The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 104 Hongjun Answers the Questions of the Gods, and the Best Shadow Appears in Zixiao Palace

Chapter 104 Hongjun Answers the Questions of the Gods, and the Best Shadow Appears in Zixiao Palace

"Teacher, where do you dare to ask? What is Tao?" Hearing what Hongjun said, although I understood a lot of things in my heart, I found that there were more things I didn't understand. Quickly asked.

"The Tao is in the heart, and it is also in the world. Everything is the Tao, and the Tao is the myriad things." Hongjun replied concisely and profoundly.

"Teacher, what is a saint?" Yuan Yuan followed closely.

"A sage does nothing, so he never loses; he doesn't hold on, so he doesn't lose. Husbands may act or follow; they may brag or brag; they may be strong or weak; they may carry or slack. It is the sage who goes to extremes, extravagance, and luxury."

"Teacher, what is the road to enlightenment?" Tongtian asked. This is not only a question that Tongtian cares about, but everyone present is also very concerned about this issue. Even Haotian and Yaochi, who were standing next to Hongjun, pricked up their ears seriously listen.

"There are three thousand ways, all of which can lead to enlightenment. But in summary, there are no more than three ways to prove the way. One is to prove the way with strength, that is, to use your own infinite and profound mana and cultivation to break free from the shackles of heaven and become a saint. The sage who proves the Dao with the Dharma is the most powerful, and Pangu chose this method. The second is to kill the three corpses to prove the Dao. With the help of the innate treasure, entrust the three corpses, cut off the three corpses, good and evil, and oneself are cut off, and the Tao will be achieved naturally. The strength of the sage who proves the way is second, and I use this method to prove the way. The third is to prove the way through merit and virtue, which is to do something that makes a great contribution to the way of heaven. You will know the specific method to achieve enlightenment through merit and virtue. However, the strength of the saint who proves the way by this method is inferior to the saint who proves the way by beheading three corpses, and he is the weakest saint." Hong Jun thought for a while and replied.

"If you dare to ask the teacher, there is a great law in the sect." Jieyin asked.

"Eight hundred (modified) sects can prove the truth." Hongjun replied flatly.Hearing this, a rare smile finally appeared on Jieyin's bitter gourd-like face, but Xiao Qiang, who caught sight of Jieyin's smiling face, shuddered.I went, but I didn't expect Jieyin to smile so obscenely. The first smile made me white eyebrows.If you fight alone with Jieying, Jieying Yixiao will definitely be invincible, it's really insidious.Then, Zhunti with a happy face also asked, "Dare to ask the teacher, can we prosper in the West again." Hongjun frowned when he heard this, "You have great perseverance and great wisdom, and you have a long way to go." Hongjun still deeply apologizes for the reception and quasi-promotion.

After everyone had finished asking questions about cultivation, Tai Yi walked out quickly, just cupped his hands, and said, "Daoist Hongjun, the demon clan Tai Yi has a question."

"Huh?" Everyone in the Taoist temple turned to Taiyi, and Haotian next to Hongjun glared at Taiyi with frowns.This can be said to be the first "confrontation" between two generations of emperors in the Heavenly Court. As a result, Taiyi ignored Haotian, and Haotian lost magnificently.

Taiyi doesn’t call him a Taoist ancestor, he’s not called a teacher, and of course he’s not asking about practice. Taiyi said: “Since the dragon and phoenix and other four clans, no one has managed the prehistoric. To eradicate Rahu and destroy the Demon Cult, now the Taoist priest is a saint, my monster clan wants to take over the Taoist priest's heavy responsibility to save the common people and manage all living beings in the wild, I wonder if the Taoist priest will stop it?"

Taiyi didn't ask Hongjun if he agreed, but asked if he would stop him. He had already decided to dominate the eastern demon clan, and he just wanted to say hello to Hongjun.

