Chapter 862

The godfather of Quan has long been dumbfounded!He has also heard about Gu Xiaobai, and knows that she is eloquent, but he never thought that she would be so arrogant, disdain is disdain, and she will be angry if she doesn't agree with her!
Her poisonous tongue is even more difficult for him to resist!

However, the godfather of the circle would not admit defeat so clearly. He contacted several marketing accounts of himself who were also in the entertainment industry, and found the marketing account that Gu Xiaobai had slandered at the beginning.

He made a plan and planned to blackmail Gu Xiaobai to death, and let her know the fate of offending the marketing account.

After the circle godfather plan was formulated, he thought it was perfect.

In the middle of the night, he glanced at the night sky, a successful smile curled up on the corner of his lips, as if he saw Gu Xiaobai's fate of being scolded by everyone.

late at night.

Three in the morning.

The Godfather of Quan used his own Weibo to post another Weibo.

[The Godfather of the circle]: I won't get involved with a cheating woman. You can't explain the matter of your picture, so that's why you changed the subject like this!Isn't that what you are good at?

After posting this Weibo, he asked the well-connected marketing account to forward it and wrote, begging Gu Xiaobai for an explanation, he couldn't tolerate the green hat worn by No. [-] Quan Shao in the imperial capital.

All major marketing accounts retweeted it together, instantly making this matter bigger and bigger, and the most unexpected thing is that Jing Shengchen's fans also started to crusade against Gu Xiaobai.

And this is what the godfather of circle wants to see.

However, I wonder if these so-called Jing Shengchen fans are his?After all, he had torn his fans for Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai was not asleep at this time, neither were Jing Shengchen and the others.

Ruo Jingxing immediately counterattacked the Weibo posted by the godfather of Quan!
[Ruo Jingxing]: Qin Muchang is not so mentally retarded, as his dog is so stupid!Is this the real way to open pictures? 〃Nine-square-grid picture.

These nine pictures are Ruo Jingxing, Gu Xiaobai, and Ji Shuoming hugging together, while Jing Shengchen is standing there watching.

Ruo Jingxing took these pictures at Jinsheng Hotel, and she also took the video.However, she does not plan to release the footage just yet.

As soon as these pictures were released, they caused heated discussions. Some Photoshop experts saw these photos and said bluntly that there was no trace of PS. This also proved that Ruo Jingxing's photos were real.

The only difference between the photo of Godfather Quan and Ruo Jingxing is the number of people hugging together in the photo.

This also proves that the photos of Godfather Quan were edited on purpose, and he did so for only one purpose - to discredit Gu Xiaobai.

Under the banner of never smearing a celebrity at will, the Godfather of Quan thinks he is fair from a moral point of view, but now he has been slapped in the face!
At the beginning, he established himself as a tall and positive marketing account, but now, after being slapped in the face, he has aroused the wrath of netizens!
Gu Xiaobai is such a good person, whether it is the first Grand Slam of Huaguo International Film Queen, or she is dedicated to promoting Huaguo culture, or helping Huaguo win the championship at the international talent exchange meeting, she is popular among passers-by. Very good.

now.She was wantonly smeared, and these passers-by were naturally angry!

Angry passers-by can't afford it!
The godfather of Quan didn't expect that his plan was so perfect that he was found out, and he himself caused the wrath of the online game!
Things got worse and worse, so he hurriedly asked his benefactor, Qin Muchang, to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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