Chapter 834
Chapter 850

These words are the most beautiful love words she has ever heard, and they are also the most touching love words. As Yan Tianning said, if you love someone, you have to be desperate, even if a moth flies into the flames, you will not regret it.

And now that she is doing this, she suddenly feels that it is really cool to love someone so recklessly without violating morality!
Not long after Gu Xiaobai came back, Jing Shengchen followed Yan Tianning and the others to Shuiyue Pavilion. It just so happened that a passenger in Shuiyue Pavilion checked out today, so he stayed here directly.

The program team of "Travel with the Wind" learned that Jing Shengchen also lived in Shuiyue Pavilion, and immediately felt very stressed, and was afraid that he would accidentally provoke this moody evil star.

Jing Shengchen naturally noticed their words and deeds, and couldn't help asking himself, "Am I really that scary?"

Fortunately, Jing Shengchen returned to the imperial capital after staying in Shuiyue Pavilion for a few days.

Gu Xiaobai and others continued to record the program in City X.

The phoenix flower in City X has always been a major feature, and the fresh phoenix flower looks even more beautiful under the setting sun.

Under the arrangement of the program team of "Travel with the Wind", Gu Xiaobai and others did the third task, the fourth task and a series of tasks, and only then finished the first episode.

Although there is a live broadcast, the program team still has to take the recorded video back and edit it, and then broadcast it from the TV station.

"Travel with the Wind" is scheduled to be broadcast every Sunday. Therefore, when they finished recording the first episode of the program, it was on Friday. Therefore, they have time to participate in Banana Channel, which is the longest-running and most popular variety show on Shacheng TV. Program - "I am undercover".

"I am an undercover agent" program, last year when Gu Xiaobai and others participated in the filming of "Red Makeup", because of the care of Murong Yuchu, Cheng Youyun and others, an unhappy incident happened before the recording matter.

Fortunately, when Gu Zhanzhong arrived later, Gu Xiaobai was able to record the show perfectly.

The most worth mentioning is that after the broadcast of that episode, the ratings peaked at 3, and the average rating was 2.8, which also created the highest ratings of the program "I'm Undercover".

Now, Gu Xiaobai and Yan Tianning came to the program "I am an undercover agent" again, and their moods are naturally different from before.

"I am undercover" program recording site.

Gu Xiaobai and other six people arrived at the same time, and each went to make up. After the makeup was done, the official recording began.

Because the program they recorded is quite special, it happens to be the [-]th anniversary of the program "I am an undercover agent", so there are a lot of prank games.

As a variety show, it is really a miracle that it can survive for 20 years, because in the history of China, it is difficult for variety shows to exist for four or five years, let alone 20 years. The show did it.

It is conceivable how high the ratings of this program are?How popular this show is.

The host of the "I am an undercover" program is still the original five people. Cui Hongwei is already the best of the five people. Whether it is controlling the field, making up the knife, or being in a crisis, he has performed with ease.


After recording the "I'm Undercover" game, the first trailer of "Travel with the Wind" was released the next morning, and Gu Xiaobai also reposted this Weibo, and posted a marriage certificate.

(End of this chapter)

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