The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 103 The gods hear different ways, Xiao Qiang has no chance to practice hard work

Chapter 103 The gods hear different ways, Xiao Qiang has no chance to practice hard work

The sound of the Dao in the Zixiao Palace turns into various mysterious pictures and texts, golden in color, illusions come and go, talismans flow, and the brilliance flickers; all kinds of Dao realms evolve into a boundless world, whose length cannot be known, whose width cannot be measured, and how big the sky is. High, I don't know how heavy it is.

I saw Taoist Hongjun, a black jade butterfly hovering above his head, sprinkling immeasurable cool brilliance, the five qi tumbling, transpiring upwards, forming ten thousand acres of colorless clouds, on which three big purple lotuses took root, stretching their stems. The leaves, the stems are tall and straight, the lotus leaves are green and green, and the petals are as big as a wheel, dripping and spinning continuously, swallowing immeasurable starlight, and spraying immeasurable spiritual rain.The inscriptions on the avenue formed golden flowers and auspicious aura, falling down the ashram.Showing the demeanor of the Taoist ancestors, the saint is powerful!

Under the stage, Laozi sat with his eyes closed, quiet and inactive, without showing the slightest expression, three flowers gathering on the top, five qi in the Yuan Dynasty, and three red lotuses floating on the red Qingyun with a large mu field, shaking their heads and swaying with the sound of Daozu Daozu Sheng posture; Yuanshi Tianzun sits solemnly, with thousands of golden flowers on the golden clouds, and the auspicious air forms a wreath, hanging upside down to protect the whole body, with thousands of golden lamps, dripping like water dripping in front of the eaves; The person straightened his waist, closed his eyes tightly, and the five qi formed five white waves to wash back and forth on the Qingyun, and the three big green lotuses floated up and down, wandering back and forth.Because Sanqing was transformed by the three parts of Pangu's primordial spirit, and possessed great merits and virtues to open the sky, he has excellent natural talents and profound blessings.

Nuwa Empress embroidered eyebrows slightly wrinkled, red lips tightly pursed, and a golden glow was shining on her head. A giant snake swam on it, shaking its head and tail, swallowing immeasurable spiritual energy, soaring up, trying to swallow the sky; The big milky white relic blooms with immeasurable light. There are virtual images of flying in the sky and eight dragons preaching scriptures. There is also a six-foot-long golden body sitting on it. Zhunti Taoist, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, in a state of great compassion and joy, in the midst of the clouds of celebration, a giant tree stands on top of it, the whole body is golden, neither gold nor jade, and a killing spirit of Gengjin lingers on it, three A bucket of big golden relics is like a big sun in the sky, shining brightly. I saw a golden body twelve feet high sitting under the bodhi tree. , Divine pestle, treasure file, golden bell, golden bow, silver halberd, banner, etc., are golden and shining directly across the universe.

Jieyin Zhunti's aptitude and fortune are slightly inferior to those of Sanqing, but they are also heavenly sages, and their aptitude and fortune are superior. As the foundation, comprehend and evolve eight hundred side-door methods, and establish the Western Buddhist practice system.The brothers and sisters of Nuwa Fuxi, a heavenly sage and a heavenly emperor, are also people with profound aptitude and extraordinary talents. Although they are not as good as the Sanqing Jieyin, they still understand [-]% to [-]% of the Dao.

There is also the ancestor of Kunpeng, with an acre of dark green clouds above his head, with the posture of a vast ocean and waves, the cold air is transpiring, and hoarfrost is condensed, and something like a bird or a fish plays in it. In Yunxiao, a palace made of profound ice floats on it, blooming white bone-piercing cold light, exuding icy divine light, shining for thousands of miles.

There is also a great immortal with a purple gold crown on his head and a worry-free crane cloak.The shoes are on the feet, and the ribbon is tied around the waist.The body is like a boy's appearance, the face is like a beauty's face, three beards flutter down the chin, and crows overlap the sideburns.This is the Yuanzi of the town. I saw an ancient big book floating on the khaki-colored Qingyun. It spews out the air of infinite earth and absorbs the rain of light between opening and closing. A green fruit tree bears thirty fruits on it. , the fruit looks like a child under three dynasties, with all four limbs and five senses.It is the ginseng fruit tree that blooms once in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, ripens in another 3000 years, and can be eaten in 1 years.

There is also the sun above the blazing clouds, as if the sun had just risen, igniting the raging golden flames of the sun, a golden crow with three legs hovering and dancing around the sun, an ancient copper bell swinging back and forth, and the haze gathers and the mist surrounds it, making it impossible to see; There is a picture and a tortoise shell above the emperor's golden cloud, drawing countless mysterious tracks, interpreting the stars and stars in the sky, as if there are countless stars gathered, like the Milky Way reappearing, running across it, there is also a golden crow with three legs neighing back and forth around the top of the head , thumping endlessly.....
These few people, together with Hongyun Minghe, Dongwang Gongxi Wangmu and other great gods, are not as comprehensible as those who have obtained the holy throne. They can only understand [-] to [-] percent. The place where he is, is frowning, and his demeanor is changing.

In the entire Zixiao Palace, the one who gained the most must be Sanqing at the forefront!But it is not the last one who has heard the least gain!It was Xiao Qiang sitting in the upper left corner! !
Xiao Qiang sat on that special futon, but he couldn't understand anything about Hongjun's Dao.Originally Xiao Qiang was wondering, why did Hongjun give them futons for four of them after he gave Haotian Yaochi two yellow plums?This treatment of later generations has never appeared in the novel, this futon must have another article, now Xiao Qiang feels that this futon must be used to interfere with his listening.But when he turned his head and looked at the three of Gu Junyue, he became even more puzzled. Daozu spoke every word of Zhuji, and the sound was like music; Live by yourself and start to feel complacent.

It turned out that when Hongjun began to preach, Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao Tian Di Dao kept coming from the mouth of Taoist Ancestor, but when Xiao Qiang wanted to understand Hong Jun Dao Dao, the golden light of the soul in Yuanshen rioted!All the truths about the Dao are forced to retreat by the golden light of the soul under influence!

In short, Xiao Qiang didn't listen to the Tao, and Xiao Qiang felt very depressed!Is it easy for me to come once?It’s hard to come across Daozu’s preaching, and it’s rare for others to have the opportunity to listen to it, but I can’t listen to it! !Woohoo, why am I so miserable! !
Xiao Qiang is depressed!But he didn't remember the Hongjun Dao desperately like the people around him!Of course he can't remember these avenues either!After a long time, Xiao Qiang let go!Since the avenue won't let me listen, I won't listen! !Xiao Qiang's character of letting nature take its course was fully revealed again.

So in the whole hall, Xiao Qiang is the most relaxed!With the help of the aura gathered when Hongjun preached the Tao, he actually began to practice the "Tianyan Immortal Art". Aren't you resisting Hongjun's way?So now is the right time to practice, and only by practicing in adversity can we grow!Seeing this, Hongjun who was sitting on the cloud platform and watching Xiao Qiang secretly had a hidden smile on his lips.

The sun rises and sets, the tide rises and falls, the years do not count the years, the mayflies have died billions of times, and the gods are just dozing. 360 Five years have passed, and in Zixiao Palace, Daozu opened his pair of star eyes that can devour the universe.

The people immersed in the artistic conception woke up one after another, bowed down to the Taoist ancestor, and shouted: "Greetings, teacher, I wish the teacher a life without bounds!" It is the duty of educating all living beings, so Zixiao Palace opened up the Dao. If you have any questions, I can answer them one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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