The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 187 Haotian Yewang recruited immortals, Fuxi was reincarnated as a human race

Chapter 187 Haotian Yewang recruited immortals, Fuxi was reincarnated as a human race

Seeing that all the immortals in the Pantao Conference were silent for a while, Haotian then said: "Good! Good! Good! It is the blessing of the Three Realms that the four dragon kings have such intentions, and it is a blessing for the Three Realms to have four guarding the four seas!"

The appearance of the Dragon King of the Four Seas caused a great impact among casual cultivators. Many people couldn't help but submit to the Heavenly Court, but it made the disciples of Ren, Chan, and Jue hate him to the bone.

Seeing this situation, the disciples such as Ran Deng and others couldn't sit still. As disciples of saints, they didn't want the development of Heavenly Court to affect themselves, so Ran Deng and other disciples got up and resigned. The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, one of the Four Emperors of the Heavenly Court, also left the banquet, but this move by Chanjiao completely wiped out the face of the Heavenly Court.

It would not have much impact if it was only for explaining the teaching and teaching, but after the explaining and teaching disciples got up and left, the Jiejiao disciples also got up and resigned under the leadership of Taoist Duobao.

Losing such a big man, the anger in Haotian and Yaochi's hearts can be imagined, if it wasn't for the two of them who just took over the Tianting, it would be inconvenient for them to go to Zixiao Palace, I'm afraid they would have asked the Taoist ancestor for advice went.It has to be said that explaining the teaching and cutting the teaching did nothing, and their actions gave the West an opportunity. Maitreya Buddha and Medicine Buddha looked at each other and exchanged opinions.

Seeing that, Maitreya got up and said: "Nowadays the great prosperity of the human race will establish the Three Emperors. Daoist Guangchengzi and Daoist Duobao must be busy with things, so they left the stage halfway, but everyone don't care, the Emperor of Heaven is the Lord of the Three Realms that Daozu kissed." , but we are supposed to safeguard the majesty of the Heavenly Court!"

As soon as Maitreya Buddha said this, the complexions of Haotian and Yaochi changed for the better, but the complexion of the Great Master Xuandu changed drastically, and he immediately understood the other party's intentions. This is to make the great master Xuanjiao dissatisfied with the excessive presumptuousness of the disciples of the interpretation and interception. It just gave the West a chance, and it also hated the heaven.

As for Xiao Qiang, he was very happy to see this, and the situation finally turned into chaos as he thought. As long as Heavenly Court counterattacked a little, then Sanqing and Empress Nuwa would not be able to focus on the human race with all their strength. Xiao Qiang still cared about the monster clan slaughtering people last time.

In this way, the first Pantao Conference ended in such a strange atmosphere, but because of this, Haotian and Yaochi had a gap with Chan and Jie, and the situation in the Three Realms became weird.

However, Haotian and the Queen Mother of the West above the Heavenly Court secretly invited some visiting experts to the Heavenly Court after the Pantao Conference, but most of these people are casual cultivators. Practice with the convenience of heaven.

Youdao is the best way to practice among the Gongmen. The heavenly court controls the stars in the sky. As long as they control them a little bit, they can get more power of the stars, which is very beneficial to their own practice.

However, Haotian and Yaochi failed to deceive the saints about this move. The saints have their own opinions on Haotian's move, but the two Western saints are very happy about this. From this point, they can clearly know that Haotian Tian and Yaochi didn't want to be puppets, so they gathered their strength to control the general situation of Tianting. Although the people he invited could not get Tiandao and thought they would become the righteous gods of Tianting, at least Tianting had its own power, instead of Everything depends on the help of Sanqing.

As for Haotian and Yaochi's move, it is in line with the wishes of the two sages of the West. As long as Haotian and Yaochi continue like this, they will definitely confront Sanqing. At that time, they will look for allies, so they can take advantage of the opportunity Get involved in the heavenly court and let Buddhism go eastward.

Of course, all this will take time, but now that the Lich War has just ended, and they have attracted a group of monster races to join the West, they just take advantage of this time to stabilize the West, so the two of them are keeping a watchful attitude towards this matter.

