Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 841 I'll Love You Forever

Chapter 841 Spoiling You Forever
Chapter 860 Five Spoils You Forever
However, little princess or something, we dote on you, we do whatever you say, that's right, we dote on you so unscrupulously and unreasonably.

And Jing Shengchen, who has repeatedly laid down his gun, naturally agrees with Gu Xiaobai's words.

He has a low EQ, which he admits to himself.

In Gu Xiaobai's class, the time always passed quickly, and the get out of class was over without being satisfied. Although many students asked her to continue procrastinating, she never procrastinated.

After two classes, Gu Xiaobai had no class today, she simply packed up her things, and was about to leave Imperial University and return to Dai Yujun's side.

And Jing Shengchen naturally wanted to follow her.

This time, Jing Shengchen still rode Xiao Huang and waited for Gu Xiaobai at the school gate.

Gu Xiaobai did not expect that Jing Shengchen would wait for her at the school gate, and planned to pick her up in a yellow car.

Imperial University, at the gate of the school, because it was the end of get out of class, there were many students at the gate of the whole school.

Gu Xiaobai didn't refuse Jing Shengchen to ride her on a yellow bike, but she didn't expect that he was such an idiot that he couldn't even ride a bicycle, and the two of them almost fell over the school gate.

Gu Xiaobai sat on the back seat of the bicycle, Jing Shengchen asked with concern, "Have you sat down yet?"

"Sit still." Gu Xiaobai said, it was rare that he didn't have to walk for a day, and even looking at Jing Shengchen's mood improved.

However, she didn't expect that Jing Shengchen had just stepped on the bicycle, and the whole vehicle was crooked and twisting.

"Do you know how to ride a bicycle?" Gu Xiaobai frowned and said with such bumps and bumps.

It's a rare opportunity to ride Gu Xiaobai on a bicycle, Jing Shengchen naturally won't let go of this opportunity, not to mention, he's heard that when living on campus, couples riding bicycles will be very happy.

"I will..." Before he finished speaking, the whole car tilted down.

Seeing this, Gu Xiaobai jumped out of the car.

When Jing Shengchen saw Gu Xiaobai jumping off the car, he also jumped off the car.

Gu Xiaobai looked at Jing Shengchen speechlessly, "This is what you said...you can ride a bicycle?"

Jing Shengchen said embarrassingly, "I rode twice in total, and it was very stable."

Gu Xiaobai was completely speechless with Jing Shengchen.

The surrounding students had already shifted their eyes to them, Gu Xiaobai thought for a while, and said to him, "I'll take you." His tone was undeniable.

Jing Shengchen was dumbfounded. He looked at Gu Xiaobai with wide eyes, and said hesitantly, "This...isn't that good?"

"Either I'll walk back by myself, or I'll drive you back, choose one."

"Is there a third option?" Jing Shengchen tried to bargain.

"Yes!" Gu Xiaobai said quietly, and Jing Shengchen was overjoyed when he heard it, and hurriedly asked, "What's the third option?"

"It was you who carried me."

Jing Shengchen became more and more happy in his heart, thinking that Gu Xiaobai still believed in his bicycle riding skills, but the smile on his lips froze as soon as he lifted it.

"You carry me, and then you won't, I fell to the ground, the light one was injured, and the serious one died in love." Gu Xiaobai looked at him with a half-smile.

Jing Shengchen shuddered suddenly, looked at Gu Xiaobai's smile, and said, "I choose the second one."

Gu Xiaobai took him to get along with him, and it was better than riding a bicycle home alone. Besides, as long as he could be with her, doing anything was a very happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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