black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 114 Murderous Boiling

Chapter 114 Murderous Boiling (1)
Xiao Huangmen who came running knelt on the ground and timidly told, "Your Majesty, Princess Ping'an fainted on the way."

Everyone was startled, Emperor Qianmin was also startled, and shouted in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Xiao Huangmen trembled, and Nuonuo replied, "I heard from the steward of the palace that Princess Ping'an is weak and sick. She was exhausted from the bumpy journey from Wangchuan to the capital, and her heart was hurt. In addition, after today's tossing, she is not in good spirits. fainted."

Emperor Ganmin remained silent, squinting at Su Mu beside him.Su Mu understood, and immediately reported in a low voice, "According to the news from Wangchuan, Princess Ping'an is indeed weak and sick. In the past few years, she used medicinal stones to nourish her health. Princess Jingyang has put a lot of thought into this."

After hearing Su Mu's words, Emperor Ganmin looked at the little eunuch kneeling on the ground, "In this case, let Ping An go back to rest and rest, and there is no need to come here."

A frail and sickly boudoir girl is not worthy of Emperor Qianmin's attention.

As soon as you time arrives, the banquet begins. A gorgeous and luxurious banquet is placed on the left side of the lake in the Royal Garden. Behind everyone, the garden is full of delicate flowers. Even though it is cold winter, they bloom more beautifully than in warm spring.But in front of the pavilion in the middle of the lake, the lights are shining brightly, the brilliance is dazzling, the musicians in plain clothes are playing music, and the director of the Yuefu is dancing, which is a sign of peace and enjoyment.

At first all the officials were a little cautious because of the emperor's presence, but they gradually relaxed after seeing the elegant enjoyment, and chatted with the colleagues around them one after another.The "frail and sickly" Princess Ping'an was left behind.

The only thing I can remember is the prince.The crown prince is sitting in a high position dejectedly, drinking alone, what do you think he is dressing up for? !

No one can understand the feeling of loss and loneliness.

Hold up the white jade cup, raise your hand, raise your head, the movement is free and easy.The fine juice and jade wine ran down the neck along the corner of the mouth, soaking the black hair around the neck, and the pair of phoenix eyes were smudged with drunkenness, and a casual glance would fascinate the soul.

Miss Cai, who was secretly watching the prince's every move, was secretly holding on to the brocade handkerchief, a trace of worry flashed across her beautiful eyes, would drinking like this hurt her body?At this time, Si Le had just finished playing a song, Xuehui gritted her teeth, got up gracefully, stepped forward gracefully, and said respectfully to Emperor Qianmin, "Your Majesty, my daughter has recently learned a new piece of music, please let me let you Let me play a song for you."

Xuehui was dressed very well today, wearing a light blue pleated skirt with a lot of lotus embroidery on the lapel, elegant and noble.The black hair completes the beauty bun, and the back half is still hanging down the side of the neck. A lotus glass hairpin is inserted in the bun. It is exquisite and translucent. The natural pink jade is just carved into a pink lotus petal. A string of beads spaced between crystal beads and ruby ​​beads.While moving in lotus steps, pearl oysters swayed, and the delicate face was as beautiful as a flower.

The children of some aristocratic families looked straight at him, with undisguised admiration in their eyes.

Emperor Ganmin clapped his palms and laughed, "Okay, Xuehui's song Qianxiang is hard to find, and today I can feast my ears."

Xuehui smiled shyly, walked lightly with lotus steps, and sat down in front of the qixuanqin that the palace servants had already set up.He raised his head and nodded towards the crowd, plucked the strings with green onion and white fingers, and played an unknown tune with his jade fingers flowing like clouds and flowing water. His sleeves fluttered like dancing, like butterfly wings trembling, and the tune gradually became impossible, like a phoenix singing lightly , the pearl falls on the jade plate...

The sound of the piano flowed through the hearts of everyone present, even Emperor Qianmin showed an expression of appreciation, rubbing the blood jade on his thumb, and nodded secretly.

A burst of wonderful notes, extravagant and elegant.The song ended with a bang, and the lingering sound lingered like a cloud for a long time.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause from the audience. Empress Yan smiled and praised, "Shuangshu Qingqin really lives up to their reputation. Prime Minister Cai really raised a good daughter."

As soon as Empress Yan said this, Cai Xuehui immediately smiled, her pretty face was stained with a thin layer of charming powder, and she replied shyly, "The empress is ridiculous."

Emperor Qianmin also said with a smile, "Prime Minister Cai has indeed raised a good daughter. She is slim and tall, and a peach is better than a plum. She must have a gentle and quiet temperament, with a blue heart. Good, good, such a beautiful woman, the future husband Jiading is also a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present were different.Dragon and phoenix among people?Among the dragons and phoenixes spoken from the mouth of the emperor, who else can there be except the most expensive and incomparable prince, His Royal Highness!

It seems that the Cai family is really going to produce a princess and concubine.

All the officials looked at Prime Minister Cai with flattery and flattery in their eyes. If there is no accident, the crown prince will take over, and Miss Cai will be the mother of the world, and this Prime Minister Cai is a powerful and powerful lord of the country!

Cai Xuehui had a shy face, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

However, our evil and handsome prince is absent-mindedly rubbing the Pisces jade pendant on his waist, squinting his hazy eyes, thinking: Weak and fainted?Crap!He must have gone somewhere to abduct the little boy!
Where did Yi Mo go?

I didn't go anywhere, just at a workshop that made fireworks and firecrackers at the root of the imperial city.

When the carriage passed the Southeast Road, there was a deafening explosion, and then a panicked crowd surged out from the south.The explosion startled the horses pulling the carriage. If Zhang Yuelu hadn't stopped them quickly, the horses would gallop wildly and the crowd rioted, blood might flow like rivers.

"Ah... dead, dead!"

"Run, run!"

Some people in the crowd shouted, some screamed.

Yi Mo raised the curtain of the car, looked at the crowd running for their lives, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Zhang Yuelu raised the horsewhip in his hand, turned his wrist, poured his internal energy into it, the horsewhip snaked out like a spirit snake, and instantly entangled a person who was passing by the carriage like a whirlwind.Slightly exerting force with five fingers, the whip suddenly retracted, and the man was lifted into the air, and landed on the carriage with a scream.

Zhang Yuelu grabbed the hem of his shirt, and asked with a playful face, "Hey! Brother, what are you running for? Are you so desperate, is it possible that there are scourges chasing you?"

The little brother who was caught by Zhang Yuelu was still a half-grown child, about thirteen or fourteen, staring at Zhang Yuelu with watery eyes, his delicate face was pale with fright, and his body was trembling timidly. Was it frightened by the 'flood beast', or was it caused by the bandit behavior of Zhang Yuelu?

The corner of the child's mouth twitched, and he let out a whimper. Before Zhang Yuelu was ready, he wailed loudly, "Woooo! Hero! Hero, please spare me. The little one's parents died, his family was destitute, and he was poor. Yours, don't hold it against..." He handed over two taels of silver with trembling hands.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the broken silver he was holding in front of him with a dark face, feeling that he was here to rob!
this bear boy...

Yi Mo bypassed the two of them, got out of the carriage, looked at the alley where thick smoke suddenly rose, with a serious face, he asked again, "What happened to the sharp noise just now?" , Standing in front of the horse, you can naturally see the haze and dust in the sky, as if you have been baptized by the battlefield.When the explosion sounded for the first time, she noticed that the ground trembled faintly for a hundred miles around, and the explosion spread, and a house in the alley collapsed with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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