The Second Western Sage didn't respond to this, but Yuanshi Tianzun was different. He just let his disciple Nanji be in charge of the Emperor of Longevity, and Haotian and Yaochi made such a move. It was clearly a demonstration to themselves. The move made Yuanshi Tianzun furious.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to suppress Haotian and Yaochi, but the other party was the heavenly emperor personally appointed by the Taoist ancestor, and there were good reasons for what he did. At that time, I was afraid that the position of the Changsheng Emperor would not be guaranteed. In addition, there were only a dozen or so disciples under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect. He wanted to dominate the heavens but was short of manpower, so he could only endure this tone first, and wait for it later. The opportunity will be closed together with Haotian again.

No, a big event happened at this moment.As time goes by, Baiyun Canggou, Daode Tianzun, who was meditating in the Bajing Palace, suddenly opened his eyes, and a virtual image of Taiji was formed in the turbidity. He took out the Taiji diagram, and with a shake, a golden light enveloped a soul with a human head and a snake body , it was the soul of Fuxi who was rescued by Empress Nuwa during the Lich War. In order to repay the cause and effect, Lao Tzu had to agree to Empress Nuwa to make his elder brother Fuxi the first emperor.

After silently contemplating it, Lao Tzu waved his sleeves, a gust of wind blew, and a gust of wind engulfed Fuxi's spirit and went straight to the nether world.On this day, Hades of the Ten Temples is trying various cases of the six reincarnations, distinguishing between good and evil karma, and accurately sending souls to different places according to their grades.

Suddenly a strange wind blew, and I saw a soul being thrown into the human world. Countless souls who were about to join the human world saw it and avoided it. Suddenly, the underworld was in chaos. With a full face, he kowtowed to the soul.

This is the birth of Fuxi, the great prosperity of the human race, the suffering will pass, and the era of happiness is coming. Countless souls who care about this loved one rise from the bottom of their hearts with a sense of gratitude, and they can't help but prostrate on the ground, crying with gratitude.

But it is said that in the country of a human race, it is named Huaxu country because it relies on a river called Huaxu. There is a woman from the Fengdun tribe in the country, Huaxu, who heard that there is a strange place not far from her home, and the thunder is rolling. A pair of big footprints were left on the ground, which was regarded as a miracle by the clansmen, who said that they were the footprints of Thunder God in Lei Ze.

Hua Xu, who was in the cardamom age, came to that place with curiosity and carried his family behind his back. There was indeed a huge pit there, which was black and scorched. Out of curiosity, he touched it lightly with his foot, and suddenly felt a pang. The warm current ran up her body from the soles of her feet, and she was extremely comfortable. The little girl was frightened, so she quickly lifted up her linen dress, took two steps at a time, and ran back home.

I worried day and night, but found that there was nothing wrong, so I didn't take it to heart. I didn't want to, but my stomach gradually grew. At first, my family thought it was a disease, but there were no abnormal or uncomfortable symptoms.So, I called the elder and the woman who had childbearing experience to have a look, and said, the child is pregnant.

At this time, the patrilineal clan had just been formed, entering the Neolithic Age, men became the main labor force, but it was still an era when only the mother was known but the father was not, and the etiquette and moral precepts had not yet been produced, so there was no fuss.It's just that the family was curious about who the father was, and the little girl couldn't tell why, except that she touched the footprints left by Thor in Lei Ze and became pregnant.

When the clansmen were amazed, there were many mothers-in-law who checked their bodies, and Huaxu's family was still perfect, so rumors that the child Huaxu conceived might be the son of the gods spread slowly throughout the tribe.The tribe took care of Hua Xu carefully.Don't dare to make mistakes.This pregnancy lasted for 12 years, and this legendary event spread throughout the entire country of Hua Xu.

Finally, on March [-]th, Lin'er was born, but he had a human body and a snake's head, which resembled a thunder god. The people were shocked and regarded him as a god.When he was born, he was surrounded by beasts lying on the ground, birds circling around, and a strange fragrance wafted across the ground. Countless people who were present all disappeared from their diseases in an instant, and their bodies recovered. They felt more and more that this child was a godsend.

So the tribe decided to move Fuxi from Langzhong, where he was born, to Qiuyi, Qiuyi Mountain, standing on all sides.It is beneficial to avoid being attacked by animals.

(End of this chapter)

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