Chapter 825 Changes
Chapter 840 Eight Changes

"Since he still loves you, and he loves you, why don't you two be together? It's very difficult for two people to be happy. When the person you love happens to love you, that's a very happy thing."

"Since you are in love, then love with all your might, even if the moths are flying into the flames, even if you are covered in bruises, even if your body is broken to pieces, then you must love, so that you will not let yourself down, so that you will not let yourself be wronged." Yan Tianning's gentle voice Sounded in a quiet room.

Gu Xiaobai suddenly woke up.

To be honest, she admires Yan Tianning a little bit, admires her selfless dedication to love, admires her to love when she loves, and stops to love if she doesn't love, and also admires her for always believing in love.

Yan Tianning's words touched her a little.

Jing Shengchen still loves Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai also loves Jing Shengchen.

yes!They are in love, but why can't they be together?

"Whether it's a lie or a lie, in order for him to survive? Do you have to sacrifice your marriage?" Gu Xiaobai asked himself.

Nangong Mochen said that she was selfish, but she did not deny it.

Jing Shengchen said that she was sensible, but she did not refute.

Because what they say is true.

For a long time, in order to protect Jing Shengchen, she had done it in her own way, but she forgot that husband and wife should share joys and sorrows and adversity together?

She has been protecting him and doing things that hurt him all the time under the banner of his good.

In her marriage with Jing Shengchen, what was wrong was not only his concealment and deception but also her selfishness.

She looked at Yan Tianning and said, "Thank you, I understand."

"I'll remarry her when I get a chance."


However, what Gu Xiaobai didn't expect was that when she was about to confess to him, things would suddenly change.

Here's the thing.

After a night's rest, Gu Xiaobai and others ushered in the next day's task in the early morning of the next day.

Today's task in "Travel with Crazy" is to go to the amusement park. Of course, it's not just for fun, there are also side tasks. The last one will be punished.

This time, there were no groups of six people.

Gu Xiaobai came to the amusement park with his number card, and Jing Shengchen followed behind her.

"Why are you following me?"

"The answer from last night..."

"I'll get back to you when I finish the task."

While they were talking, the amusement park was full of hustle and bustle, and everyone's eyes were on the sky.

"I'm going, someone else confessed with a helicopter and roses?"

"I don't know who will be so lucky to be confessed by this local tyrant?"

"There are so many rich people these days!"


The tourists in the amusement park were talking about it.

At this time, a voice came from the sky——

"Gu Xiaobai, I like you!"

"Gu Xiaobai, no man in the world can compare to me, marry me, and I will make you happy."

The voice belonging to Shanzi City spread throughout the playground, and also throughout X City.

Gu Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment.

She glanced at the sky, gritted her teeth and said, "This Shanzi City is really lingering! It's even chased to X City."

Jing Shengchen was also in a very bad mood.He never expected that Shanzicheng would be so persistent with Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai directly ignored this confession, firstly because she didn't like Shanzicheng, and secondly, her task had to be completed within an hour.

So, she directly took a special ticket and entered the playground, and Jing Shengchen got the ticket from nowhere, and followed her in.

(End of this chapter)

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