The Immortal Xiaoqiang of the Great Desolation

Chapter 217 2 Fighting orioles finally appear, the enemy leader is the old master of the fairy sword

Chapter 217 The Two-Phase Fighting Oriole Finally Appears, The Leader of the Enemy, the Former Lord of the Immortal Sword
The magic weapon of life was taken away, Jieyin immediately felt a throbbing heart, came to the scene, leaving only the corpses of Bailian Boy and Guiling Virgin (the true spirits are all on the list of gods), seeing this look, Jieyin immediately pinched his fingers to calculate the secret , that other party is also a generation of great mana, which has already confused the secrets of the heavens, so he has no choice but to return, and first help explain and teach through the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

The next day, the four Taishang Laojuns came to the front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. The Master Tongtian saw him, and he stepped forward and shouted: "Today we must meet with you, and we will definitely not quit rashly!" One person rushed out of the teaching formation and entered the formation first.It's Princess Longji. Seeing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the main position, waved the command flag and called out the 28 constellations of Jiuyao.I saw four or seven twenty-eight Taoists, neat and tidy, circling left and right, crowding out, and the big formation followed the rotation of the command flag.Before Princess Longji rushed to the center of the formation, she was overwhelmed by the Jiejiao immortals pouring in like a tide. Hong Jin saw his wife died.Surprised and angry in his heart, he rushed into the formation without waiting for orders from the saints.Not long after, he died on the list and left.

Yuanshi was about to answer the Lord Tongtian.Seeing that Hong Jin and his wife were dead, Yuan Shi sighed to the Western leader: "The one who is so talented just now is the daughter of the golden mother of Yaochi. The number of days should be like this, so it can be seen that it was not done by human beings."

Yuanshi Tianzun said to the left and right disciples: "Today, you have fulfilled this precept, you must enter the formation together, so that you can intercept and teach all immortals, and don't miss it." Life, but also came to the big formation, to complete the self-killing calamity.Seeing several people entering the battle, the leader of Tongtian religion urged Kui Niu to move away, and cut at them with his sword.

The Taishang Laojun held a flat crutch, and Yuanshi Tianzun held the three precious jade Ruyi, and stepped forward to stop the Tongtian leader.

All disciples of Chanjiao also rushed into the formation, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun rode a lion, Puxian Daoist rode a white elephant, Cihangdao rode a golden-haired roar, Lingbao Master held a sword, Taiyi Daoist entered the battle with a treasured file, fearing to stay behind. Sun, Master Huanglong, Yun Zhongzi and others all came to the formation of ten thousand immortals.Later, Jiang Ziya also led three generations of disciples Yang Jian, Li Jing and Nezha into the formation.It was a good fight at the moment, only to see the clanking of jade chimes in the formation, and the ringing of golden bells in the audience.There are clouds of smoke everywhere, and the wind is blowing in all directions.Everyone knows how to eliminate three times and escape five times, and everyone knows how to shake the sea and move the peak.Sword to sword, red light is shining; soldiers welcome treasure, auspicious air dissolves.There was thunder and vibration on the ground, and thunderbolts in midair.

Manjusri, Puxian and Cihang urged the green lion, white elephant and golden hair to roar, and the Virgin of the Golden Spirit made the sword fly.Master Lingbao's face was fiery; Our Lady of Wudang was furious.Daoist Taiyi moved his samadhi in his heart; Immortal Pilu also showed supernatural powers.The true king of morality comes to finish the killing ring; Yun neutron's sword is like a rainbow.Fearing that the grandson will sacrifice the rope that binds the immortals; the golden hoop immortals attack with flying swords.Yang Dao is like lightning; Li Jingji is like a flying dragon; Lei Zhenzi's two wings are brave in mid-air;It's really a method of the fairy family, and it's amazing.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was entangled by Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Cihang, only to see three people with blue, red and white faces, or three heads and six arms, or eight heads and six arms, or three heads and eight arms. All protected by golden lamps, white lotuses, jeweled pearls, necklaces, and radiant lights, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit used jade Ruyi to parry difficulties.Why not while Guang Chengzi sacrificed Fan Tianyin and struck at the Holy Mother of Jinling, at this moment, he only heard a loud shout, "Thief, dare you." Get off the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

The two were still in shock, and saw Guang Chengzi offering the Immortal Execution Sword, Chi Jingzi offering the Immortal Killing Sword, Daoist Tianzun offering the Immortal Immortal Sword, and Daoxing Tianzun offering the Immortal Immortal Sword, all famous people on the altar , Just like chopping melons and vegetables, they were all killed.

Seeing that Taoist Jieyin and Zhunti Taoist held Qiankun bags to wantonly collect the immortals of Jiejiao, and the disciples of Chanjiao killed them at will, he felt sad and indignant, and shouted: "Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, shake the six-hundred spirit banner quickly."

