The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 176 The prince's alias is Lu Ya, and Empress Chang Xi descends to the mortal world

Chapter 176 The tenth prince's alias is Lu Ya, and Empress Chang Xi descends to the mortal world

A net of black and white silk threads is formed on a treasure map, and a starlight silk net is raised to block the chaotic pouring earth, water, fire and wind; the light on the mysterious lines of a pair of tortoise shells soars, shining brightly in the void, and melting the thunder clouds and strong winds rushing around.With the protection of the Luoshu River Map, the two of Di Jun came to a palace shrouded in pink light in a short while. On the auspicious plaque, the words "Wahuang Palace" were written in the sky demon rune.

Fairy Jinfeng led the two into the palace, the empress sat on the cloud bed and waited for the two, Di Jun pulled the tenth prince to kneel down, and said bitterly, "Your empress has great powers, she must already know what my wicked son has done. Things. Now that the war is imminent, I don’t want this single seedling to be robbed, but I hope that the empress will protect it and let it protect Wa’s palace. Di Jun is very grateful.” After finishing speaking, he kowtowed endlessly until his forehead was dripping with blood.

The empress looked at the Emperor Jun under the steps, and she was filled with emotion in her heart. Even if the arrogant demon emperor himself became a saint, he had never been so respectful. Today, he bowed down to worship for his only son. It is really embarrassing for the parents of the world.

The empress also showed a trace of unbearable expression on her expressionless face, (how come I didn't see such an expression when the human race was slaughtered) and said to Di Jun who was still kowtowing: "Get up, let the tenth prince live in the Wa Palace." Di Jun's face showed joy when he heard it, and tears couldn't help but he pulled the tenth prince to teach him: "From now on, I will follow the empress and serve the empress well. I'll pick you up again." With tears in his eyes, he hugged the Tenth Prince tightly with both hands, and finally wept loudly.

A man doesn't flick his tears easily, but he doesn't reach the sad point.Even Fairy Jinfeng, who was waiting on the side, was moved by it and silently wiped away her tears.Even though Nuwa Empress is a saint, her heart cannot be easily moved by the parting of life and death, but the sadness of parting that happened before her eyes aroused layers of ripples in her heart.

The saint's aura enveloped the dojo, affecting one side of the cloud. As a result, there was a gloomy atmosphere in Wa Palace, and the running spirit beasts were also infected by the melancholy atmosphere.

It took a long time for Di Jun to stabilize, and the light flashed, his face had returned to his usual stern expression, showing the demeanor of the demon emperor.Under Dijun's gesture, the tenth prince knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times to the empress, and waited for the empress to inquire.

The empress said to him: "You waited for ten days to turn the sky and caused a heinous murder. Now I give you the name 'Lu Ya', and you are suppressed by the earth to repay the cause and effect of the prehistoric land. The name is also to comply with the secret of heaven and seek With a glimmer of hope, surrender to Heaven, and accumulate merits to repay in the future. Do you remember?" The next few sentences suddenly became extremely severe.

The tenth prince, the current Lu Ya quickly agreed, and was summoned by the empress to bring Fairy Jinfeng to the side hall.

The tenth prince turned his head every step, hesitated every ten steps, and finally bid farewell to Di Jun reluctantly after being scolded by Di Jun.

Only then did Di Jun turn his head and thank his wife again. After thinking for a while, he asked, "I don't know if my mother knew who was covering up the secrets and harming my son." Although the language was already peaceful, anyone could Hear the deep chill in it.

The empress was also flushed at this time, she gritted her teeth, and said: "How many people in the world can I hide from me, and it's not just those saints. The Lord Tongtian has an upright personality and disdains to do such sneaky things; Yuan Shi Tianzun would not act like this. After the battle with Xiao Qiang that day, I lived in the Bajing Palace. I can only push the boat along with the current, and it is impossible to be the first bird. From this point of view, the Taoist Zhunti of the West is the most likely. Back then, Zi Xiao The palace dares to use sophistry to seize the holy throne, and now there are still and considerations."

Don't underestimate Empress Nuwa, after all, as the first one to be sanctified since Hongjun was sanctified, she may not be much different from the others, and she is only a few steps away.

When Di Jun heard this, his fists creaked, and he let go after a long time. He bid farewell to his empress, gave the west a hard look, turned into a starlight, and flew back to the heaven...

