black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 115 Murderous Boiling

Chapter 115 Murderous Boiling (2)
Such a horrible situation has only happened once in history.According to the historical records in the "General History" of the Kingdom of Chengtian: In the fifth year of Emperor Yunxiang, on August [-]th, it was cloudy and rainy for [-] days.On the morning of the [-]th, there was light rain followed by fine weather, and it was extremely steamy at noon.In the evening, the sky is red in the southwest.In the first faint, for a long time, there was redness like betting on a rope.In the evening, the clouds were like gray dogs, and it was raining torrentially. The sky and the earth were shaking one after another, and the ground was full of water.Moreover, the chicken folds its wings and sticks to the ground, and the dog draws its tail and barks.Suddenly, the ground was like a cannon, followed by thousands of stone cannons... It was like hundreds of thousands of troops and horses coming, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains!
It is said that that day was like purgatory on earth, with landslides and ground cracks, houses collapsed, and the river flowing out of the mountains was dazzling blood red.

Yi Mo condensed his attention, if the loud noise just now was really caused by the vibration, according to the historical records, all the houses in the capital should collapse, but why did only that private house collapse?
Yi Mo looked back, looked at the child, and pointed to the dusty and hazy space, "Where is that?"

The boy had never seen such a noble person before, he was stunned for a while before he murmured: "'s the Xunjianan Workshop."

Yi Mo's eyes darkened, and he got into the carriage again, and said coldly, "Let's go."

Zhang Yuelu had been by Yi Mo's side for so many years, so she naturally knew where she was talking about, so she turned the horse's head and headed for the place where the smoke was billowing.

Then there was the incident that Xiao Huangmen entered the palace and lied about Princess Ping'an's infirmity, and she fainted due to the unbearable travel.Fang Ritu, who was in the imperial banquet seat, secretly wiped off his sweat. Fortunately, he sent someone to follow his master all the way, and when she turned her head to the southern workshop in the suburbs, he bribed the little eunuch in time and told a big lie.Otherwise, tonight will be lively...

"I wish Yancheng the prosperity of the heavenly phoenix, and good luck for the Li family to have food. The ancestors must implement good policies, and the national security must be cleansed. The prosperity of the world is the hope of the people, and the glory of the Jiuzhou people is raised. The prosperity of the sky scares the wilderness. What is the dream of fame all over the world? Long." A Tibetan acrostic poem won the great joy of the holy Longyan.

"Good! Good! Good!" Emperor Qianmin called three good words in succession, clapped his palms and raised his head and laughed loudly, "Liang Jiaerlang is really good at writing, and he deserves the title of 'Mr. Shen Zhi'."

Liang Yuehu at the side was overjoyed when he heard the words, hurriedly got up and left the table, knelt down and thanked him, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me your name!"

Emperor Ganmin was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he laughed, hearty laughter filled the entire imperial garden.Then he pointed at the person kneeling on the ground, shook his head and smiled and said, "Liangyue Lake, Liangyue Lake, you really know how to take advantage of loopholes. Well, in that case, I will give him the word 'Shen Zhigongzi'. Su Mu, take your pen and ink." Come!"

"Yes." Su Mu led the order, and within a few breaths, a young eunuch respectfully handed over a pen and inkstone.

Emperor Qianmin took up the pen and wrote down the four characters of "Shenzhi Gongzi" smoothly.

It wasn't until Su Mu handed over the imperial calligraphy to Liang Yaozu that he came to his senses, knelt down in ecstasy and thanked him, "Thank you Lord Long En."

In the past, "Shenzhi Gongzi" was just a folk name, which was not worthy of Taoism, but now the name given by the Holy One is quite different!

Liang Yaozu was given the name of Mo Bao, which aroused the envy of the scholars present. Liang Yaozu was really brilliant tonight.Wearing a water-blue brocade suit, his figure is as tall and straight as a green bamboo, with a jade crown on his head and a jade pendant on his waist, and his gestures are full of scholarly elegance. Standing there, he is really a young man of a family in troubled times.

