Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 842 Spoiling You 1 Forever 2

Chapter 842 Spoiling You Forever 2
Chapter 860 Six Spoils You Forever 2
Gu Xiaobai took him to get along with him, and it was better than riding a bicycle home alone. Besides, as long as he could be with her, doing anything was a very happy thing.

Therefore, under the attention of the students of Imperial Capital University, Jing Shengchen who was originally carrying Gu Xiaobai on a bicycle turned into a woman carrying a man.

Many people have become accustomed to this change, and even sighed——

"As expected of my queen, she is so domineering!"

Of course, this picture was also posted on Weibo by the students of Imperial University, and also took a very headlined title——

[On the moment of showing love between the domineering queen and the number one prince in Huaguo]

Undoubtedly, many netizens know that the queen in this title refers to Gu Xiaobai, and Xiao Gongju refers to Jing Shengchen.

Because of the airport pick-up incident, many netizens called Gu Xiaobai the Queen, while Jing Shengchen's pitiful appearance at the airport was called Xiao Gongju by the netizens.

Seeing this title, many netizens were very surprised. Gu Xiaobai and Jing Shengchen have only recently remarried, so how did they start to show their affection?
Has the gap left by their first divorce been completely eliminated?

So, many netizens clicked in with curiosity, watched a video of less than 2 minutes, and couldn't stop laughing——

——This is the first time I found Jing Shengchen so funny, did he recently change from "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" to watching "The Domineering School Grass Falls in Love with Me"?

——Riding a bicycle to pick up his girlfriend after class is obviously a very romantic thing, but Jing Shengchen is worthy of being the number one public servant in Huaguo. Little romance, I didn't expect the result to be... 233333!

- A queen is a queen.I have automatically completed the [-]-character pornographic essay given by the Queen's papapapa.


Undoubtedly, the two appeared above their heads again. After the first issue of "Travel with the Wind", in the playground in X City, many people no longer dislike Jing Shengchen very much.

But this time when the video was released, netizens naturally changed their views on Jing Shengchen a lot.

And all this is exactly what Gu Xiaobai wants to see.

At the beginning, Jing Shengchen's words "I recognized the wrong person" made many netizens very angry, and directly labeled him a "scumbag". Now, what Gu Xiaobai can do is to help him get rid of this label.

Therefore, she doesn't mind talking about Jing Shengchen's embarrassing things in class, and get in touch with Jing Shengchen more.

Gu Xiaobai returned to Dai Yujun's house, had dinner, picked up her phone and swiped Weibo, and after a few swipes, she received a message——

[Cheng Youyun went to Bangzi Country for plastic surgery, and also joined a girl group in Bangzi Country, now he is going to return to China, and he is going to fight for Lu Qingrong's new movie - The Man in the Movie. 】

Gu Xiaobai had heard about the fact that Lu Qingrong was preparing a new movie, but she didn't take it seriously, but what she didn't expect was that Cheng Youyun, a name she hadn't heard for almost half a year, would run away. Go for plastic surgery, and then reappear in the entertainment circle with a different name.

Both Gu Qianheng and Cheng Youyun were wounds in Gu Xiaobai's heart. After she was reborn, all she had to do was to repay all the harm these two people had done to her.

And Cheng Youyun was kicked out of the entertainment circle by Gu Xiaobai with all kinds of hammers and all kinds of real materials half a year ago, and even the Cheng family of the four major families in Beicheng was annexed by Gu Zhanzhong in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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