The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 188 The Congenital Eight Hexagrams Fuxi Acts, The Way of the Three Emperors is Taught by Hea

Chapter 188 Congenital gossip Fuxi plays, the way of the three emperors is taught by heaven and earth

Fuxi was born intelligent, and his son could speak, and he could walk after 30 days.When he was ten years old, the leader of the tribe abdicated to let the virtuous, and Fuxi became the leader of the tribe.Use your talents to benefit the people.

One is to teach the people to domesticate wild animals, which is the origin of domestic animals.

The second is to change marriage customs, advocate the marriage customs and etiquette of men hiring women to marry, and change blood marriages into extra-clan marriages, ending the long-standing primitive group marriage state in which children only know their mothers but do not know their fathers.It was also a sign that the social phenomenon of incest was beginning to unravel.The third is to learn from the mythical mantras of the monster race, create human characters, and start to create a book contract, which is used to record events, replacing the backward form of knotting events in the past.The fourth is to invent musical instruments such as pottery xun and qinse, create music and ballads, bring music into people's lives, and help people "cultivate their morality and rationality instead of naivety".The fifth is to divide and rule its ruled areas, and appoint officials to manage society, so as to provide reference for future generations to govern society.

As Fuxi grew older, he became more and more intelligent.And some fragments in the memory began to slowly unfold, and countless secrets of the monster clan began to flash in my mind one by one. Started training.

Under the management of the period, the tribe has grown stronger and flourished day by day, and has a tendency of great prosperity.Countless tribes heard about it, and sent people to investigate one after another, and everyone who reported back said that Fuxi was an unprecedented sage, not only benevolent, but also a great talent in governance.

As a result, countless tribes forced by life migrated here, and Fuxi's tribe became the most powerful among the human race.

At that time, in addition to worshiping the saints Laozi, Nuwa Empress and the ancestor Xiao Qiang, the human race also worshiped other demon gods, because with the passage of time, the saints of the year did not reappear, and in the lonely and helpless situation, they believed in some demon gods. Powerful creatures become habits.

There is a great swamp in the wilderness, and there is a giant python hiding. After fighting with it, the human race felt its strength, so they worshiped the snake as a totem.At that time, the climate was warm, and many warm-loving animals existed in the world. There were giant salamanders all over the rivers and mountains. Become a totem belief.

The Fuxi tribe is becoming more and more powerful, and its reputation among the human race is getting bigger and bigger, which also greatly helps Fuxi.Many tribes learn life skills from the Fengyan tribe.Slowly, more and more tribes accepted the knowledge of the Fengyan tribe, and the human race set the rules for marriage.

On this day, Fuxi came to the east of Mengjin, where there is a big river connected with the Yellow River.When Fuxi was crossing the river, suddenly the waves rolled in the water. Fuxi thought that a water monster was causing trouble, so he stopped to see what happened.After a while, a strange beast jumped out of the water, with a dragon's head and a horse's body, and something on its back; at the same time, a green turtle supported a tortoise shell and surfaced at the same time. It rose and fell into Fuxi's hands.Then sink into the water and disappear.

Seeing that the dragon horse and the green turtle disappeared, Fuxi had two more treasures in his hands.On a picture, there are black and white dots arranged in several arrays, which contain infinite mysteries; on a simple tortoise shell, there are countless mysterious characters, two or four are shoulders, six or eight are feet, nine shoes are worn and one is on the left, three are on the left and seven are on the right. , with five in the middle, very wonderful.

With "Hetu" and "Luoshu", looking up at the starry sky and referring to the orbits of the stars, Fuxi's understanding of the way of heaven has been improved.The speed of cultivation has also been greatly increased, and the speed of Fuxi's teaching and transformation of the human race has also been accelerated.

