Chapter 869 New Movie

Chapter 890 Five New Movies
Compared to Cheng Youyun and Lu Chi's goofy TV series, Gu Xiaobai became popular on the Internet again, and now she also has a new nickname of her own - Almighty Queen!
The thing is like this, Zhang Huasheng, who belongs to the new head of Huaguo Peking Opera, posted a video on Weibo, and also sighed on Weibo——

[Zhang Huasheng]: I have never seen a child who is so talented in Peking Opera. No matter in terms of performance or voice, the performance is so perfect. I really hope that she can learn Peking Opera from me.

Peking Opera is the national quintessence of China, and it is included in the list of representative works of the world's intangible cultural heritage of mankind. It has a pivotal position in the culture and art of China.

As the most famous contemporary Peking Opera performer, Zhang Huasheng is naturally popular. Therefore, many fans clicked on the video he posted and watched the woman in the video perform a piece of Peking Opera, completely shocked.

As lovers of Peking opera, although they are not as strong as Zhang Huasheng, they still understand the most basic accent.

Before they clicked on the video, they thought that the person who could be praised by Zhang Huasheng must be a good Peking Opera, but after listening to it, they found that this is more than good!Simply perfect!

They were all overwhelmed by this Beijing opera performance, and spontaneously began to brush up a topic #华国京opera维人#.

This topic quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list, but it was only at the bottom of the hot search list, which was not enough, and it was quite eye-catching.

Many netizens are extremely curious when they read the topic of #华国京剧后者人#. Could it be that a great genius has appeared in the Peking Opera world?
They all thought that this Peking opera genius was a child of seven or eight years old or in his teens, but they never expected it to be—Gu Xiaobai!

That's right, the performer of the Peking Opera video posted by Zhang Huasheng is Gu Xiaobai.

And Zhang Huasheng is the old Zhangtou who lives in the courtyard with Dai Yujun and others.

Many netizens clicked into the topic out of curiosity, and then saw the woman in the video performing a Peking Opera performance. That figure, that opera tone, is really... shocking!
——Let me go, the Peking Opera performer in this video seems to be my queen——Gu Xiaobai!
- That's right!It's Her Lady Queen!Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen can even know Peking Opera!
——Not only will it!As a lover of Peking Opera, Her Majesty Queen has at least ten years of experience in impromptu performances of Peking Opera.

Even though it was dark and in a small room during the filming, netizens could recognize that the Peking Opera performer was Gu Xiaobai.

But what shocked the netizens even more is that Jing Shengchen, needless to say, is the person who appeared in this video. As the number one power in the imperial capital, many people in Huaguo know him, but the identities of the other two old men were found out by netizens. .

——My partners were stunned!Just came back from Thousand Degrees!It's amazing to find Her Lady Queen!The two old men who watched her performance in that room were Dai Yujun, the father of the entertainment industry, and Lu Qingrong, the top director in Huaguo.

——Qiandu came back to add one, and was stunned by the queen!

——The queen is so powerful and works so hard, why am I still so lazy!

Netizens swiped the topic, admiring Gu Xiaobai very much, thinking that she is really omnipotent, and directly gave her the title of an omnipotent goddess. However, some netizens felt that the word "goddess" was too vulgar, so they replaced it with "Queen!"

(End of this chapter)

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