The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 189 Huanghua came out of the island to become the emperor's teacher, Fuxi's succes

Chapter 189 Huanghua came out of the island to become the emperor's teacher, Fuxi's succession and Shennong

It is said that in the prehistoric period, there was a human tribe near the Weihe River, whose surname was Jiang, and there was a woman named Ren Si in the tribe. One day, Ren Si traveled to Huashan, saw a nine-colored dragon, and felt pregnant.

Since the human race pushed Fuxi as the co-lord, they have promoted Fuxi's theory of marriage. The human race has changed its previous bad habits. Ren Si conceived before marriage, and the people in the tribe looked down on her and expelled her from the tribe. , there are still many good friends who often help her to save her from starving to death, but now that the population of the human race is developing rapidly, there is not much food, and after all, there is still a full meal and a hungry meal.

One day, a person came from outside the thatched hut where Ren Si lived. He was wearing a golden robe and a yellow flower on his head. He was Xiao Qiang's second disciple, Taoist Huang Hua. I also have the right to intervene. Fuxi is Nuwa's elder brother, and he also had a discussion with Xiao Qiang, so naturally it is not easy to arrange, but Shennong is different, and Xiao Qiang's second disciple, Huang Hua, is proficient in alchemy and is the teacher of Emperor Shennong. No two candidates.

Taoist Huanghua came forward and knocked on Ren Si's door. Ren Si saw that he was a fellow with an honest and honest face, so she asked, "What's the matter with the Taoist?" The Dao name of Qiang was given by himself. After all, he once called himself "the first eater in the wilderness", and later he got this Dao name, but people who know his Dao name are really speechless, so that few people call Xiao Xiao that way in person. Strong, but there are still many people who have the Dao name of Xiao Qiang in the prehistoric world, and the human race keeps in mind the Dao name of their holy ancestor) Daoist Huanghua, the disciple of the real person, calculate the son in your belly and I have The relationship between master and apprentice, I am here to accept apprentices."

When Ren Si heard that he was the Taoist Huanghua, he immediately bowed down and said, "It turns out that he is a disciple of the Holy Ancestor, and I am blessed by the Master Huanghua. Please forgive me for being rude to the little lady." Taking care of the human race for more than a thousand years has contributed. Although it has not entered the human world for a long time, many people still remember it.

Taoist Huang Hua hurriedly helped her up, and said: "There is no need to be too polite, are you willing to accept the disciples I mentioned?"

How could Ren Si be unwilling, and immediately said: "It's all up to the immortal master."

Taoist Huanghua thought things were settled, so he said, "I'll come back in three years, and there will be strange beasts coming to deliver food to you during the period, so you don't have to worry about it." Then he flew away in a cloud.

Ren Si worshiped again, and sure enough, the next day, there were creatures from Luojia Mountain who brought food to her. Ren Si no longer worried about the source of food. So he invited Ren Si to live in the tribe without mentioning it.

Sure enough, Ren Si gave birth to a son three years later, named Lie Shan. On the day of his birth, auspicious clouds descended from the sky, and a nine-colored dragon hovered vaguely.After birth, they can talk in three days and walk in five days.The clansmen were frightened and suspected that they were evildoers, but since Master Huang Hua accepted him as a disciple, and the elders of the clan told him about Fuxi's birth, they felt at ease and were no longer surprised.

It is said that the yellow flower was born three years later, and now three years have passed, and the yellow flower has not come yet, but someone else has come, who is it?I saw that Taoist: dressed in eight trigrams purple ribbon clothes, wearing a golden crown soaring to the sky, and holding a Fantian seal, he is exactly the son of Guangcheng who explained and taught Jinxian.

Guang Chengzi came to Ren Si's house, found Ren Si, and said: "I am Guang Chengzi, a disciple of the Yuanshi sage who explained the teachings. Now I have calculated that I have a relationship with your son as a teacher and apprentice, so I come to accept him as a disciple."