In other words, Emperor Jun's wife, Xihe, was used by his younger brother-in-law, Donghuang Taiyi, to use the most treasured Donghuang Bell as a prohibition hub, and opened the monster clan's guard formation, trapping Xihe and not being able to escape.As the demon empress, Xihe empress has been in charge of the demon court for tens of thousands of years, so how could they not know some of Di Jun's thoughts.Hearing that nine of the ten sons were killed, his heart felt like a knife, and he didn't care about being sad, so he came to the Yaohuang Palace where the two retreated to find the surviving Yaoer, and asked why the two didn't kill Houyi on the spot.

Now that I don't let myself see the child, there must be something hidden from me. In a hurry, Xi and Niangniang's magic power was unleashed, the palace costume was bulging, and the ten fingers of the show hand bloomed like flower petals. With a grasp, the moon and stars sensed, all the way The moonlight rushed through the barriers and gathered in the hand, the light clusters gathered, dazzling and scorching, as big as a jade plate, pushing with both hands, rushing towards the surrounding crystal screen in a whistling.

The silver flames flowed, the crystal curtain sparkled, burned through by divine power, and the void space finally manifested a prohibition. The stars were dotted, like the night was erected, and countless spider-like lawful lines were cut off one by one. With a bang, the blocked The formation shattered, and the scattered debris was radiant, like fireworks, dazzling.

Empress Xihe looked crazy, her hair was messed up, her make-up was indecent, her face was covered with tears, her eyes were as bright red as weeping blood, and she was speeding all the way, ignoring the worshiping people in the heavenly court, and flew straight to the Demon Palace, a stream of light streaked across the sky , the afterglow has not dissipated, and the streamer has disappeared.

Di Jun has already returned, sitting upright with Tai Yi and watching Xi He empress who broke into the palace quietly, Xi He empress opened her eyes wide, straight to the point, and said in a bad tone, "Where's my poor little ten?" Di Jun seemed to want to get the answer he wanted from it, with hope and fear in his eyes.

Di Jun looked at Xi and Niangniang, who were raining with pear blossoms, and felt guilty for a while, but there were still some things that had to be said.Looking up at the empress, he said guiltily: "In order to save his life, I have already sent him to the Wa Palace and sheltered him under the seat of the Empress Nuwa. You don't have to worry." The unwillingness and humiliation of the demon emperor.

Xi and Niangniang laughed back angrily, "What a Dijun, I'm Xiao Shi's biological mother, shouldn't you let me see him?" The resentment in his words chilled the air.

Di Jun's face remained unchanged, but his tone was unusually gentle, "I'm also afraid of rebellion. You have always spoiled children, otherwise there would be no catastrophe today." There was no lack of complaints in the comfort.

This sentence completely ignited the fuse of the empress's suppressed nerves. In the frantic scream, the woman's resentment sounded like the abyss of despair, "What a demon emperor, you don't think about your inability to protect your own children, but blame me .Very well, the relationship between you and me as a husband and wife is hereby cut off.” In resolute anger, a strand of beautiful hair was cut off, and it was turned into ashes by the sudden moonlight as it fluttered.

With the sleeves fluttering, Xi and Niangniang left like a cloud, haggard in stature, but walking so resolutely.

Xi and the empress ride on the sun carriage pulled by six dragons, the fairy concubine holds the fan, the golden boy holds the incense, and the jade girl waits on the ground. Cancan's trajectory, going straight to the sun.

Xi and Niangniang got off the car, walked into the main hall between Pingting, sat on the eight-treasure cloud platform, frowned for a long time, made up their minds, and came to the back hall, only to see his younger sister Changxi teasing Yuchan. He and Niangniang cried unconsciously again.

Chang Xi sensed his elder sister was beside him, looked up, only to find that his elder sister was crying, and couldn't help asking, "Sister, what's the matter, who bullied you, which of the ten of them was the little bastard?" Crying harder, choked up and narrated what happened to Chang Xi.

"Sister, what's the matter, can my sister help you?" At this time, Chang Xi's phoenix eyes were still red.

Empress Xi and Empress showed joy, and said to Chang Xi: "Chang Xi, you will be reincarnated in the next life, and I will arrange it myself!" A cold light flashed in Feng's eyes, Empress Chang Xi nodded, and a silver light flashed from the red The sun hangs down, heading straight for the Netherworld...

(End of this chapter)

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