Chapter 893
Chapter 910 IX The Whole Network Group Laughs

Gu Xiaobai, who has 100 million followers on Weibo, once posted this Weibo, it was reposted hundreds of thousands immediately, with more than 500 million comments, and more than [-] million likes. Of course, this Weibo Bo also made netizens and fans see clearly that the real instigator of this incident is Dai Gaojun, the director of VG.

In particular, Dai Gaojun cocked his legs and said to Gu Xiaobai with disdain, "To tell you the truth, based on your taunt just now, I not only want VG to block you, but also the entire fashion circle to block you." !” This sentence was ridiculed by netizens.

What's more, she also satirized Gu Xiaobai's international best actress grand slam because of his family background and money.

Regarding what Dai Gaojun did and said, netizens naturally began to ridicule, and even wrote her tone of speech to ridicule, and swept the entire Internet like a whirlwind, making her get the "treatment! "

——If you have money, you can buy an international actress grand slam?Why don't you use your stupidity as your capital to show off your IQ!
——I, Dai Gaojun, put my words here today. In this fashion circle, I will block you every minute. Does she really think she is Ye Liangchen?It's just that the director of VG, one of the top five first-line magazines in Huaguo, really thinks of himself as a green onion?

——Where did Dai Gaojun find the courage to mock Gu Xiaobai?Without VG, she was featured in LF, one of the two largest magazines in the world, and LF wanted to open a branch in Huaguo just for her!

At the same time, the general manager of VG also called Dai Gaojun after seeing the whole incident.

Dai Gaojun waited in the general manager's office and two or three disappeared.

The general manager of VG is Chen Zheng, who graduated from the Ivy League University in the United States with a master's degree. After returning from the United States, he directly joined VG as the general manager.

Chen Zheng was working for VG, but his performance was not very good. He could only maintain the previous sales volume in front of VG, but he also lost several advertising revenues on the inside pages of the magazine.

Chen Zheng's gloomy face that dripped water, and his dark pupils were also full of coldness looking at Dai Gaojun, "It's all right for you to be domineering in the company, but you can satirize Gu Xiaobai? Is it someone you can provoke?"

"Why can't Gu Xiaobai be provoked? I just want to embarrass her, teach her a lesson, and let her know that a rustic person like her can't get involved in the fashion industry?" Even if VG is now being boycotted by the entire network, Dai Gaojun didn't pay attention at all.

Dai Gaojun felt that the resistance from netizens was just a whim.

Chen Zheng was annoyed by her indifferent attitude and thinking that she had done nothing wrong.

"What Gu Xiaobai relies on is only his family background..."

Before Dai Gaojun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Zheng, "Hehe, if Gu Xiaobai relied on his family background, then you would have already left VG by now, and you would have already left Huaguo."

"Don't talk about Jing Shengchen, just talk about the Chu family, one of the five great families in the imperial capital, if they want to seek justice for Gu Xiaobai, they will make you regret being born in this world within minutes." Chen Zheng sneered and mocked .

Dai Gaojun said disapprovingly, "The Chu family will stand up for Gu Xiaobai? Is she just an outsider who just returned to the Chu family? The Chu family will only despise her for causing trouble."

Chen Zheng was so angry that the top of his head was smoking. He only now knew that Dai Gaojun was so stupid and ignorant. Just as he was about to teach her a lesson, the secretary walked in from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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