Ren Si bowed and said: "I have seen the immortal master, it is his blessing that the immortal master wants to accept my son, but my son Lie Shan has already worshiped the disciple of the holy ancestor, the immortal master Huang Hua, as his apprentice, so I am afraid that he has no chance to worship under the immortal master."

When Guang Chengzi heard this, he felt unhappy, and secretly thought that this Zerg person was too much.But it's hard to say anything, so I turned around and went back to Kunlun Mountain.After explaining the situation to Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi's face turned cold, he snorted, and only asked Guangchengzi to go down to practice without mentioning it.

Not long after Guang Chengzi left, Taoist Huanghua came. After Ren Si saw the ceremony, he told about Guangchengzi's arrival. After hearing this, Taoist Huanghua waved his hand and said, "It's no problem. I'm here to formally accept Lieshan as a only."

Ren Si led Lie Shan out again and paid homage to Taoist Huanghua, who then built a thatched hut in the tribe.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. During these ten years, under the training of Taoist Huanghua, he has washed the tendons and built the foundation for Lie Shan, allowing him to achieve the body of a celestial being. He also preached to Lie Shan himself, and Lie Shan's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds. After more than ten years, he has achieved the cultivation base of Taiyi Sanxian.

Lie Shan grew up with a big heart, but now the human race has developed rapidly, and the population has doubled, but they still make a living by hunting, fishing and picking wild fruits. Gradually, it becomes difficult to maintain their livelihood, and many people starve to death.And because there were many ferocious birds and beasts in the flood and famine, even though Fuxi invented the technique of fishing and hunting, there were still frequent deaths and injuries of hunters.Lie Shan saw that the life of the human race was difficult and his heart was suffering, but there was no good way to do it, so he went out to hunt in person. With Lie Shan's current skill, flying across thousands of mountains and rivers was nothing but a trivial matter. Can't stop him.After having this main force, every day he kills more prey alone than all of them, and the food problem in the tribe can finally be temporarily solved.But this is far from what Lie Shan can satisfy. His ambition is to make the life of the entire human race better.

Because of Lie Shan's help, the clansmen are very grateful to Lie Shan, and Lie Shan's reputation is getting higher and higher. Finally, the leader of the tribe recommends Lie Shan as the leader of the tribe with the surname Jiang.

As the leader, Lie Shan was always thinking of ways to solve the life problems of the clansmen, so he came to ask Taoist Huanghua: "The people of Li are hungry and have nothing to eat. Although my disciples can hunt prey for them, it is not a long-term solution after all. The people in my own tribe can still take care of them, but how can the people in other tribes live? The disciple is struggling to think about it, so he is willing to ask the teacher to give some advice."

"Plant, but you have to experiment with it yourself. What I want to tell you is that there are good and bad plants. I have a magic weapon here to give you self-defense, so you can go." After the Taoist Huanghua finished speaking, he took out A gleaming whip and a small tripod, both of which were obtained by Hongjun Fenbao on Fenbao Rock by Huang Hua back then.

Early the next morning, Lie Shan left the tribe and went into the mountains to look for edible plants.One day, a phoenix flew in the sky with a multi-colored Nine-Stalked Grain in its mouth and passed over the top of Lie Shan. one slice.He rubbed the ears of grain in his hands and put them in his mouth, feeling delicious.So he taught his people to cut down trees, cut off weeds, use axes, hoes, Leisi and other production tools to reclaim the land and plant millet.

Lie Shan’s got inspiration from this: millet can be planted every year, and there is a continuous flow. If more plants and trees can be selected for human use and planted more, wouldn’t everyone’s food problem be solved?At that time, grains and weeds grow together, herbs and flowers bloom together, and no one can tell which ones are edible and which ones are not.The Lie Shan family tasted the same, tried the same planting, and finally selected the five grains of rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean. , Then pick it off and eat it. For the convenience of storage, Hou Lieshan invented a method of drying and storing the seeds. In this way, the spread of the seeds is more convenient, and gradually flowed to other tribes.

