Chapter 852 Accident
Chapter 870 An Accident

Old Zhang turned his head arrogantly, instead of answering Dai Yujun's words, he said to Gu Xiaobai, "Your talent, if you don't learn Beijing opera well, it would be too wasteful!"

If Zhangtou hadn't seen Gu Xiaobai's performance with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that the Beijing opera performance just now was performed by a 21-year-old girl, and even a person in his 50s or [-]s would not be able to perform what she just did.

As a drama idiot, when old Zhangtou saw such a good seedling, he naturally wanted to teach him a lesson.

"No way!" Dai Yujun directly refused for Gu Xiaobai.

"Don't talk, let Xiaobai speak for himself." Old Zhang's tone was very aggressive.

"Xiaobai can't promise you."


Lao Zhangtou and Dai Yujun quarreled again, like two old children, every time they talked, they quarreled.

Gu Xiaobai went straight to the kitchen, poured out a few cups of boiling water, and handed them directly to Dai Yujun and Lao Zhangtou, "You two old children, drink first and then quarrel."

"Hmph. Who wants to quarrel with him, childish!"

"Hmph. Who wants to quarrel with him, childish!"

Lao Zhangtou and Dai Yujun said in unison.

"Why did you learn to speak from me?"

"Why did you learn to speak from me?"

The two spoke tacitly again.

Lu Qingrong and Jing Shengchen were very surprised, but Gu Xiaobai took it easy and said to them, "Let them continue arguing, and it will stop in five minutes."

"En." Lu Qingrong responded, and began to talk about serious matters with Gu Xiaobai, "You will play this small building, and the script will remain the same as the master's original, and it will still be BL."

Gu Xiaobai's performance just now directly conquered him.

"But who does He Jun want to play?" Lu Qingrong asked Gu Xiaobai. At this moment, he didn't regard her as a junior, but as a work partner.

Gu Xiaobai was also very hesitant about He Jun's choice. In her heart, Ji Shuoming was the most suitable for this role. But, he still didn't want to step into the showbiz, he just wanted to sing well.

Now, he has gone through a series of things again, and he doesn't even want to touch it when he sings.

"Actually, Ji Shuoming is very suitable for the role of He Jun, but he will never play it." Gu Xiaobai said it truthfully after thinking for a while, "I saw him perform Peking Opera at Curtis Institute the year before last." The most famous "Farewell My Concubine", at that time, when I saw his performance, I was directly brought into He Jun."

Ji Shuoming, Lu Qingrong has also heard of this person.

"Besides him, who else can play the role?" Lu Qingrong knew that the current Ji Shuoming had already been deeply disappointed in Huaguo's entertainment industry.

Gu Xiaobai shook his head, "I don't know yet."

Lu Qingrong frowned slightly, this He Jun must find someone with excellent acting skills to play, otherwise it will be a big failure of this movie.

"I'll try to persuade him to play the role." Gu Xiaobai finally spoke after thinking about it.

She immediately picked up her mobile phone and called Ji Shuoming, but she still didn't answer after calling for a long time.

Gu Xiaobai felt uneasy in her heart, so she called Ruo Jingxing again.

"Jing Xing, why don't you call Ji Shuoming?" She went straight to the topic.

After a while, Ruo Jingxing called back, "No matter what I call, he won't answer!"

"Oops, something happened!" Gu Xiaobai said, "Hurry up, let's go find him now and see you at the hotel." A bad premonition popped up in her mind, and she felt flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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