Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 840 Show love if you disagree

Chapter 840
Chapter 860
It is a very happy thing to think that in a certain corner of the world, someone has been thinking about you, knows what you like to eat, and understands your personality.

After a short rest, Gu Xiaobai also ushered in his new week.

Imperial University.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the cafeteria that used to be crowded with people turned out to be empty, and the people in the cafeteria didn't seem annoyed or anxious, as if they had often experienced such things.

An aunt in the cafeteria said casually, "Today is Her Lady Queen's class again, and these students are really serious. If so many people attend the class, what if I scare Her Lady Queen?"

"Yuhong, you are already 40 years old, why are you still chasing stars?"

The one named Yuhong was the aunt in the cafeteria who had just spoken. When she heard this, she immediately became annoyed, "What's wrong with chasing stars? Who said you can't chase stars at the age of 40."

"Our Lady Queen is so good, how about attracting countless men and women to bow down? If I had been married a few years earlier, and let my kid study hard, maybe he would be able to attend classes at Imperial University, and maybe he would become a student of Her Lady Queen."

Her Lady Queen is Gu Xiaobai.

Therefore, compared to the empty cafeteria, Class 520 of the Management Department is already crowded with people even in the corridors.

Gu Xiaobai came to the classroom on time, and she was no longer surprised by the fact that her class was full of people. She looked at the classroom full of students, and the first sentence she said was——

"Why didn't Fang Haosheng and Song Yihai come? Was it too late last night because of sex?"

The whole classroom roared with laughter, but more people admired her memory. After walking into the classroom, they knew who hadn't come. Those eyes, this memory, couldn't resist it!

It really is the queen!

"Okay, since you smiled, it proves that you are refreshed. In my class, you don't need to sleep, otherwise, if I can't control my hands and the prehistoric power in my body, the consequences will be very serious .”

Everyone sat upright.

Gu Xiaobai continued with his class.

Just like the previous class style, she was occasionally funny and humorous so that everyone could not help but be attracted by what she said.

Of course, it was also different from the previous classes, she started to speak viciously about the students.

For example, at this very moment, Jing Shengchen, who had just remarried with Gu Xiaobai, was picked out by her with a vicious tongue.

"What's it like to have a low EQ? Like Jing Shengchen."

"What's a cowardly man like? Like Jing Shengchen?"


Anyway, when Gu Xiaobai mentioned a proposition, he used Jing Shengchen as an example. Some students expressed dissatisfaction, so Gu Xiaobai directly told him to accept it!
"Jing Shengchen's EQ is really low. For example, he fell in love with me at first sight and didn't tell me. He went directly to the Gu family to ask my grandfather to marry me, saying that he would marry me, and that he would give up the identity of the Jing family and everything for me."

"Isn't this stupid? I don't want anything. If I marry him, don't I have to work hard to make money to support him? A beautiful girl like me naturally has to stay at home to eat, open her mouth, and stretch out her clothes to be a girl." A little princess is fine, and occasionally she can be as beautiful as a flower."


"Hahaha!" The whole classroom burst into laughter.

I didn't expect you to be this kind of queen, to be so narcissistic!

However, little princess or something, we dote on you, we do whatever you say, that's right, we dote on you so unscrupulously and unreasonably.

(End of this chapter)

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