Chapter 860: Encounter Mode On 4
Chapter 880 The fifth stalker mode is on 4
[Gu Xiaobai]: Derailed?How many pictures of Ji Shuoming and I hugging?Look, take what you can?Does the marketing account still have positive energy?Not smearing celebrities at will does not mean that there is no smearing!Silly X!

[Gu Xiaobai]: My fans scolded you in private messages?post evidence?Double standards for my fans?I haven't cheated, why are they double standards?
[Gu Xiaobai]: I really thought it was a person who was mentally handicapped like you!Your master cheated on the car and was arrested, and as his marketing account, you are not much better.

Gu Xiaobai contacted her several times and went back, but she still couldn't let go of her anger, but at this time, Nangong Mochen called.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?" Gu Xiaobai said to Nangong Mochen on the other end of the phone.

"Xiaobai, do you have a grudge against Cheng Youyou?"

"Yes. There is hatred! The hatred has grown! She is Cheng Youyun! How can there be no hatred!" Gu Xiaobai didn't know why Nangong Mochen suddenly mentioned the word Cheng Youyou.

Hearing Gu Xiaobai's words, Nangong Mochen understood everything.

"Xiaobai, the person who smeared you online is Cheng Youyou. She has already hooked up with Qin Muchang, and the two of them have developed to the point where they are about to meet their parents." Nangong Mochen said.

"What?" Gu Xiaobai was extremely surprised.

She didn't say anything to Nangong Mochen, Bian hung up the phone, her mood improved a lot, she said to Ruo Jingxing, "Qin Muchang and Cheng Youyou hooked up."

"At the beginning Liu Yiling hooked up with Gu Qianheng, now Cheng Youyou hooked up with her Qin Muchang, what a big show?" Ruo Jingxing said with disdain on his face.

Gu Xiaobai immediately sent a text message to the evil brother, telling him the whole story, and asked him to quickly post a long Weibo to summarize everything.

Brother Xie finished Weibo very quickly.

[Evil Brother]: Gu Xiaobai cheated on Ji Shuoming?Today, let's take a look at those superstars who are dying in the circle.

Netizens thought that the evil brother would pick up the evidence of Gu Xiaobai's divorce, but after looking at it, they found that this... This is basically picking up the skin.

——This time Gu Xiaobai’s cheating on Ji Shuoming has become a hot topic on Weibo. After seeing those pictures, the editor almost thought that he really cheated. ...Isn't this how Cheng Youyun entered the entertainment circle to hype it?

——Who is the godfather of the circle?Just like what Ruo Jingxing said, he is the marketing account that Qin Mu raised.

(Attach the microblogs that were just sorted out, those years when the godfather wantonly smeared Ruo Jingxing)
——Okay, the next step is to magnify the move. According to what I have gathered and know, Cheng Youyou has hooked up with Qin Muchang now, and why is she so recklessly slandering Gu Xiaobai?

——Cheng Youyou is the Cheng Youyun who everyone shouted and beaten in the past. Back then, Liu Yiling seduced the man Gu Qianheng who took her away, and now she has also seduced Qin Muchang. This is really a good show!However, there is a saying that is true, who will the sky spare?
The information that the evil brother picked up is all backed up, and it is accompanied by a lot of high-definition and uncensored pictures. Therefore, many netizens have read what he wrote, and it is well-founded. The relationship between Mu Chang and Liu Yiling.

Moreover, the pictures of the three of them together are proved by pictures, especially the scene of Che Zhen, and Cheng Youyou's whole body leaning on Qin Muchang's body. It's so embarrassing!
 The computer is broken, and I use my mobile phone to type. There seems to be a typo in the previous chapter. Thank you, little angel who voted, okay! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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