The "Hetu" and "Luoshu" were borrowed by Nuwa from Kunpeng, so as not to delay Fuxi's proof of the Tao. After all, Kunpeng is also the remaining god of the monster clan. It is too much for Nuwa to snatch Kunpeng's treasure for her brother It’s unreasonable, and Kunpeng is not a person who doesn’t know good and bad. It can be seen that he is a person who judges the situation twice when he ran away. It’s no big deal to lend it to Fuxi. He could take back the Lingbao with a single thought, and he could reap some merits by borrowing it, so Kunpeng sent two of his subordinates to hand over the treasure to Fuxi.

Finally, after ninety-nine and eighty-one years, Fuxi completed the education of the human race.At this moment, Fuxi's heart moved, and he broke through the golden fairy realm.With the cultivation base of Jinxian, Fuxi has recovered the memory of the past, looking at the 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu' in his hand.

He couldn't help sighing, the demon emperor died, the lich and demon clans were both defeated, and he himself was reincarnated as a human being, all of this was arranged by heaven.

While Fuxi was recovering the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal, Kunpeng also learned about the two innate spiritual treasures of 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu', so Kunpeng took back the two innate spiritual treasures of 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu'.

Looking at the flying away 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu', Fuxi felt very contradictory. After comprehending the two innate treasures of 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu', Fuxi created the innate gossip. Calculation of bad and good fortunes, so that his original superb calculation ability will be more profound, if he has 'Hetu' and 'Luoshu' in hand, then even if a sage tries to cover up the secret, he will be able to detect one or two.But the Luoshu River Map is the treasure of the Monster Race, and he is now a human race. He might as well return the Luoshu River Map to Kunpeng in his own hands. This shows that Fuxi still has feelings for the Monster Race in his heart.

Fuxi reigned for 15 years. It was said that he was located in the descendants of the tribe. He was called the Fuxi family. It was said that there were fifteen generations. The hexagram map with Gen and Kun as the content is called Fuxi Bagua map by later generations.It is easy to have Taiji, and Liangyi is born.Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.The four images play the eight trigrams, and the eight eight trigrams generate 110 hexagrams. This is the Fuxi gossip, also known as the innate gossip.

Comprehend the innate gossip, return to Chendu, and pass it on to successors.Fuxi looked up at the sky, looked down at the law, and used Yin and Yang gossip to explain the law of evolution and the order of human relationships in the world.Auspiciousness descended from the sky, fragrance wafted thousands of miles away, and a cloud of black and yellow air descended from the sky, heading straight for Fuxi. Fuxi, who was bathed in the billowing smoke, flew out a picture and a armor, which turned into two flashes of starlight.

Fuxi woke up after a while, his whole body was ethereal, but there was a majestic pressure like a mountain, and there was a faint golden wheel hanging behind his head.I was secretly regretting that between Hetu and Luoshu, the purple air above the nine heavens came from the east, and a young Taoist in purple robes led a Jiulong agarwood chariot.The young man glanced at the distant starlight, landed on the clouds, and said to Fuxi: "My lord, accept the edict of Taiqing!"

Fuxi didn't dare to be negligent, so he asked someone to clean it up, burned incense and built a hut, and bowed down.The young man nodded in satisfaction, and opened the edict of the Taoist Heavenly Zun: "The Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Sect Master Taoist Tianzun said: Fuxier is the great sage of the monster clan. Although he has heard the Tao, he has not realized Bodhi. Get off; have a body to enter and leave the holy place, anger is hard to get rid of, you have to accumulate the past, and the catastrophe will be found. Therefore, I got involved in the lich war without authorization, and died on the battlefield. Fortunately, the saint's mother protected me and was safe. Now I am a human being, Virtue is complete. Today, I am enshrined as the emperor of the human race by the order of the Supreme Daotian, and the Taoist name is the God of Kaidikai Tianhao. I will live in Huoyun Cave to practice, and I will not be affected by karma, and I will be immortal! Er Qi!"

This son is none other than Master Xuandu, the disciple of Bajing Palace, who was specially ordered by Lao Tzu to read out the edict and send the Emperor back to his throne.Fuxi took the order and left in a chariot of incense in Kowloon.The human race shouted, mourned and howled, shaking the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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