Chapter 895 Calculation
Chapter 920 Calculation

What Chen Zheng didn't know was that Jing Shengchen also made a move on VG.

No, it should be said that he has already made a move.

From the moment he complained on Weibo with the Weibo trumpet "Gu Xiaobai's Leg Pendant" and directly told the whole incident, he took action against VG.

Thinking back that day, Dai Gaojun satirized Gu Xiaobai and embarrassed her, he was very angry.

Today's Gu Xiaobai is full of thousands of pets, not only he is afraid of her being bullied, but also Nangong Mochen, the Chu family, Dai Yujun and others.

And Dai Gaojun is just the director of a fashion magazine, but he directly embarrassed her, satirized her, and discredited her on Weibo.

This made Jing Shengchen completely unbearable.

What's more, this time, Dai Gaojun slandered Gu Xiaobai on the Internet, many of whom were fueled by Cheng Youyun.

Thinking of Gu Xiaobai being killed by Cheng Youyun in Gu Xiaobai's previous life, not only that, but also causing her to become a street mouse, everyone shouted and beat her, and she also suffered from depression, Jing Shengchen's anger became more and more uncontrollable.

Jing Shengchen directly posted on Weibo and posted a status——

[Jing Shengchen]: In response to the fact that my wife Gu Xiaobai was bullied by Dai Gaojun and VG, the Jing family has dispatched a team of lawyers to file a lawsuit against VG. Cheng Youyun, who has undergone cosmetic surgery, continues to wantonly smear my wife on the Internet. A lawyer has been sent to file a lawsuit against the matter.

As soon as this Weibo post came out, Jing Shengchen undoubtedly won the favor of many netizens. His wife was bullied, so he directly took action to help his wife get justice. The male hormones were simply bursting, and her husband's strength was MAX!

But Gu Xiaobai, who was the person involved, didn't take this matter seriously. She should eat and drink as usual, and taking no belt means she doesn't hold grudges.

After discussing this matter on the Internet for several days, some netizens suddenly discovered that Gu Xiaobai, who is the party involved, has not come out to speak yet?
It was only then that everyone realized that Gu Xiaobai hadn't shown up when the incident was so big. This is... the person involved!A forgotten party in history.

However, the netizens were not disappointed. Gu Xiaobai, who had disappeared for several days, finally posted a Weibo——

[Gu Xiaobai]: After eating, drinking and sleeping for several days, I finally have time to deal with this matter. To be honest, the opponent’s IQ is too low and the grade is not high. Here is a statement, it is not the Huaguo fashion circle that blocked me, but I blocked the Huaguo fashion circle. Since you think you are superior and you feel that you are very high, then please don’t ask entertainment stars to shoot the cover let alone Putting a lot of advertisements in the inside pages of the magazine will make it look like you are low-grade and rustic, not even a coquettish bitch.

Gu Xiaobai also added a picture, the content of the picture is - a backhand is a slap.

Seeing her Weibo, countless netizens began to express their emotions.

——It’s still a familiar recipe, and it’s still a familiar taste.In terms of domineering, I only obey Gu Xiaobai. Today, I also formally bow down under Her Lady Queen's skirt.

——When it comes to hating people, I only obey Gu Xiaobai!When it should be venomous, it is absolutely unambiguous, and when it should be sharp, it is relentless. The reasonable and well-founded rebuttals make people vomit blood!
—I'm already crazy!I just want to watch Gu Xiaobai hate others, I just want to see her poisonous tongue.Her Lady Queen has spoken venomously a hundred times, I treat Her Lady Queen like first love!

(End of this chapter)

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