The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 134 Leading out the Milky Way to block the marriage, Emperor Jun turns into a black-backed d

Chapter 134 Leading out the Milky Way to block the marriage, Emperor Jun turns into a black-backed daughter-in-law

"Lao Xihuang is responsible for this matter."

Fuxi nodded and left the gate of heaven, then passed through the nine-heaven isolation layer above his head, went to the outer starry sky, and flew to the moon.For Fuxi with such great supernatural powers, the distance between the two stars of Lunar Sun and the Sun is not very far away, and the place where the heavenly court is located happens to be between the two stars of Lunar Sun and Lunar Sun. Fuxi met Nuwa and the others after only a few shifts.

Seeing the phoenix chariot floating and about to fall, Zuwu Zhurong and Gonggong showed their real bodies and pressed Nuwa and Chang Xi to fight.Not far away, Taiyi releases the incarnation of the evil corpse to fight against the two ancestor witches, Taiyi and the ancestor witch are two against two, and Taiyi's deity relies on the Chaos Clock to stabilize Jumang and Rushou.

Zhu Rong beat Chang Xi while swearing.Chang Xi lacks cultivation and lacks fighting experience, so she is in danger under Zhu Rong's men. If it weren't for Nu Wa's evil corpse incarnation to protect and protect Chang Xi, she would have been injured by Zhu Rong's men.Next to Nuwa fighting against Gonggong, there is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, Shanhe Sheji, who plans to defend himself, and will not show his defeat for a while.With the red hydrangea attacking and defending together, Nuwa can even gain the upper hand, but Nuwa has to protect the chariot and take care of Chang Xi, so she can only protect herself.

Although Nuwa Changxi won't be injured for a while against Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, but with the interference of Gong Gong and Gong Gong, the frame slowed down for a while, and it was difficult to reach the heaven on time to complete the heavenly marriage.During this period, Gong Gong took advantage of Chang Xi's unpreparedness and used his great magic power to mobilize the water from the sky, turning it into a galaxy and blocking the way of the Phoenix chariot.

Fuxi roared and attacked Zhu Rong.

"Fuxi, watch!" Zhu Rong found Fuxi when he heard the wind, couldn't help but sneer, raised his fists and blasted at Fuxi.

Fu Xi replaced Chang Xi, and started fighting with Zhu Rong, Chang Xi guarded the frame and quickly went to the heaven.Fu Xi and Chang Xi's fighting power is not at the same level, and they easily stopped Zhu Rong.Fuxi and Nuwa teamed up, and the two were transformed by the two innate yin and yang qi. The peak cultivation in the early stage of Zhunsheng, together, broke out with a combat power no less than that of the later period of Zhunsheng, more than enough to stop Gonggong Zhu Rong.But even if these two ancestral witches were defeated, it was almost too late for the chariot of the Heavenly Marriage.

Fuxi and Nuwa are not good at speed.There are three supernatural powers that can fly the fastest between heaven and earth, and they are the three-legged Golden Crow's Lihuo Changhong, the Beihai Kunpeng's pengchengwanli, and the Zuwudijiang's space jump.As for Xiao Qiang's Tian Xuchen, the speed is no lower than the top three when it is deployed, but that is only the speed of Xiao Qiang in a straight line. In terms of flexible transformation, Tian Xuchen can't match it.Of course, Pengyun's speed is not slow.

At this moment, Emperor Jun, who was anxious in every possible way, came. Seeing the serious situation, he took out a bow made of hibiscus wood and shot three arrows at Zhu Rong, who was entangled with Fuxi, but was accidentally knocked down by Gonggong's control of the Galaxy water. Putting on the bow, Di Jun jumped to the side of the chariot without hesitation, and revealed the mighty Golden Crow's real body. He hoisted the chariot on his back and headed for the heavenly court.Again, Tai Yi sprayed a mouthful of essence and blood on the Chaos Clock, shook it violently a few times, forced Gou Mangyu to take the two of them back, and stood beside Di Jun to prevent him from being hurt.Di Jun said in his mouth: "Please take care of Emperor Xihuangwa." As he said, he flapped his wings a few times and crossed the Milky Way.

