The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 135 Ancestral Witch's Trouble Gained Merits, 5 Lines of Pine Nuts and Ginseng Fruits

Chapter 135 Ancestral witch made trouble to get merit, five elements of pine nuts and ginseng fruit

The heavenly marriage was imminent, and when they got out of the car, the few people didn't say much, and Nuwa, who followed closely, began to preside over the big wedding. Chang Xi helped Xihe out of the phoenix chariot. The heavenly court had already made preparations, and the big wedding began immediately .

"Fortunately, the timing is just right!" Hongyun stroked his beard and smiled, the frame had already arrived, Sanqing Hongyun received Zhunti Zhen Yuanzi, and Xiao Qiang and others were not sitting at the table, they stood side by side , looking at Di Jun and Xi He.

"It's a little late, although it's not enough, but it's not beautiful after all." Tong Tian said, Yuan Shizhun mentioned a few people who heard it and nodded.

After all, Hong Yun's cultivation level was inferior to several others, and he didn't notice the short time difference.

"Hehe, it depends on God's will." Taishang Laojun smiled and did not speak.

Di Jun is the emperor of heaven, with a noble status, above the heavenly marriage, naturally there is no need to do three prostrations and nine prostrations, as long as he has worshiped the heaven and earth, and the husband and wife worship each other.The two had worshiped the heaven and the earth. After the husband and wife worshiped each other, a ball of real sun fire gushed out from the top of Di Jun's head, turning into a fiery red long rainbow, and the sun rose from the top of Xi He's head. The two merged in the sky. Multi-terminal.

At this time, Taishang Laojun stretched out his hand, gave out a box, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the two fellow Taoists on the happy marriage."

A courtesy officer opened it and found that it turned out to be a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, so he quickly wrote it down.Di Jun, Xi He and the two are well-informed people, of course they know the mystery of this pill, and they all said together: "Thank you, Brother Dao."

Sanqing came, and because the three of them are heaven-ordained saints, the Heavenly Court did not make things difficult, and the rooms and seats arranged for Sanqing were the most honorable.Now that the wedding is over, it's the turn of all parties to give gifts to celebrate, and many great gods are watching. As the first disciple of Hongjun, if I don't say anything, or the gift is light, I will be despised by the whole prehistoric people, so I have to give it away. Going up to the Ninth Turn Golden Pill, filling the scene, but I don't know that Taishang Laojun's heart is bleeding now.

Then, both Yuan Shi and Tong Tian Wang Taishang made a move, and the Sanqing One was naturally given away.Yuanshi Tianzun took out a pair of jade ruyis, which were shrouded in clear light and had a compelling aura. They were not ordinary products, and the newlyweds naturally thanked them.Tongtian has the most treasures and gave away a pair of yin and yang swords. Although it is inappropriate to give swords at the wedding, the way of heaven is impermanent. The two swords represent yin and yang, one male and one female, which means to overcome difficulties together. There is nothing wrong with it. Naturally, Xi He and Di Jun also thanked them.

Then, the gods of Zixiao Palace also sent gifts one after another.Xiao Qiang gave ten five-element pine nuts. As the name suggests, pine nuts and pine nuts are just gifts.Seeing Xiao Qiang gifting ten pine nuts ingeniously, Zhen Yuanzi also said with a hearty smile, "I wish you two an early birth."

After finishing speaking, Zhen Yuanzi presented ten ginseng fruit dolls. The ginseng fruit looked like a natural baby, but Xi He accepted it with a blushing face. Then he looked at Di Jun and wondered what he was thinking.

After everyone delivered the treasures, the sky suddenly darkened gradually, but it was because the marriage was hindered by Gonggong, and it was half a moment late. At this time, the three principles of heaven were missing, the rules were difficult to establish, and some extraterrestrial demons took the opportunity to make trouble , accompanied by the invasion of karmic bad luck.Seeing this, Empress Nuwa first came to her senses and cast her magic power, trying to expel the dark light, but the light is impermanent, how can she drive it away with magic power?
The black air was about to be suppressed, covering the two newcomers.

Emperor Jun Taiyi planned for a long time for this merit, how could he let the black air drop.As a bridegroom, Di Jun was inconvenient to make a move. Tai Yi flew up and turned into a sun, exuding real fire from his body. The divine light dispels the black air and dark light.

At this time, several golden rays of merit fell from the sky, three of which fell on Xihe, Dijun, and Nuwa, and four more flew to the north, presumably going to Gonggong and others.

Xihe and Dijun have a mutual affection, sincere love, they are a married couple, so Sangang has been spread throughout the prehistoric times, so they have a hundred thousand merits.And Nu Wa is the master of the marriage and also the job of a matchmaker. Although there are defects in today's marriage, but the black light is forcibly broken, she can naturally get some merit.

However, the four Gonggong people were clearly troublemakers. Why did they have this kind of merit, but the four of them were suspected of making troubles in the bridal chamber, setting up a brazier, spreading grain and raising beans, etc., so the way of heaven also conferred merit.You know, Dijun is the emperor of heaven, no one would dare to make trouble in his bridal chamber based on his status, so Gong Gong's troubles this time became a bridal chamber in Tiandao's eyes.

As for Taiyi, he forcibly reversed the incomplete secret of the heavenly marriage and acted against the sky. God did not punish him. Taiyi has already burned incense, so there is no merit to share, and Taiyi only obtained merit for Emperor Jun, and he did not get merit. It doesn't matter.

Although the merit of a heavenly marriage is not as good as the merit of establishing the heavenly court, it is still not small. With this merit, Xihe cut out the incarnation of a good corpse, and his cultivation reached the early stage of quasi-sage, which is not weaker than Nuwa Fuxi Zhunti and others, but lacks combat experience , The actual combat ability is too poor.Di Jun got his wish and cut out the body of the good corpse, and finally reached the middle stage of quasi-sage, becoming the third person in the world, second only to Hongjun and Laozi.Of course, although the Sanqing is one, Dijun thought to himself that with the help of the Tiangang Beidou formation, he must not be weaker than Lao Tzu and the others, and he is the second person in the world.

Then, comes the real feast.

The Heavenly Court activated the Spirit Gathering Formation, and the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation also began to operate. Di Jun's cultivation level had a breakthrough, and his control over the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation also increased, and he faintly touched the Zhoutian Star Formation.

As soon as the formation was opened, the thick aura made the floor of the heaven emit thick clouds, the essence of the sun, the moon, and the power of the stars. For a while, the aura here was more than a thousand times thicker than outside. If you practice here for one day, it is worth a thousand days outside.Even the monks sitting on the top of the main hall can often see the golden light shooting from below, and they are breakthrough men.It seems that Heavenly Court wants to use this method to attract Hong Huang Sanxiu to work for Heavenly Court.

Sure enough, after Di Junxi and the couple left, Taiyi extended an invitation to the immortal family present on behalf of the Heavenly Court.

Most of the monks present here know that although the heavenly marriage is grand and grand, it is not worthy of such generosity from the heavenly court.Heavenly Court has placed a large number of fairy stones and spiritual fruits this time, probably to show that Heavenly Court is rich so that it can attract some monks with successful cultivation bases.Many unsatisfactory monks who had been living in the prehistoric land, heard Taiyi's invitation, and took refuge in the Heavenly Court.In addition, Taiyi arranged many trustees, and some other monks who were hesitating also had plans to stay because of the large number of monks who took refuge in the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Marriage was over, and the Heavenly Court held a three-day feast for the guests, and after three days of feasting, Xiao Qiang took everyone with him and left to return to Luojia Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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