Chapter 112
He raised his hand and poured another glass of strong wine, "Ya'er Wanqiu Shuyuan, she is unparalleled in beauty, how can such a talented woman be subservient to be a concubine!"

In Liang Yaozu's eyes, Ya'er is the treasure in his heart, no one can compare to her.The first time he saw Ya'er was at the Hundred Flowers Feast, he was far away at that time, and at first he didn't notice the woman who carried her on the stage until the song "High Mountain and Flowing Water" came out, his eyes Eyes were drawn to it.He raised his eyes casually, and when that peerless figure came into his eyes, he immediately lost his mind.

The woman is dressed in a plain white palace dress, with silky silky hair hanging down her slender waist, her head tied up in a coquettish and unique flying cloud bun, and an amethyst crescent magnolia hairpin is inserted in the lightly curled temples.She was wearing a lavender double-breasted dress, embroidered with brocade patterns of beaded flowers, and her waist was gently held by a light blue soft gauze from Jicui Mountain.Elegant and beautiful, alluring the country and the city.

The melodious and exciting piano sound poured out from her fingertips like water, touching his heart and soul.

How can such a noble and beautiful woman be a concubine?How can I be a concubine!

One person didn't know the channel, so he said casually, "It's easy to handle, just cancel that marriage, there is nothing to embarrass."

Wang Jing also smiled slightly, and said, "Yang Zhi is right, since you don't want to wrong Miss Feng's family as a concubine, then you have no choice but to withdraw the original marriage."

Liang Yaozu smiled wryly, "If I could withdraw, my father wouldn't hit me with a teacup."

Wang Jing raised his eyebrows, "Ms. Feng's family is the daughter-in-law of Mr. Feng, Minister of Dali Temple. If you marry her, it will only benefit your career. It stands to reason that Mr. Liang will not be so resolute because of his temperament. Unless..."

Unless Liang Yaozu's earlier marriage would be more beneficial than marrying Dali Siqing.

Wang Jing and Yang Zhi looked at each other, obviously they both thought of this.

Yang Zhi sat down beside Liang Yaozu, and asked in a deep voice, "Shen Zhi, which girl is the marriage Master Liang arranged for you?"

Liang Yaozu threw down his wine glass, and said with a hint of disgust in his voice, "It's Princess Ping An of the Thunder Palace!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar!

After Liang Yaozu made a fuss, the news that he and Princess Ping'an had long been engaged spread among the noble children in a small circle.Although the news has not reached the point where everyone knows it, what should be known is still known.

Fengfu Graceland.

The woman wears a Chinese dress and a glazed skirt, sitting elegantly, playing a stringed piano in front of her, and a song of mountains and rivers slanting out.

"Miss, I heard that Mr. Liang is engaged..."

The green onion white finger trembled suddenly, the strings of the qin broke, and the sound of the qin stopped abruptly.

The capital ushered in the biggest snowfall this winter, and it snowed heavily for three whole days.After the snow, the earth is covered with silver and white, and the sky and the earth are connected into a line, blurring the boundary, blurring the sky and the earth, only the strings of footprints are particularly clear and dazzling between the sky and the earth.

The heavy snow stopped on the third day, and the doctor of the Ministry of Rituals heaved a sigh of relief. Today is the day when the Holy Majesty invites his ministers to clean up the dust for the three kings of the opposite sex.All affairs of the banquet were arranged by the Ministry of Rituals. If the heavy snow did not stop, he really didn't know how to explain to the Holy Majesty.The doctor sighed faintly, the arrangement of the feast was originally a matter of Honglu Temple, but somehow it fell on the head of their Ministry of Rites, hey!I don't know if it's because the Holy Majesty sees that their Ritual Department is too busy recently.

The imperial decree was issued three days ago, and all officials of the fourth rank and above can bring their families to attend the royal feast.All of a sudden, the rich and powerful families in Beijing and the nobles of the Qing Dynasty became lively, and even the major jewelry shops in the capital became lively.Just as Miss Zhao was sent away, Miss Sun was welcomed again.

These gentry ladies tried their best to dress up, they all wanted to stand out at the imperial banquet, so as to find a good match in the troubled times.

In the Lei Ting Palace, because the girl who was still facing the brothel in Wangchuan lingered so much, so the imperial banquet had to be attended by Yi Mo.The old butler started working three days ago, and sent people to collect the most exquisite clothes and jewelry from all the jewelry shops in the capital.I thought to myself, this is the first time for my young lady to show up in the circle of aristocratic ladies in the capital, so she must dress up well, and compare herself to those arrogant and noble ladies.

The banquet started at the next hour, and the old housekeeper brought his maid to dress up Yi Mo. When he entered the courtyard, he saw a man lying at the feet of the little master without any rules, spit and spittle, talking wildly.

What is Zhang Yuelu talking about?

Of course it was Liang Yaozu.

"Oh, master, the famous Master Shenzhi in the capital yesterday published another masterpiece." Zhang Yuelu revealed a look of admiration in his eyes, and shook his head like a Confucian scholar, "I'm afraid that I will be late when I sleep alone, and I am afraid that the ice will not melt into it." At that time. Pretend to be a little red peach and apricot, but still have a lonely and thin snowy appearance. The cold heart is not willing to follow the spring state, and the wine is dizzy for no reason. The jade skin. The old poet does not know that Meg is there, and he looks at the green leaves and green branches."

After reading it, there is still some decent commentary, "This poem is closely related to the unique character of red plums, which are as bright as peaches and apricots, as cold as ice, and stand proudly. Implicit and profound, it can be called a masterpiece among the poems chanting things. Zhuize! Flowers are like beauties, beauties are like flowers, full of affection. 'It's not too late to sleep well', I think this sentence is the best, both vividly and vividly portrayed The jade that comes out of plum blossoms is clean and clear, and does not follow the customs, and it also implies the loneliness and difficult situation of plum blossoms."

Suzaku led the maid brought by the old housekeeper to put down her dress and jewelry, and seeing Zhang Yuelu's intoxicated look, she couldn't help but lashed out, "I'm afraid I heard these words from some Confucian student."

Being exposed face to face, Zhang Yuelu was immediately annoyed, blushing, and refused to admit it, "Why can't I comprehend it myself? You are looking down on people!"

Suzaku twisted the gold shaker in one hand and the jasper pearl hairpin in the other, compared them together, then put down the golden step shaker, and said, "If you can write the words 'sleeping and relaxing' well I’m afraid I’ll wake up with a smile if I’m dreaming.” Master Qu is the literacy enlightenment teacher of the 28 constellations in the Fourth Palace.

Back then, Master Chau taught Suzaku Qinglong and others how to read, and everyone followed them honestly. Even Xuanwu, who was the most noisy, got up earlier than chickens and went to bed later than dogs to practice calligraphy seriously, but Zhang Yuelu stood alone. Walking alone, restless, he couldn't write a word well after seven or eight times. Every time he asked the teacher to give a lesson, he pretended to be dead and refused to attend the class.After more than ten years, I can barely read.

There are a few drops of ink in Zhang Yuelu's stomach, how can Suzaku not know?Can compose poems, appreciative analysis, nonsense!
Zhang Yuelu blushed, held her breath, and stared at Suzaku, wishing she could rush up and slap her twice, telling you not to give me face!Tell you not to give me face!But considering the issue of force value, he had to give up resentfully.

This guy Zhang Yuelu has a violent temper, aside from his violent temper, he also has a shameful habit. He likes to pretend to be a liberal man with profound knowledge. a little poem.Of course, those poems are all plagiarized.

(End of this chapter)

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