Chapter 849 One Billion Project
Chapter 870 Accept

"Since I was two years old, my parents have asked me to make this film, and I have already planned to go to Curtis College to learn directing skills after the completion of the teacher contract at Imperial University in the second half of the year. Came back to make this movie."

This, Gu Xiaobai is telling the truth.

According to Gu Xiaobai's current coffee position, she can now be behind the scenes, because no one can afford her now.

Huaguo's No. [-] international grand slam actress, this kind of social status is not something everyone can afford.

Lu Qingrong didn't doubt what Gu Xiaobai said at all, and even admired it more.

As a director, he has been in the entertainment industry for most of his life, and he knows that if he wants to make a good movie, he must devote himself wholeheartedly to the filming.

And Gu Xiaobai was able to go to Curtis Institute to study directing for two years in order to shoot "The Man in the Play", which is enough to show her dedication and dedication to this film.

In this ups and downs and impetuous entertainment circle, there are very few people who can be like Gu Xiaobai, or say that there is no more than five fingers at all.

In the past, shooting movies was really for movies, for art.

But nowadays, making movies is only for money, and it is the pursuit of the interests of investors.

There is a saying that it is only by not forgetting the original intention that we can always achieve it.

But now Gu Xiaobai's performance and her words have also made Lu Qingrong realize that the reason why the movies he has made in recent years are not as classic as the movies he made in the early years is because with the development of the entertainment industry and time, As time went by, he forgot his original intention.

Lu Qingrong became more and more impressed with Gu Xiaobai, his cloudy eyes were filled with admiration, and just as he was about to speak, he heard the phone ringing——

"toot toot"

Maybe it was midnight, and he hung up without thinking.

However, just as he hung up the phone, it rang again.

He continued to hang up.

After doing this several times in succession, Lu Qingrong finally picked up the phone.

"Hi, hello, I'm Jing Shengchen. It is said that you are about to start filming "The Man in the Play", so I would like to propose Gu Xiaobai to play the heroine of this movie."

Lu Qingrong thought he heard it wrong, this...Jing Shengchen actually called him?

Think about it, it's impossible.

"Are you Jing Shengchen?" Lu Qingrong still felt that it was impossible to ask because of this.

"Well. It's genuine." Jing Shengchen said.

Lu Qingrong was slightly taken aback, but he quickly sorted out his emotions, looked at Gu Xiaobai with cloudy eyes, and said, "Have you read the script of this movie?"

"I've seen it." Jing Shengchen replied while flipping through the script of "The Man in the Play".

"Gu Xiaobai has already refused to act as the heroine in my movie." When Lu Qingrong said this, he couldn't tell whether his tone was angry or angry.

However, the way he looked at Gu Xiaobai was a little more probing.

Gu Xiaobai smiled, very calmly.

Lu Qingrong looked at Dai Yujun and Gu Xiaobai, and suddenly said, "Can you play mahjong?"

"Yes." Gu Xiaobai replied.

Lu Qingrong laughed when he heard the answer, and he said to Jing Shengchen on the other end of the phone, "You are coming to Dai Yujun's house now, what is there for us to talk about face to face?"

Jing Shengchen naturally agreed happily, not only because of Lu Qingrong's words, but because he knew that Gu Xiaobai was currently at Dai Yujun's house, and if he passed by at this time, he could still see her, so he was naturally happy of.

(End of this chapter)

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