Chapter 861 The Great Reversal

Moreover, the pictures of the three of them together are proved by pictures, especially the scene of Che Zhen, and Cheng Youyou's whole body leaning on Qin Muchang's body. It's so embarrassing!
But within a few hours, everything seemed to be reasonable, but the godfather of the marketing circle who was on the side of justice turned into a villain who deliberately smeared Gu Xiaobai.

This reversal also caught the godfather of the circle who thought he was sure of winning a bit by surprise, and he didn't react immediately.

However, things are not over yet.

After Gu Xiaobai ranting against the godfather on Weibo, Shangguan Yuanfeng and Tang Yujin also posted on Weibo.

Perhaps, the two realized that they were sorry for Ji Shuoming, so they also began to pursue the godfather on Weibo.

[Shangguan Yuanfeng]: A screenshot of the microblog that the circle godfather deliberately smeared me has been saved. After the case at hand is over, I will ask him to go to court.

This Weibo is extremely lethal!

Ever since Shangguan Yuanfeng helped Yan Tianning succeed in the lawsuit, those marketing accounts that used to be arrogant and thought they were superior have long since disappeared on Weibo.

Therefore, the marketing account on Weibo is now scared when they see the words Shangguan Yuanfeng, not to mention that he personally sent a Weibo to file a lawsuit.

By the way, Shangguan Yuanfeng's Weibo name was changed on New Year's Eve.

And Tang Yujin also posted a sharp Weibo.

[Tang Yujin]: Godfather of circle, you are so powerful and love to make up your mind so much, why don't you become a detective?I believe that if someone as powerful as you is waiting for the detectives, there will be fewer unsolved cases in Huaguo.

These words are both explicitly and secretly satirizing the IQ of the godfather in the circle.

The godfather of Quan didn't expect that a Weibo post by himself would arouse the anger of the whole people.

Not only that, even Ruo Jingxing, Gu Xiaobai and others came out to post Weibo to refute the rumors, Shangguan Yuanfeng and Tang Yujin also came out.

Although Godfather Quan is afraid, he knows that things have become serious now, and he can't turn back. At this moment, he, Gu Xiaobai and others are either in a state of death or death.

He simply became ruthless and posted on Weibo again.

[The Godfather of the circle]: Having said so much, Gu Xiaobai, just explain the actions in this photo directly!You can't tolerate my doubts when you hug each other like this!

Gu Xiaobai has been scrolling through Weibo, waiting for the godfather of Quan to counterattack.

When she saw this sentence, a slight disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her lips. In her opinion, the godfathers in this circle are really weak!

[Gu Xiaobai]: I didn't send you the picture, why should I explain it to you?Besides, what is my relationship with you?As my husband, Jing Shengchen won't let me explain, who are you?

This sentence can be said to be quite arrogant!
And it is precisely because of such arrogance that many netizens like it, and they all start to sigh...

"I just like Gu Xiaobai who is so arrogant! Whether you are convinced or not, I will let you!"

"I believe this is Gu Xiaobai herself! She is the only one who dares to slander marketing accounts like this! If there is one, there will be one, and if there is one, there will be none!"

"Some people just like to add drama to themselves, and they don't even see if others are willing to watch your drama. They deserve to be hated!"


The godfather of Quan has long been dumbfounded!He has also heard about Gu Xiaobai, and knows that she is eloquent, but he never thought that she would be so arrogant, disdain is disdain, and she will be angry if she doesn't agree with her!
(End of this chapter)

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