Chapter 832 God Assists

Chapter 850 Six God Assists
Jing Shengchen felt a little unbelievable, unexpectedly... unexpectedly... remarried?All this seems to be in a dream!
Shan Zicheng still couldn't believe that Gu Xiaobai actually chose Jing Shengchen as her husband.

It was Jing Shengchen who seized the opportunity, and he sarcastically said, "Shanzicheng, thank you so much! I have been pestering Xiaobai in every possible way, and wanted to remarry her, but I have been rejected all the time. Now because of you, I will marry you." It was so easy to remarry."

His words made Shanzicheng even more furious.

Shan Zicheng was full of anger, "It's just a woman, just leave it to you, and I'm just bored recently, just playing casually."

Shan Zicheng didn't know at all that his stupid sentence caused outrage, and it aroused the anger of women all over the world.

Just for fun?

At first he said that the helicopter and roses confession was true love, but now he said it was just for fun, this person... is really annoying!
Netizens who originally watched the live broadcast and those who spoke for Shanzicheng, now, because of what he said just now, the four words "casually play" no longer speak for him. Instead, they directly point the finger at him and treat him all All kinds of irony.

--I go.This list city is really shameless!If it wasn't for him, why would my goddess remarry the scumbag Jing Shengchen?

- God!All men in this world are dead, and women should not marry her.

——I'm going, Shanzi City is too disgusting!

However, what Jing Shengchen said next made the netizens who watched the live broadcast even more angry.

"That's right, changing women in Shanzicheng is like changing clothes! You hit a home run in three days, and change a woman a week. You don't take women seriously at all." Jing Shengchen said lightly.

"That's natural." Shan Zicheng admitted directly, "Which woman in this world doesn't crave me? Which one doesn't come up to seduce me?"

Shanzicheng has no idea that Huaguo and even the whole world are pursuing equality between men and women. He has been the pride of heaven since he was a child, and he has been No. 1 in competitions or other aspects since he was a child. .[-], this also created, he doesn't put anyone in his eyes.

Not to mention, the woman he has always looked down upon!

His words immediately aroused public outrage.

Jing Shengchen knew Shanzicheng's views on women, so he used his words to directly satirize him and arouse public outrage.

The tourists in the amusement park also began to be very dissatisfied with Shanzicheng, pointing at him, and it was more of a sarcasm.

Since childhood, Shanzicheng has always been held in the palm of his hand, and he has always been the object of fawning. He has never been pointed at like this. Therefore, he just couldn't bear it and wanted to escape from this place.

However, how could the tourists in the amusement park let him leave so easily?
Shanzicheng wanted to leave and escape, but was blocked again. He was very upset, so he did it directly.

Seeing him start, Jing Shengchen said immediately, "Shanzicheng, this is the country of Hua, not the country of America. Even if you are the heir of the Shan family, the first family in the country of America, you don't have the right to do anything to the people of the country of China." .”

Shan Zicheng, the heir of the Shan family, the first family in the United States.

The Shan family, this is a family that the president of the United States is very afraid of, because the wealth of this family is so large that it is frightening. Until now, the US Intelligence Agency has not found out, how much wealth is the Shan family?
 Thank you 1296409424 and other little angels for your recommendation tickets, good night! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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