Chapter 851 Shock
Chapter 870 Shock

"He has always wanted me to come back to the entertainment industry. It just so happened that when I heard the news that you were planning to make a movie, I told him that if he could help me get the leading actress in your movie, I would come back to the entertainment industry and promised him to be my girlfriend." broker."

Gu Xiaobai explained the reason.

At first, Lu Qingrong thought that Gu Xiaobai was playing with him, but now that he heard her explanation, he didn't feel the slightest lump in his heart.

"If this movie is not changed to BG (male and female) orientation, you will not be able to play the leading role." Lu Qingrong said truthfully, if the original role setting of the script is really filmed, it will be BL (male and male) orientation. Yes, Gu Xiaobai has absolutely no chance of starring.

Gu Xiaobai smiled.

She didn't answer Lu Qingrong's words, but got up from her chair, walked to a relatively empty place in the living room, and directly acted out a Beijing opera scene in "The Man in the Play".

And also performed the scene in the script where the two protagonists are separated——

There are two protagonists in the play, one is called Huaxiaolou, an actor, and the other is called He Jun, a warlord.

Although Hua Xiaolou and He Jun have mutual love in their hearts, they still have to separate in the end.

When we were parting, Hua Xiaolou said to He Jun, "You have always heard me singing on stage, playing the role of Concubine Yu. Today we part, and I want to sing a song for you."

He Jun nodded, but his phoenix eyes were filled with tears.

Huaxiaolou sang an old-fashioned song, and this song also requires a high level of singing skills——drama accent.

Gu Xiaobai used the song "Red Makeup" instead, and she performed the opera accent and Beijing opera all at once, which directly shocked Lu Qingrong.

He looked at Gu Xiaobai at this moment, no, it should be said that he directly regarded her as Huaxiaolou.

A person with good acting skills is what he acts, not what he looks like. Her performance just now made Lu Qingrong completely forget that she is Yan Xuezhen in "Red Makeup", and even more forget that she is Gu Xiaobai himself , she is Huaxiaolou.

A small building that came out of the movie!
Lu Qingrong was extremely shocked at this moment.

Of course, not only he was shocked, but Dai Yujun was also shocked. He knew Gu Xiaobai's talent in singing, but he didn't expect that she could have a singing voice, which really surprised him!
But the most shocking thing is the old Zhangtou.

That's right, when Dai Yujun and the others finished playing mahjong, Lao Zhangtou stood outside the door. Before he entered the room, he saw Gu Xiaobai's performance, and he was extremely surprised!

He is a performer of Peking Opera, and an inheritor of Peking Opera. Gu Xiaobai's Peking Opera performance just now is completely at a professional level, whether it is gestures, gestures, eyebrows...

Now that she has performed so well before she even puts on the costume, if she puts on the costume that attracts fans and puts on Yu Ji's costume, and still winks like silk, then her every move will be enough to make a city!

"Girl, from now on, you can follow me to learn Peking opera." Old Zhangtou said excitedly, holding a pipe in his hand and taking a deep puff.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Old Zhangtou, why are you here?" Dai Yujun said, "Xiaobai, I won't learn Beijing opera from you."

Old Zhang turned his head arrogantly, instead of answering Dai Yujun's words, he said to Gu Xiaobai, "Your talent, if you don't learn Beijing opera well, it would be too wasteful!"

(End of this chapter)

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