Chapter 894 Loss
Chapter 920 Loss
Chen Zheng was so angry that the top of his head was smoking. He only now knew that Dai Gaojun was so stupid and ignorant. Just as he was about to teach her a lesson, the secretary walked in from outside.

Because the door was ajar, and the matter came suddenly and urgently and had to be dealt with immediately, the secretary forgot to knock on the door and walked in directly.

Chen Zheng originally wanted to reprimand him, but looking at his usually steady secretary, his face was filled with anxiety, so he asked in a low voice, "What happened again?"

The secretary said anxiously, "No, after some inquiries, this time Gu Xiaobai hired Shangguan Yuanfeng as a lawyer to sue us, and the Chu Group also filed a lawsuit against our VG in the name of the Chu family, and also filed a lawsuit against us. Directly issued an order, the industry and employees of the Chu Group will block VG."

"What?" Chen Zheng's expression became more and more ugly, and Xiudi got up from the chair. He just mentioned the Chu family, but unexpectedly, the Chu family made a move. His dark pupils were full of coldness and looked at Dai Gaojun.

"It's just an inquiry, and it's not true. What's the rush? Do you really think the Chu family will stand up for Gu Xiaobai? She is also worthy..."

Before Dai Gaojun finished speaking, he was interrupted by his secretary, "Not only the Chu family wants to ban VG, but even one of the top 100 Huaguo companies that we have been cooperating with has also started to cancel their advertising. They also plan to sue VG for breach of contract, demanding that we pay 10 times the liquidated damages.”

Chen Zheng's entire face turned pale. Just Gu Xiaobai put VG on the verge of disintegration. He yelled directly at Dai Gaojun, "See what you've done?"

"I said that Gu Xiaobai can't offend you, but she still wants to offend you. She is not ashamed of her family background and doesn't take it seriously. The Chu family will teach you how to behave every minute."

Dai Gaojun also understood the seriousness of the matter at this time. Until now, she still couldn't believe that Gu Xiaobai had really brought so much influence to VG.

The money that fashion magazines make is not the sales but the advertisements in the magazine pages. It is nothing if one advertiser withdraws an advertisement, but a group of advertisers withdraws their advertisements, which is enough to explain the problem.

"Dai Gaojun, get out of the office." Chen Zheng pointed at her and said, "This time, you will bear all the losses of VG."

"Chen Zheng!" Dai Gaojun snapped, "Why?"

Before Chen Zheng could speak, the secretary at the side mocked, "Why? Dai Gaojun, you still have the face to say such a thing now?"

"I always knew you were stupid and stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid as a pig. This time, public relations are useless. If one is not handled well, the entire VG will be ruined. By then, not only will you be unemployed You, me, the general manager, and the entire VG staff."

Dai Gaojun froze on the spot, she didn't expect the secretary who always had a low brow and pleasing eyes to scold her directly, a burst of anger swept through her heart, "You are just a secretary, what right do you have to talk to me like that?"

The secretary looked up at Dai Gaojun with a half-smile, "Qualifications? In terms of qualifications, you have no ability to be the director of VG. In terms of company positions, I am the secretary and you are the director. I am older than you!"

Chen Zheng watched these two people quarreling directly, and his heart became more and more irritable. He kneaded the space between his brows, waved his hands, and said, "Both of you get out of here."

What Chen Zheng didn't know was that Jing Shengchen also made a move on VG.

(End of this chapter)

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