Chapter 839 Queen
Chapter 860 The Queen

The three men shook their heads immediately, they had no objections, even if they had opinions, they dared not speak out, okay?

This scene was photographed by many people and posted on the Internet.

It is not difficult to check Gu Xiaobai's itinerary, so today not only fans came to pick him up from the airport, but also some media reporters came.

They also took a picture of Gu Xiaobai, Jing Shengchen and other three people just now, and Xiao Dong was one of these media reporters, and he had just come out for an internship.

He looked at the pictures just now, and excitedly said to the master beside him, "Master, we have material!"

His master raised his eyebrows, and expressed his satisfaction with his apprentice's attainment of the Tao so quickly, but when he heard the title his apprentice had won, he wished he could slap him to death.

【Shock! The No.1 goddess is not as gentle and kind as she appears on the surface, but she is actually like this in private...]

[Weibo's No.1 Goddess of Qi, arrogant and arrogant, has repeatedly abused her family members, and her attitude is very arrogant! 】

[The popular goddess with [-] million fans has just been in crisis when three mysterious men pick her up. 】

Xiao Dong's master was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and looked at him, "Is this the material you said?"

Xiao Dong scratched his head and nodded abruptly, thinking that he would be praised by his master, so he said modestly, "Yes."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, his master gave him an idea: "Idiot!"

Xiao Dong was puzzled, "Master, didn't you say you want to be a headline party? This is very a headline party!"

Master Xiaodong gave him an idiot look.

"Shocked? You thought you were working at UC?"

"Insulting family members? Do you understand that people are interested?"

"Three mysterious men pick up the plane? One is my husband, one is my brother, and the other is my cousin. Mysterious wool?"

Xiao Dong was at a loss, thinking, why is it so difficult to be a media reporter?Neither does this, nor does that, really!

Xiao Dong and his master are just an episode.

The scene where Gu Xiaobai just picked up the plane has already been discussed on the Internet.

—Tsk tsk, what kind of goddess?God?They're all weak, okay?This is clearly a queen!
--Hahaha!Right Queen!Seeing that scumbag Jing Shengchen being said so mercilessly by the queen, I felt so relieved!
——I feel sorry for my queen!Why are these three men so annoying? They caused my queen to directly expose her true nature. It's too abominable, but I want to say, well done!

——The distance between me and the queen is only a male god and a goddess.

So, after being picked up at the airport, Gu Xiaobai was upgraded again, directly becoming—a queen!
And Gu Xiaobai ended up living in Dai Yujun's house. Of course, today is Sunday, which means that she has to go to school tomorrow morning.

Gu Xiaobai's class is only scheduled until Wednesday, and there is no class at all the rest of the time. However, the students of Imperial Capital University rush to attend her class, and some even go to occupy the seat at night. They would rather stay all night than miss it. her class.

Although she hadn't been here for a long time, Gu Xiaobai didn't feel strange at all. When the bowl of egg and shredded pork noodles was served again, she was only moved.

It doesn't get any better than this!
It is a very happy thing to think that in a certain corner of the world, someone has been thinking about you, knows what you like to eat, and understands your personality.

(End of this chapter)

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