Chapter 824 Awake
Chapter 840 VII Sober

While they were talking, Jing Shengchen also walked in front of them, but the three of them ignored him.

What he said just now was really harsh, it sounded like he was satirizing people, and he seemed to be criticizing a person from the highest point of morality.

This kind of Jing Shengchen is really disliked.

Lu Xingyu patted Yan Tianning's shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "Don't think about it, we will always be together."

For Lu Xingyu, love is love, what he likes, so no one can stop him.

After comforting Yan Tianning, he said to Gu Xiaobai who was beside him, "You help me watch her first."

"Since someone presumptuously thinks that my grandfather won't agree to me being with Tianning, then I'll slap him in the face right now." Lu Xingyu looked at Jing Shengchen mockingly.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Zhicheng directly.

"Beep beep."

The phone was picked up soon, and there was an angry voice on the other end of the phone, "Hey, little Xingxing, it's so late, what's the matter with you calling?"

Lu Xingyu's face was full of black lines. This... the title of "Little Star" was already said not to be called, but unexpectedly, he was called again, and it was still in front of his girlfriend. Thinking about it, he felt extremely embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I want to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"I have a girlfriend, the kind who is going to get married."

"Oh. Our little star is awesome! I finally found a girlfriend. Grandpa, I was always worried that you would get married." Lu Zhicheng began to tease his grandson.

Lu Xingyu looked as if he was dying, and he didn't want to continue talking on the phone with his grandfather at all.

"My girlfriend's name is Yan Tianning. You can Google it, because some people say that you will disagree with us, so I'm telling you now, and you don't object."

"If you object and prevent us from falling in love, I will become a monk." Lu Xingyu said lightly.

"Is Yan Tianning the girl who can cook when you recorded the program today?"

"Well, it's her."

"Oh, then grandpa has no objection. You young people fall in love and get married. Those are all the affairs of you young people. Although grandpa is a bit pedantic, he will not interfere too much with your marriage." Lu Zhicheng said.

Lu Xingyu smiled, and Yan Tianning also breathed a sigh of relief.

After Lu Xingyu hung up his grandfather's phone, he looked at Jing Shengchen sarcastically, "Young Master Jing, the things you can't do by yourself, your pedantic Jing family, that's all your business."

Jing Shengchen didn't expect Lu Zhicheng to agree, he was a little puzzled, but he didn't care about it now, he would say at the time, it was just a reminder to these two people.

Lu Xingyu held Yan Tianning's hand and was about to leave, but at this time Gu Xiaobai said, "Tianning will sleep with me today."

"Jing Shao has no place to live, Lu Xingyu, you can sleep with him." Gu Xiaobai added.


The group returned to Shuiyue Pavilion.

Gu Xiaobai and Yan Tianning climbed onto the bed after washing up, and they started chatting with their heads touching each other.

"Xiaobai, did Young Master Jing come to look for you?"


"Are you remarried?"


"Do you still love him?"

"Love." Gu Xiaobai said quietly, obviously, she was a little dissatisfied with herself.

"Since he still loves you, and he loves you, why don't you two be together? It's very difficult for two people to be happy. When the person you love happens to love you, that's a very happy thing."

(End of this chapter)

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