Chapter 111
Liang Yuehu himself didn't have much ability, and he was content to be a third-rank Beijing official like Tai Changqing, so he pinned all his hopes on his son Liang Yaozu.Liang Yaozu is a student. He is talented in Hengshan Academy and even in the capital. He hopes that Liang Yaozu can win the first prize in next year's palace examination, so that those colleagues who look down on him can see it. Although Liangyue Lake is not very good, I gave birth to a good son!

Liang Yuehu had a good idea, thinking that as long as his son wins the first prize in the exam and gets married to Lord Thunder, his son's future will naturally be bright if the Palace of Thunder comes forward to take care of it.Liang Yuehu happily paved the way for his son, but this rebellious son insisted on disobeying him. He didn't like anyone, but he fell in love with Feng Chengyi's daughter.

Feng Chengyi is the third-rank minister of Dali Temple. Strictly speaking, the marriage between the two families can be regarded as a good match.But Feng Chengyi is wise and decisive, upright and upright, and he looks down on Liang Yuehu's flattering and flattering villain the most. Every time he meets Feng Chengyi, he will sneer at Liang Yuehu, which makes Liang Yuehu unable to get down in front of his colleagues.

Liang Yuehu loved his son so much, so if he saw that his son really liked it, then he would like it. Anyway, he married the old man's daughter, not the old man.I thought to myself: After I finish my marriage with Princess Ping An, I can just marry that woman in as a concubine.Unexpectedly, this rebellious son turned against the heavens and wanted to marry Feng Chengyi as his wife and let the princess of a country be his concubine!

Thinking about it, the flames that had died down rose up again in vain, instantly covering up the guilt that was as big as a fingernail, pointing at Liang Yaozu and cursing, "You bastard! Can a dignified princess be your concubine?!"

Liang Yaozu did not show any weakness, stared straight at his father, and said persistently and stubbornly, "I love Ya'er, and I promised her to marry her as my wife. My main wife must be Ya'er, since the princess cannot If you want to be a concubine, then you just don’t marry.”

"You, you." Liang Yuehu was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Liang He was afraid that he would throw things at his precious son if he was very angry, so he said, "Master, you should follow Zuer. Besides, there is no rule in the imperial court that princesses cannot be concubines..."

Liang Yuehu's face was ashen, and he scolded, "It's really a woman's opinion! The majestic Princess Ping'an, proclaimed by the Holy Majesty, has a high status. Even a third-rank court official like me will bow to me when I see you. Do you think you Who is the son? But he is a talented scholar who doesn't even have an official position, so that the princess can let go of her noble status and agree to be your son's concubine as a concubine?!"

Liang He didn't dare to refute, but belittling her son like this made her feel uncomfortable.What happened to the princess?The princess is not yet a woman.A woman regards her husband as her god. After she marries Zuer, she still has to serve Zuer's life.Her family's Zu'er is quick-witted and has an extraordinary appearance. She will definitely be used by the emperor in the future. Being able to marry Zu'er as a concubine does not disgrace her status as a princess!
Liang Yuehu didn't talk to their mother and son, but left with a strong sentence of 'this matter can't be changed'.

Ya'er, who made Liang Yaozu fall in love with him, was Feng Ya, the prostitute daughter of Dali Temple Minister Feng Chengyi.

Feng Ya and Liang Yaozu can also be regarded as talented scholars and beautiful ladies.

Liang Yaozu's last article "On Mountains and Rivers" was famous in the capital, and he enjoyed the elegant title of "Shenzhi Gongzi" in the circle of scholars in the capital.

And Feng Ya, the young lady of the Feng family, is also a leader among the noble girls in the capital. Back then, when the empress held a flower banquet in the palace, Miss Feng's song "High Mountain and Flowing Water" beat everyone and won the first place.She shocked many pretentious and famous ladies, and she was called "Qingqin Shuangshu" together with Miss Xuehui, the third daughter of Cai Chengxiang's family.

Back then, Ms. Feng's song "High Mountains and Flowing Water" won the hearts of many men in the capital, even Liang Yaozu was no exception, he was astonished at the first sight, and she would not marry anyone who had a special liking.

Liang Yuehu went back to his room and changed his clothes. Looking at the white snow falling on the dead branches outside the window, he felt a little irritated. He closed the door and went straight out of Liang's mansion, to a small restaurant where literati gathered.

In the private room, a few academy students who were familiar with him were drinking and reciting poems against each other.Seeing Liang Yaozu come in, he hurriedly stood up to say hello, "Shenzhi, you're here, didn't you say you won't be here today, why are you here?"

Shenzhi is Liang Yaozu's character, which was chosen by Prime Minister Ren personally for Liang Yaozu at the coming-of-age ceremony.Be careful, be careful, and do things carefully.

A sharp-eyed person noticed the bruise on his jawbone and joked, "Hey! What's wrong with this face? Did he climb the wall to see his little lover and was beaten by Mr. Feng Yuezhang! Hahaha——" This group of people all knew that Liang Yaozu fell in love with Miss Feng's family and would not marry anyone other than Miss Feng's family in this life.

A beautiful woman, a talented man, this person is somewhat envious.

As the man spoke, he stretched out his hand to press the wound on Liang Yaozu's face. Liang Yaozu stretched out his hand and waved it away, walked to the table and sat down, picked up the wine pot warmed on the small stove, and drank with his head up, without saying a word, just like that Sullenly drinking wine.

A group of people finally realized that something was wrong with him, they all calmed down, sat beside him and asked caringly, "Shenzhi, what's wrong? But you were bullied?"

One of the men suddenly slammed on the table, and roared boldly, "Shen Zhi, who bullied you? We will avenge you. I am really impatient, even our son Shen Zhi dares to bully..."

Most of these people are the sons of government officials, and their backgrounds are similar to Liang Yaozu's. Not all of them have Liang Yaozu's talents and skills. dawdle.

Liang Yaozu drank a pot of wine sullenly, his head was a little dizzy, the feeling of alcohol came up, and the depression and irritability in his heart also came out, "No, this injury was caused by my father."

"Lord Liang!"

Several people exclaimed and looked at each other. Who didn't know that Mr. Liang treasured his son, how could he be willing to beat him?
Wang Jing patted Liang Yaozu on the shoulder, and asked, "Shen Zhi, what made Mr. Liang unhappy? Tell me, and we will give you some advice."

Wang Jing's father was a fourth-rank Guozijian Jijiu. Among these people, only Liang Yaozu's father had a slightly higher official position, and the others were all third-rank and fourth-rank Beijing officials.

People are divided into groups, and things of a feather flock together.People with a slightly lower official rank are not worthy of being in their circle, and their status is not worthy of entering a slightly higher circle.

Liang Yaozu looked a little hesitant, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, and finally raised his head and took another sip of mulled wine.

One person pushed Wang Jing, and Wang Jing blinked, and said again, "Shenzhi, there is nothing to keep secret with our relationship. If there is anything bothering you, tell it, tell it, and let everyone think about it for you." The method, as the saying goes, three cobblers can beat Zhuge Liang, and with so many of us, we can beat several Zhuge Liang.”

"Yeah, Shenzhi, tell us about it..."

In the end, unable to bear their repeated urging, Liang Yaozu said, "You don't know, my father arranged a marriage for me a few years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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