Chapter 870 Variety Show Recording
Chapter 890 Six Variety Show Recording

Netizens swiped the topic, admiring Gu Xiaobai very much, thinking that she is really omnipotent, and directly gave her the title of an omnipotent goddess. However, some netizens felt that the word "goddess" was too vulgar, so they replaced it with "Queen!"

Because, they think that this is the only way to match Gu Xiaobai's arrogance!
However, Gu Xiaobai didn't know all this, because after Ji Shuoming was discharged from the hospital, she went to Shacheng to record the second episode of "Travel with the Wind".

But this time, Jing Shengchen also followed her. His excuse was - as your manager, I must follow you, lest you be bullied when the time comes.

Gu Xiaobai naturally did not believe his words.

Indeed, even Jing Shengchen himself didn't believe it, he followed Gu Xiaobai in order to drive away all the men who wanted to get close to her.

After the first episode of "Travel with the Wind" was broadcast, the ratings directly broke 3, breaking multiple ratings records for Huaguo variety shows, and also attracted a lot of advertising investment from the father of the sponsor. Therefore, the program group is also inevitable. become rich.

The recording of the second episode of "Travel with the Wind" has officially started.

As the host, Cui Hongwei came out first, and he said first, "As the saying goes, seeing each other every day is like three autumns. Thinking about it, we haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. It took us seven or eight years to record a show. If this is recorded for twelve episodes, wouldn't we have to wait until we are all old?"

Cui Hongwei has always been humorous, and this remark naturally amused the people present.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate all the guests here, and also congratulate all the staff of "Travel with the Wind". After the first episode of our program was broadcast, the ratings directly broke 3."

Everyone applauded enthusiastically, what an honor!
Cui Hongwei continued, "In the first episode of the program, I went to City X, where we had a very pleasant life for three days and two nights, and a lot of things happened there."

"For example, our almighty queen, Gu Xiaobai, was confessed by the two most outstanding men in the world."

"For another example, Yan Tianning's cooking skills are perfect."

"And Lu Xingyu's cuteness."

"To count, in the first episode of the program, there are really many places worth remembering, but in view of the success of the first episode, I will also record the second episode in Shacheng." Cui Hongwei said.

The location of the second episode of "Travel with the Wind" is in the ancient city of Shacheng.

The ancient city of Shacheng has always been very famous and is loved by many tourists. It has clear and transparent lake water and ancient architectural houses. Every bit of it, every flower and grass here is full of classical atmosphere. Here is also The world of foodies!

There are many famous snacks in Shacheng, such as crayfish and stinky tofu.

Of course, the ancient city also has places of various ethnic cultures, because it is composed of 28 ethnic groups such as Miao, Han, and Tujia. These ethnic cultures have naturally become a major feature of the ancient city.

After arriving in the ancient city, Gu Xiaobai and others ushered in their first task - singing folk songs duet.

Singing folk songs duet is a blind date in disguise for a few ethnic groups. They will sing along with love songs to get a feel for each other. If they like it in their hearts, they will try it together.

Gu Xiaobai and the others thought that six people would be divided into three clans for the antiphonal folk songs this time, but what they didn't expect was that the program team actually found six guests for them.

(End of this chapter)

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