Although Kunpeng next to him wanted to stop it, the strength of the North Sea Monster Clan was indeed much inferior to his East Sea Monster Clan.I can only hope that Yu Hongjun disagrees.

"The jade dish in my hand is the holy artifact of good fortune. Under the way of heaven, I am to enlighten all things. As long as you don't smash the prehistoric world to pieces, I won't care about the prehistoric affairs." Hongjun glanced at it casually. Xiao Qiang glanced at it and said slowly.

Kunpeng, the Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West and others over there were disappointed when they heard that Hongjun would not stop them, but they were also relieved.The East Sea Monster Clan wants to dominate the wilderness, and the Wu Clan must be the first to refuse. Their two major forces are fighting to the death, and they, these weak forces, will have their day.And as long as someone like Hongjun doesn't come out to disrupt the situation, then the two sides will definitely fight to the death in the end, and the power of the two races will be greatly eliminated.

"Okay, after we go back, our Yaozu will formally offer sacrifices to heaven and earth and establish a Yaozu." Tai Yi and Di Jun beside him were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Teacher, do the witches have a way to become holy?" Compared with Dijun and the others, Houtu is much more interesting. She didn't know the Dao, but she cared about the future and fate of the Wu Clan, so even though she didn't understand the mystery of the Dao taught by Hongjun, she refused to leave, so she quickly took the opportunity to ask.

"The sorcerer was born from the spirit and blood of the Great God Pan Gu, contaminated with the turbid and hostile energy that has not disappeared from the sky. He is born with a tyrannical body and possesses various supernatural powers such as manipulating feng shui, thunder and lightning, moving mountains and seas, and changing the world. However, he has a violent personality. He is bloodthirsty and aggressive, has no primordial spirit, does not know the changes of the future, and cannot seek blessings and avoid disasters. If you want to become a saint, you must have a great chance, great fortune, and great perseverance."

Seeing this, Houtu hurriedly asked what is the great opportunity, great fortune and great perseverance, Daozu Hongjun shook his head and remained silent.


Hongjun’s sermon this time has been going straight for 1000 years, and it finally stopped on this day.

"That's the end of this sermon. Let's go back and learn more about it. The next lecture will be held in 3000 years. Then you can come by yourself. Let's all disperse!" Seeing that everyone has different opinions, Hongjun stopped speaking After all, without looking at the crowd, he hid in the void.Hongjun came silently and went silently.After the gods came back to their senses, Zixiao Palace was empty, and Hongjun was nowhere to be found.

After Dao Patriarch finished preaching, the listeners went out of Zixiao Palace in twos and threes, and returned to their own ashrams to digest the Tao that Dao Patriarch taught, and practice to improve their own cultivation.

Seeing that everyone left, Xiao Qiang also stood up, but when he left the futon, he felt a faint familiar smell in the Taoist temple.After thinking about it carefully, it was the vibrant feeling of Xue Wu's law of creation. Xiao Qiang rushed out of the Taoist temple, but those who listened to the Tao disappeared without a trace.At this time Xiao Qiang turned his head sadly, and saw a woman in a palace costume!Her hair is up, her white clothes are charming, her features are clear and her eyes are clear, but her big bright eyes are constantly revealing traces of tenderness and love!Vermilion lips are as plump as cherries, her complexion is as bright as peach blossoms, her figure is slender, her legs are slender, her feet are bare like five-inch golden lotuses, and her whole body exudes vitality.

Xiao Qiang's eyes lit up all of a sudden, but then dimmed. It turned out that the woman was Nu Wa who had just left. "Brother, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, Gu Junyue and the others followed Xiao Qiang out of the Taoist temple, and Zhang Guo asked concerned.

"Oh, it's all right. How about listening to the sermon this time? Did you gain anything?" Xiao Qiang shook his head and said when he saw the three people's concerned eyes warming his heart.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was shaking his head, accidentally caught sight of another figure, his eyes lit up, maybe this guy can help...

(End of this chapter)

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