Concubine He Gui took the wet handkerchief from the maidservant, wiped her white onion and jade fingers gracefully, and said leisurely, "Master Liang, Mr. Xiao Liang has already reached the age of weak crown, is he getting married?"

Liang Yuehu replied humbly, "I'm reporting to the imperial concubine, the dog has never been married."

Concubine Ren Shu also smiled, and said: "The young master of the Liang family is a handsome young man with a dignified appearance and a talent. He should be the favorite of the girls in the pavilion. There are so many gentle and virtuous girls in Beijing, how can the young master of the Liang family have a favorite girl?" ? If so, tell me that this palace will be your matchmaker and officiate the marriage. It will surely make a good story."

Liang Yaozu was overjoyed, knowing that this was a rare opportunity.He likes Ya'er, it is impossible to wrong Ya'er to be a concubine, and it is impossible for a dignified princess to be a concubine, so the only way is to withdraw from the marriage.If the Liang family came to withdraw their marriage, the Lei Ting Palace would be powerful and would definitely embarrass the Liang family.If the marriage was bestowed by the Holy Majesty, and the concubine and empress would protect the matchmaker, even if Lord Lei Ting was angry or resentful, he would embarrass the Liang family.Thinking of this, Liang Yaozu eagerly took a step forward, and begged on his knees, "Caomin begs your majesty to be the master, Caomin and Master Feng's daughter Feng Ya are in love, please your majesty..."

Liang Yuehu suddenly said loudly, "I want to report to Concubine Shu, Gou'er is already engaged. In a few days, after discussing a good date with the bride's family, I will choose a date to get married."

Although Liang Yuehu interrupted Liang Yaozu's words, everyone present could hear Liang Yaozu's words clearly.This 'Mr. Shen Zhi''s favorite person is the daughter of Mr. Feng's family in Dali Temple, but hearing Liang Yuehu's meaning, it seems that he is not very satisfied with that Feng Ya, and has arranged another marriage for Mr. Liang.

Emperor Ganmin was full of interest, raised his hand, and shunned the bright yellow embroidered robe with dragon pattern.He had also heard a little about that Feng Ya, and he heard that she played the piano well, and she was snow-skinned and beautiful, with a pretty face, and a quiet and dignified temperament, gentle and pleasant, not much better than Miss Cai's.Which girl could compare to Feng Ya and let Liang Yuehu propose marriage in person?
"Oh! It turns out that Mr. Shen Zhi has already engaged, I wonder which girl it is?" There was a trace of interest in the majestic and deep voice.

Liang Yuehu bent his back a little more, cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to the Emperor, it is Princess Ping An of Thunder Palace."

There was a shattering sound of a porcelain cup falling to the ground.

Then I heard a panicked exclamation, "Your Highness!"

Everyone looked and saw that the crown prince smashed the porcelain cup, and a deep bloodstain was drawn on Bai Yu's palm, and drops of blood fell on the precious and gorgeous carpet.The father-in-law of the little boots panicked and took out the handkerchief to press the wound on the palm of His Highness the Crown Prince.

The crown prince lowered his head, and the black hair scattered on both sides covered the expression on his face and blocked everyone's peeping sight.However, keen people noticed that the aura around His Royal Highness suddenly became gloomy and cold.

Looking up suddenly, those twinkling eyes that were originally full of passion are now like a deep pool, leaving only sternness, sharpness, and full of murderous intent!Her thin lips were tightly pursed, and the handsome face outlined was not glamorous, but awe-inspiring and cold, and her whole body was filled with a murderous aura like a hell-like Shura!

The timid official had already lowered his head timidly, not daring to look any further.And Liang Yaozu who was standing in the field had a pale face and trembling hips, maybe it was his illusion, he always felt that those dark and prey eyes locked on him like a predatory eagle, as long as he moved, he would immediately swoop down, Tore him to pieces.

It wasn't his delusion, the crown prince was indeed looking at him, the violent aura burst out from his eyes, and the cold and murderous aura shot straight into the sky, with five fingers clenched, the manic internal energy gathered crazily, and he was about to strike.But he heard Emperor Qianmin yell softly, "Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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