black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 116 Murderous Boiling

Chapter 116 Murderous Boiling (3)
No matter who Emperor Qianmin was, he naturally couldn't miss the strong killing intent in his eyes.Although he didn't understand why this usually calm and calm son suddenly wanted to kill Liang Yaozu, he still stopped him immediately. With his son's temperament, if he didn't make a sound, he might really be under the watchful eyes of everyone. Kill Liang Yaozu!
Emperor Ganmin gave a soft drink, which woke up Queen Yan.Yan regretted seeing the bloodstains on her son's palm, her eyes were filled with distress, "Yu'er." If she hadn't been concerned about the scene, she would have rushed down, "Xuan Imperial Physician! Hurry up and announce Imperial Physician!"

The prince suppressed the hostility in his eyes, pushed away the little booted father-in-law in front of him, pulled off the handkerchief and casually wiped the blood on his palm, with a cold expression on his face, "Mother, I'm fine."

The snow-white brocade handkerchief was stained scarlet, the crown prince threw it casually, a gust of cool wind blew up, the brocade handkerchief fluctuated in the air, fluttering, and finally landed at Liang Yaozu's feet.

Looking at the blood-stained handkerchief, the officials present did not dare to vent their anger. The hand holding the wine glass trembled, and a biting cold air suddenly rose from the soles of the feet, winding up like a poisonous snake, along the calf, All the way up the spine.The atmosphere fell to the extreme in an instant, and a solemn feeling of killing hovered in the air.The second half of the banquet passed while all the officials were trembling...

Of course Yi Mo didn't know about the shocking scene at the palace banquet.At this time, she was standing in front of a pile of ruins that were emitting green smoke, and she could not see the original Xunjianan Workshop.

The South workshop collapsed, and the owner of the Xun family rushed to the scene immediately. Looking at the ruined workshop, his resolute face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He raised the skirt of the steward and roared angrily: "What's going on! What's going on! "

South workshop gunpowder explosion.Several workers died at that time, and later the house collapsed, and more than a dozen people were crushed to death alive and crushed under the rubble.The steward had just narrowly escaped death once, and at this moment his mind was in a daze, when he was yelled at by the head of the Xun family, he burst into tears, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know..."

The Patriarch of the Xun family blushed with anger, threw away the weeping steward, and ordered his servants to search in the ruins to see if there were any survivors under the ruins.

Yi Mo and Zhang Yuelu stood watching from a distance.Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand and pushed the boy beside him, took out ten taels of silver, waved it in front of his eyes, and said seductively, "Ask you a few questions, if you answer well, the ten taels of silver will be yours."

The boy's eyes were burning hot, and he salivated at the silver in his hand, swallowed, and looked up at Zhang Yuelu, "You ask, the young one must know everything, and talk endlessly."

Zhang Yuelu touched his head with a smile, and gave him an appreciative look, okay, this kid knows current affairs.

Yi Mo watched the servants bring out corpses one after another. Most of them were crushed to death when the workshop collapsed and had no time to escape, but there were a few exceptions.Looking at it with Mo Ning's eyes, I saw those corpses were scorched as black as carbon, as if they had been scorched by a raging fire, but some places were bloody and bloody, so it was certain that they were not burned to death by the fire.The bone at the severed limb was shattered like slag, and the flesh was like foam, and the wound seemed to be bitten by a wild animal.It was the first time Yi Mo saw such a strange death.

A cold voice floated out, "What does the Xun family workshop do?"

The boy hurriedly replied, "The Xun family is in the fireworks business, and the South Workshop is where the Xun family makes fireworks."

The fireworks and firecrackers of Chengtian Kingdom are not very popular, they are only used by noble families to celebrate festivals, so there are not many merchants in the fireworks and firecrackers business, and the Xun family is one of the few.

Making fireworks and firecrackers is dangerous to a certain extent. As long as the amount of wood chips, stone salt and other substances is out of proportion, it is easy to fry the pot.Frying pots are rare in Nanfang, but they are not without them. As long as there is a frying pot, the closest people will be the most unlucky.The light ones had their hands and feet broken, and the severe ones were bloody and bloody and lost their lives.

"The most powerful fryer ever happened in Nanfang Workshop. It killed three people and even broke a beam on the roof. But it's not as bad as this time..." The boy's voice became weaker. Obviously, there are still lingering fears about the disaster caused by the fryer.

Half an hour later, the servants of Xun's family carried out all the corpses from the ruins, and they filled the entire open space one by one. Counting them carefully, there were more than 30 corpses.The other two had been blown to pieces, only the body and limbs were found, and the head did not know where it went.

The steward was so frightened that he fell to the ground.The Patriarch of the Xun Family looked at him bitterly, seeing that he was in a daze, and knew that he couldn't ask any questions, so he beckoned his servant to take him with him, and left in a hurry.

For a moment, only the three of Yi Mo and the corpses were left beside the ruins.Seeing the hideous corpses all over the floor, the boy shivered with fright, and tugged at Zhang Yuelu's sleeve, "Can I, can I go?"

Zhang Yuelu handed him ten taels of silver, and waved his hand, "Go, go."

The boy took the silver, turned and ran.

Yi Mo looked at the ruins and the dead bodies all over the ground, his eyes were as deep as ink, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Zhang Yuelu pursed her lips, not daring to disturb her, so she found a place, squatted on the ground like a rascal, and swayed, counting the stones on the ground to pass the time.

"Let's go." Yi Mo turned around, Zhang Yuelu patted his butt, and hurriedly followed.But within a few steps, there was a sharp sound of an iron pan falling to the ground in the empty ruins, followed by a few difficult coughing sounds.

Yi Mo and Zhang Yuelu turned their heads at the same time, only to see a dusty man emerging from the ruins.

"Ahem...cough! Cough," the man lifted the iron pot above his head and struggled to crawl out of the ruins.Looking at the collapsing workshop, his eyes were not panic or fear, but fanaticism and excitement!
The dark and bright eyes shot out a hot light, and the mouth kept murmuring, "It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this..."

Yi Mo's eyes lit up, and he winked at Zhang Yuelu.Zhang Yuelu understood, jumped up, grabbed the man's shoulders, jumped up and came to Yi Mo.

"Take it." Yi Mo turned around and got into the carriage. Zhang Yuelu carried the man and threw him into the carriage. the villa.

Lei Tingwang's mansion moved to the capital, and of course the forces in Wangchuan had to be transferred one by one. There are many eyes and ears in the capital, and Yi Mo didn't dare to let Qinglong Xuanwu and others enter the mansion blatantly, so he asked Suzaku to set up a villa outside the city. .

Goshawk Mountain Villa.

Yi Mo sat in the lobby, drinking tea slowly, patiently waiting for the mad man to recover.

The man's robe was scorched black, his face was covered with soot, only a pair of extremely bright eyes were exposed.Suzaku brought a basin of clean water for washing, glanced at the man in the hall who was lost in his own thoughts, looked at Yi Mo who was sitting on the main seat, and called softly, "Master."

Yi Mo shook the tea leaves in the teacup lightly, and moved his little finger slightly, and a cold voice sounded in the hall, "Wash him up."

(End of this chapter)

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