Chapter 892
Chapter 910

The general manager's secretary was hanging his head, not daring to kick him, "What's going on? Why overnight, no, it should be said that in one afternoon, our VG was boycotted by the majority of netizens, and even by many The cooperating company directly canceled the cooperation, and was also reported by Gu Xiaobai?"

The general manager of VG clenched his hands tightly and threw the pen in his hand to the ground forcefully. The anger in his heart was still not vented. He looked at the secretary who was hesitant to speak, and his heart became more and more irritable.

He slapped his hands and said to his secretary, "Speak straight, don't hide it. If this public relations is not handled well, not only I will be fired, but you, as well as the entire VG staff will be fired. "

VG, one of the top five fashion magazines in Huaguo, was boycotted by the whole people. If this... hadn't happened right in front of our eyes, it would be really hard to believe it!
"This incident was caused by the director, Dai Gaojun. She deliberately embarrassed Gu Xiaobai, and also humiliated and satirized her in our VG company. Not only that, but also discredited her on the Internet..."

"Because of Dai Gaojun's deliberate slander, LF, the top international fashion magazine, canceled the opening of a branch in China for Gu Xiaobai, which aroused the anger of LF fans, and the boycott was also caused by them."

The secretary told the whole thing to the general manager of VG.

When the general manager of VG heard the words "LF canceled the opening of a branch in Huaguo", his whole face was so gloomy that water dripped out, because LF opened a branch in Huaguo in an attempt to cooperate with fashion magazines in Huaguo. VG is currently trying its best to cooperate with LF.

As long as VG can cooperate with LF, then there is no harm to VG, and it may even become the number one fashion magazine in Huaguo, but now, it was... destroyed by Dai Gaojun.

By the way, Dai Gaojun is the fashion director of VG, and she also has another identity, which is Cheng Youyun's cousin.

"Let Dai Gaojun come to me." The general manager of VG said in a deep voice, but when the secretary walked to the door, he said temporarily, "Forget it, let me find the whole story of this matter first. It's PR that matters."

The secretary nodded. At this time of VG's crisis, a seemingly invisible smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and the smile on her face grew stronger when she saw Dai Gaojun walking towards the general manager's office.

She thought to herself, "Dai Gaojun, this time, let's see if you can stay in VG."


Compared to VG's desperation, the online campaign against them and boycotts is far from over.

Because, Gu Xiaobai directly posted a video of himself talking in VG Dai Gaojun's office, and also directly posted two legally binding lawyer's letters.

[Gu Xiaobai]: Although the movie "Red Makeup" is not allowed to be screened in China, it has achieved good results abroad and in Asia, and it is obvious to all that it has broken records in many countries.I can bear the ridicule and embarrassment from your VG director, but I don't accept that you wantonly smear me and keep saying that I am an international actress bought with money!The lawyer's letter has been sent, and we will see you in court. //Attach the video of the conversation of the day.

Gu Xiaobai, who has 100 million followers on Weibo, once posted this Weibo, it was reposted hundreds of thousands immediately, with more than 500 million comments, and more than [-] million likes. Of course, this Weibo Bo also made netizens and fans see clearly that the real instigator of this incident is Dai Gaojun, the director of VG.

(End of this chapter)

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