Those tribes heard that Jiang surnamed tribes don't need to take risks to hunt, don't need to pick fruits everywhere, as long as they work hard on the farmland, they can have a full stomach, so they surrendered their families one after another, and the reputation of Lieshan became bigger and bigger. Everyone calls him Shennong, which means a magical farmer. His real name, Lie Shandao, has been forgotten.In order to praise the patriarch of Shennong, statues of Shennong were built in various tribes one after another, with leaves on their shoulders, two horns on their heads, and grains in their hands. Shennong.

Lie Shan managed his own tribe well, but he did not forget the teachings of Taoist Huanghua back then. He traveled around in his spare time and spread the method of planting grains to other tribes. Gradually, Lie Shan's reputation spread throughout the human race.However, after Fuxi learned that due to the rapid development of the human race and the lack of food, many people in the race were starved to death, he was also thinking hard about a good strategy.

But Fuxi really couldn't think of any good way to fill everyone's stomach.On this day, Fuxi heard that in the Weihe River Basin thousands of miles away, there was a great sage named Shennong in the Jiang tribe. He planted five kinds of grains: rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean, which solved the food problems for tens of millions of people.Fuxi was also a great sage of the monster clan in his previous life, and he knew that most of the so-called great sages in Honghuang are people who deceive the world and steal their names, so it's better to go there in person.So, I set off to walk towards the ginger tribe!

When Fuxi came to the tribe surnamed Jiang, he saw that the whole tribe was huge in scale, not much smaller than that of Chenjun. In the tribe, millet was planted in the low-lying areas with water, and wheat was planted in the high-slope areas, as well as millet, buckwheat, and rose. , There is a lush green scene everywhere.Farmers were plowing in the fields, children were playing in the ridges, and people lived happily. Fuxi asked a few people to ask and answer, and they all said that this was the credit of the leader Shennong, and Fuxi was very happy.

Fuxi sent someone to find Shennong. Seeing that Shennong was tall and dark-skinned, it was probably caused by long-term labor in the field, so he asked Shennong a few questions about planting crops, and Shennong naturally answered fluently.Fuxi asked Shennong a few more questions about the management of the prehistoric tribes, and found that Shennong could also innovate and put forward many good opinions.Fuxi sighed: "Shen Nong is really a great sage!"

At that moment, Fuxi invited Shennong to Chen County, and wanted to pass on the position of co-lord of the human race to Shennong, but Shennong did not refuse, and took his family with him.

Therefore, when Fuxi proved the way of the three emperors later, he passed on the position of co-lord of the world to Shennong.Fuxi said to Shennong on the Jiulong chariot: "Brother Yu, I will wait for you at the Fire Cloud Palace first." After finishing speaking, Jiulong rushed to the Fire Cloud Palace 33 days away.Shennong took over the position of co-lord of the human race.

After Shennong took over as the co-lord of the world, he always remembered the teaching of Taoist Huanghua to think for the prehistoric people, and Shennong governed the world with virtue and righteousness.He acts openly and aboveboard, impartial and selfless, and is loved by all people in the world.Where he governs, the people are diligent without rewards, and the people are upright without punishment, and the people live a prosperous and happy life.

After humans learned to grow five grains, a lot of uneaten grains were destroyed due to poor preservation.Shennong also taught everyone to catch young beasts and birds in the mountains, feed them with inexhaustible food, and slaughter them after they grow up.In this way, it can be said that two birds with one stone can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It not only makes use of the inexhaustible food, but also avoids the danger of the human race going to the mountains to hunt.Gradually, people discovered that the six animals such as pigs, cows, horses, sheep, dogs, and chickens were best kept, and they were collectively referred to as "six animals".

The emergence of five grains and six animals marks that human civilization has entered a new stage of agricultural development.At this time, the fruits of human labor have been left over.Little by little, people got used to exchanging what they left with others for what they needed, learned to use animal skins as dowry gifts, exchange shells for stone axes, and so on.Primitive society finally made progress.Shennong specially stipulated that when the sun is in the middle, the desired items can be exchanged in the open space in the center of the tribe. This is how the ancient trade came into being...

(End of this chapter)

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