Chapter 833 Remarriage
Chapter 850 Remarriage

The Shan family, this is a family that the president of the United States is very afraid of, because the wealth of this family is so large that it is frightening. Until now, the US Intelligence Agency has not found out, how much wealth is the Shan family?
What worries the President of the United States the most is the power of the Shan family, because until now, the US Intelligence Agency has not checked how terrifying the power of the Shan family is?
Jing Shengchen's words made the netizens watching the live broadcast suddenly realize, and the whole barrage exploded again.

Why did Shan Zicheng say "he and Jing Shengchen are the only men in the world who are worthy of Gu Xiaobai"? !
It turns out that he is the heir of the first family in the United States, so he is indeed qualified and confident to say this sentence.

——Thousands of times, I checked Shanzicheng and found that this person couldn't be more awesome. He was number one in both studies and other aspects from childhood to adulthood, even the devilish summer camp of the International Talent Camp, he was also number one.

- Tsk tsk.This list city is too scary!Although what he said was very unpleasant, but I have to say that he has the strength and the capital to say this.

As for the background of Shanzicheng, many netizens picked it up, and they were stunned when they saw it immediately. He... is simply the pride of heaven, a winner in life!

Regarding what Jing Shengchen said, Shan Zicheng just smiled faintly, just now he was devastated by Gu Xiaobai, at this moment, he vented all the unhappiness in his heart on his comrades who had fought side by side.

"So what?" Shanzicheng smiled contemptuously, looked at Jing Shengchen ironically with his dark pupils and said, "You were not as good as me in the international talent camp back then, but now, you are still not as good as me."

"Want to stop me? Let's see if you have the strength!"

"Really?" Jing Shengchen curled his lips into a smile, and his deep phoenix eyes reflected a horrified aura.

Gu Xiaobai was speechless when she saw that the two men had progressed from a fight to a fight, and she didn't bother to pay attention to it. Now that she found a chance to remarry Jing Shengchen, the important matter on her mind was settled.

She waved her hand and said to the two men, "You guys call slowly, but don't disturb the tourists. I'll go to hand over the task first."

After speaking, he left without mercy.

Seeing this, Jing Shengchen and Shanzicheng didn't want to continue fighting.

Although the tourists were still pointing at Shanzicheng, the security guards of the amusement park had already arrived, and they quickly evacuated the crowd, allowing him to leave quickly.

A game of Gu Xiaobai choosing a husband also came to an end.

After handing over the task, Gu Xiaobai went back to her dormitory. Her face was a little red. She didn't know whether it was from the sun's sun or because she was shy because she just kissed Jing Shengchen on the highest point of the Ferris wheel. Feel dreamy and red?

At this moment, her heart was trembling and a little confused.

After returning to the place where she lived, Gu Xiaobai simply washed up, threw her whole body into the arms of the bed, and tucked her whole body into the quilt, her heart was still beating wildly.

"Jing Shengchen." She called this name in a low voice, and the figure of that angel-like man suddenly occupied her mind.

He said, "Kissing you like this will last a lifetime."

These words are the most beautiful love words she has ever heard, and they are also the most touching love words. As Yan Tianning said, if you love someone, you have to be desperate, even if a moth flies into the flames, you will not regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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