Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 871 "Travel with the Wind" Issue 2 Chapter Contents

Chapter 871 Recording of the second episode of "Travel with the Wind"
Chapter 890 Recording of the second episode of "Travel with the Wind"
Gu Xiaobai and the others thought that six people would be divided into three clans for the antiphonal folk songs this time, but what they didn't expect was that the program team actually found six guests for them.

These six guests are all locals in the ancient city, and their singing skills are very high, and they are also very pleasant to hear.

Cui Hongwei walked up to the six guests and said to them, "Your first task today is to select one of these six people to sing a folk song duet."

"After the duet of the folk songs, locals from the ancient city came to vote, and those who voted first could get priority in getting the house they chose to live in." Cui Hongwei explained the task.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, his eyes narrowed, "By the way, the house I chose to live in this time, each house has corresponding benefits."

"What benefits?"

Cui Hongwei smiled and said, "Adhering to the usual stingy image of the program group, this time, each house has corresponding benefits. These benefits are, the first room can eat and drink for free for one day, and the second room has two meals. Room [-] is a section, and the rest of the rooms have to cook by themselves."

self catering?

To Yan Tianning and Gu Xiaobai, this was nothing, but to Lu Xingyu and other kitchen killers, it was simply a nightmare.

"Teacher Cui, isn't this too cruel? As a kitchen killer, could it be that...you can only wait to die of starvation?" Fan Yanghong cried out in pain.

He turned his head to Yan Tianning and said, "Little sheep, please take care of me! Know martial arts, warm the bed, eat,..."

"No problem, if you're hungry, sister, I'll cover you!" Yan Tianning said with a big sister.

In the last program, Yan Tianning's cooking skills not only conquered the audience, but also conquered the guests who recorded the program together.

After Cui Hongwei finished the task, the task began, but both Yan Tianning and Gu Xiaobai chose to abstain. After all, they both know how to cook and can cook by themselves. Therefore, they have to give up the ranking to Fan Yanghong and the other four.

"I quit this mission."

"I quit this mission."

Yan Tianning and Gu Xiaobai said at the same time.

Cui Hongwei looked at them in surprise, "Can you tell me why you quit? If, if I remember correctly, both of you have good singing skills!"

"Because I can cook!"

"Because I can cook!"

Two voices sounded in unison.

"Yan Tianning knows how to cook and is good at cooking. I know this, but I didn't expect that our almighty queen can also cook?" Cui Hongwei was really curious about Gu Xiaobai.

He never thought that Gu Xiaobai could cook.

"Ms. Cui, Xiaobai's cooking skills are much better than mine, whether it's spicy crayfish or cake." Yan Tianning said.

"Why does Her Lady Queen still make cakes?"

"My Lady Queen can cook?"


The guests present were extremely shocked when they heard Yan Tianning's words. After being surprised, they were downcast. They felt that they might have followed a fake idol, or that they were not a qualified fan.

They don't even know that Her Lady Queen can cook!

Gu Xiaobai didn't deny it, nodded directly and said, "Yes, I can cook." She raised her lips with a smile, "Not only can I cook, I can also make cakes, homemade milk tea with passion fruit A lot of me too."

(End of this chapter)

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