tianning both posted Weibo at the same location, which means that the two stayed together.

(End of this chapter)

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