Chang-eared Dingguangxian heard the yell from the leader of Tongtian, and wanted to take refuge in the teaching camp with the six soul banners in his hand, but his mana suddenly ran away, and he couldn't help arousing the whole body's mana, shaking it one after another.I saw six streams of black air flowing out from the six soul banners, and dissipated in the air in a blink of an eye.Even if the Four Great Saints had received the secret report from Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal long ago, they were prepared, but they couldn't help the black energy entering their bodies and fought a cold war.Taishang Laojun and others were shocked at the moment, saints are immortal, and a cold war is already a big strange thing.Immediately they each jumped out of the battle group, a chaotic cloud of light appeared on the top of the Taishang Laojun, the Qingyun golden lantern appeared on the original Tianzun, and three relics appeared on the leading Taoist, and the Zhunti Taoist was still a giant bodhi tree.As for Jiang Ziya and Wu Wang Jifa who were not strong enough, even though one was a person who was conferred with the gods and the other was protected by the aura of the emperor, they couldn't help but passed out when the six soul banners waved.

At this moment, another accident happened again. I saw that the Four Swords of Zhu Xian held by the four of Chanjiao unexpectedly dropped their hands, and the strong sword energy chopped Guangchengzi and four into ashes, and the true spirit didn't even make it to the list of gods.After the four swords of Zhu Xian were released, they each flew to one side and stood firm. The four swords of Zhu Xian stood up again, covering everyone present.

Just when everyone was wondering, they saw four figures flashing, landed on the position of Zhu Xian's four swords, holding four swords, everyone took a closer look, they were old acquaintances, Minghe, Kunpeng, Panwang and Randeng.

Seeing that the four people who burned the lamp challenged the dignity of the saint, trapped themselves in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and killed four of their disciples, Yuanyuan was quite annoyed, and immediately asked, "You four are so brave, do you want to help Tongtian?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." Kunpeng said with a sinister smile, "Tongtian? He is not worth our departure. Our purpose...of course is to destroy you." After finishing speaking, Kunpeng waved the Immortal Trapping Sword in his hand, a huge chaotic sword energy Shooting at Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya, an ordinary person, is already in a coma at this time, even with the central apricot-yellow flag on his body, he can't stop the power of the chaotic sword energy, and immediately dies and disappears. Poor Jiang Ziya wanted to cultivate immortality, but he has no qualifications. , now his temples are gray and he just wants to retire and worship as a general and marquis, but he suffers misfortune.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw that Kunpeng had killed his disciple again in front of him, and he was furious immediately, "He actually provoked the majesty of the saint, and he didn't know how to live or die." After saying that, he swiped Yu Ruyi towards Kunpeng.It's a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun's mana dropped by [-] to [-]% due to the effect of the six soul banners, which made Kunpeng raise the Immortal Trapping Sword and use the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation to withstand Yuanshi Tianzun's attack.

"Tongtian, don't take those four swords away." Yuanshi Tianzun was embarrassed, and immediately turned to Tongtian who was watching the show, wanting Tongtian to take back the four swords, because Guang Chengzi and others are Tongtian's descendants, and Tongtian was defeated again. In the hands of Yuan Yuan and others, Guang Chengzi took the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and Tong Tian had nothing to say, he couldn't take it back with the cheekiness of Yuan Yuan.Therefore, although Tongtian was very unhappy with the tone of Yuan Yuan's words to him, and it was good to see Yuan Die deflated, but Ran Deng and others took their magic weapon to show off their power and challenge the majesty of the saint, but Tong Tian could not bear it. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian, who knows that this mana seems to have fallen into a quagmire, no matter how hard Tong Tian tries, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in the hands of the four people of Ran Deng will not move at all.

"Damn it, what did you do to my Four Swords of Jade Dynasty?" Seeing that he had lost contact with the Four Swords of Jade Dynasty, Tong Tian asked the four of them angrily.

"Jie Jie." Minghe sneered, "Hmph, the Four Swords of Jade Immortals is not just your master, Tongtian, since our master has returned, the Four Swords of Jade Immortals will return to their original owners."

At this time, the expressions of the expressionless Lao Tzu and the distressed Jie Yin finally moved, and I saw Lao Tzu exclaimed, "The previous master of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals? He is not dead yet? But even if he is not dead, do you think it is the same? Can the Four Swords of Zhu Xian be able to deal with us? If we can break it once, we can break it a second time."

"Haha, yes. The Zhuxian Sword Formation alone can't deal with you five saints, but with us." At this moment, a sharp howl came, and with a gust of wind, the formation was repaired to a low level. The shallow monk blew up and down.I saw four flashes of light flashing in the distance, and they came to the formation in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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