Chapter 850 One Billion Project
Chapter 870 Four One Billion Project
Jing Shengchen naturally agreed happily, not only because of Lu Qingrong's words, but because he knew that Gu Xiaobai was currently at Dai Yujun's house, and if he passed by at this time, he could still see her, so he was naturally happy of.

Jing Shengchen lived in an apartment not far from Imperial University, but it was opposite to Dai Yujun's home, so it took him a lot of time to get there.

Knowing that Jing Shengchen was coming, he had already kept the door open.

So as soon as Jing Shengchen arrived, he came in directly. At this time, he was a little nervous, but more complacent.

This is the first time he has done something for Gu Xiaobai. If this is done well, then she will be able to return to the entertainment industry, and he can also be her manager, always by her side .

Jing Shengchen took a deep breath, walked into the room, and found that there was mahjong on the mottled wooden table. Seeing the scene where three were missing, he sat down directly.

The four played mahjong in the middle of the night.

This mahjong game stopped after an hour, but Gu Xiaobai didn't win a single game in this hour of mahjong, and Yun Qi knew it all by heart.

She sighed sincerely, "If it was a money transfer, I might have lost hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars in just one hour!"

Dai Yujun and Lu Qingrong just smiled and whispered to each other, but Jing Shengchen put his head next to her ear and said slowly in a magnetic voice——

"It's okay to lose hundreds of thousands, even a few million..."

Gu Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and joked, "I know you are rich, but you can't be such a prodigal."

"I'm a prodigal!" Jing Shengchen said as a matter of course, he looked at Gu Xiaobai with lustful eyes, "We are talking about [-] million projects every night, you say I am not a prodigal."

Gu Xiaobai naturally understood the meaning of his words, and suddenly his delicate cheeks began to heat up, even the tips of his ears turned slightly red, and his heart was beating "thumping".

She gave Jing Shengchen a hard look, "Hooligans." She said that she was not afraid of hooligans who were uneducated, but she was afraid of educated hooligans, and now she understood the meaning of this sentence.

Gu Xiaobai's fierce stare turned into coquettishness in Jing Shengchen's eyes, and when he heard her words, he had no shame, his skin was as thick as the Great Wall, "I only scold you for hooliganism. "

Gu Xiaobai didn't bother to pay attention to Jing Shengchen anymore, if he continued, maybe this person would say something "erotic", and she would not be able to resist.

At this time, Dai Yujun and Lu Qingrong had also finished speaking.

Lu Qingrong looked at Jing Shengchen and said, "Gu Xiaobai has already rejected the lead actress in my movie. As her husband, you don't even know this?"

Lu Qingrong chatted with Dai Yujun just now to know what is the relationship between Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai?
Dai Yujun's love for Gu Xiaobai is well known, so he also started playing Weibo for her, so as not to miss any news from her, so he told Lu Qingrong everything he knew.

Jing Shengchen was taken aback for a moment, unable to react for a moment.

Gu Xiaobai spoke at this moment, "He really doesn't know..."

"He has always wanted me to come back to the entertainment industry. It just so happened that when I heard the news that you were planning to make a movie, I told him that if he could help me get the leading actress in your movie, I would come back to the entertainment industry and promised him to be my girlfriend." broker."

 [The last chapter posted the wrong chapter, and now it has been changed! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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