Seeing the chariot being carried away by Taiyi, several members of Gonggong became furious immediately when they couldn't catch up with them. On the one hand, they boasted wildly that they wanted to kill the heavenly court.At this time, the void where Gonggong was located suddenly burst open, and a demon god with a human face, six bird claws, four fleshy wings, and red scales all over his body came out. It was Zu Wudi Jiang.

When Di Jiang saw Gonggong and others rushing towards the heavenly court, he stopped in front of him, gave Gonggong a wink, and shouted: "Gonggong, you guys are going to the heavenly court to make trouble at this time, the heavenly court is full of gods, don't you think so?" Do you want to die?"

Gong Gong and others were yelled at by Di Jiang, and they also came back to their senses. It is really not suitable to go to Heaven at this time.

When Fuxi and others saw that Dijiang was coming, and that the frame had been taken away by Dijun, they stopped fighting, and said to Dijiang, "Dijiang, you witch race disturbed the heavenly marriage. Could it be that the Taoist ancestor said that the monster race was in charge of the prehistoric order?" Did the words fall into your ears?"

The witch clan only worshiped Pangu, not Hongjun, and they didn't take Hongjun seriously at first, but because of Hongjun's super strength, they had to feel aggrieved and let the Yaozu occupy the top of Buzhou mountain majestically.

"Xi and Chang Xi are innate demon gods on the Lunar Star, and they don't belong to the demon clan. Why did we break the rules? You guys are too strict." What Di Jiang said is true.Xi He has not yet married Di Jun, and is not yet the queen of the demon clan, so naturally he does not belong to the demon clan.

Fu Xi was also speechless for a while, pointing to Gou Mang and the others, he said: "Are they blocking Tai Yi?"

"My brothers were just drunk and wanted to see how Xi He looked. Tai Yi came to stop him. Speaking of which, Tai Yi took the initiative to provoke him." Di Jiang sighed regretfully as he spoke. Backfired, "This Taiyi took the initiative to provoke the Lich War, and he didn't take the old man Hongjun seriously. Fuxi, you should meet Hongjun and tell him about this, so that Hongjun can punish Taiyi."

At the side, Chang Xi was about to refute, when Xuan Ming, Hou Tu Zhu Jiu Yin and several ancestor witches also rushed out.Now that the twelve ancestor witches gathered together, Fu Xi saw that he couldn't please him, so Chang Xi, who was impulsive, shook his head slightly. Xi glared at the ancestor witches bitterly.

The ancestral witches cared about Hongjun, and anyway, the heavenly marriage was late, so they did not stop Fuxi from leaving. Without the obstruction of the ancestral witches, Fuxi soon arrived in the heavenly court.And the ancestor witches also returned to the Pangu Temple in the north. Among them, Zhu Rong felt that Di Jun's bow was powerful and restrained the law of fire, so he picked it up together with the three arrows. The sun bow.

"There's still three breaths left, and the hour is here, why haven't you seen the phoenix chariot?" In the heavenly court, many immortal families became quiet because of this, but there was no Xihe's phoenix chariot at the gate of the gate of heaven.

problem occurs……

All the great gods of the immortal family are all relatively prestigious figures in the prehistoric world, so they quickly thought of this matter.Those who have a close relationship with Tianting, or true and kind people like Hongyun, are worried about the possible impact on Tianting if the marriage is not completed on time.Those who have no intersection with Heaven, like Taoist Styx, just sympathize.As for those like Xiao Qiang and Kunpeng who have a gap with the Heavenly Court, they gloated from the sidelines.As for Sanqing's acceptance of the Zhunti five people, the holy throne is in their bodies, and the future masters of the prehistoric world have conflicts of interest with the heavenly court. Although it is not obvious for the time being, they are mostly gloating in their hearts.

Just when they are going to talk about it, the majesty of the heaven will also be challenged.Suddenly, all the fairies saw a giant bird flying across the sky and coming straight to the gate of the heaven. The giant bird was red in color and had three legs.

Dijun and Taiyi flew extremely fast, and Gonggong and others couldn't catch up at all, so the journey beyond the Milky Way went smoothly, and no more time wasted.On the way, in order to hurry, Di Jun didn't let his brother's meritorious plan go to waste, and he didn't let Tai Yi lead the chariot away, and directly carried the Phoenix chariot with his own body.

(End of this chapter)

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