Chapter 118
Tao Nanjun was no longer in high spirits as before, and said with a sad face, "I don't know either. That thing is a bit weird, and it doesn't matter if it's more or less. It must have the exact formula dosage. I've only made it three times since now. And every time because of the different dosage, the power is also different.”

Yi Mo lowered her eyes in disappointment. Although she was disappointed, she was not discouraged. "If I give you the resources, can you develop something more powerful?"

Tao Nanjun's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward excitedly, "Are you really willing to let me continue my research?"

Yi Mo nodded, "However, the premise is that you are worth my money to train you."

"It's worth it, it's definitely worth it. Miss, don't worry, I will definitely be able to research something more powerful. You don't know that such a small ball can have such great power..." Tao Nanjun suddenly transformed into a small Zhang Yuelu, who has always been very thick-skinned, couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body when he saw the dog's flattering and flattering appearance.

The two most important raw materials for making fireworks are petite and rock sulfate. These two things are not sold in the market. The salt and rock sulfate of the Xun family are collected by a group of professional miners who go to deep mountains and old forests.Moreover, petrified salt and rock sulfate are extremely difficult to mine, and they are usually located about a thousand meters underground. Quarrying rock salt and rock sulfate not only consumes manpower and material resources, but also costs financial resources. This is the main reason why there are so few merchants in Chengtian Kingdom to buy and sell fireworks and firecrackers.

Tao Nanjun was so taken advantage of, oh no, it was not a long-term meal ticket, of course he was happy.Originally, he thought that his dream would not come true if the Xunjianan workshop collapsed, but he didn't expect that a great opportunity was still waiting for him.

During this conversation, the person Suzaku ordered to investigate Tao Nanjun also came back.Suzaku handed the message to Yi Mo, Yi Mo flipped through it casually, and asked casually, "Is there anyone in your family?"

"Miss Hui, my parents died when I was young, and I was raised by my grandmother in the countryside. Years ago, my grandmother passed away due to illness, and I am the only one left in this world." Tao Nanjun knew that this woman was his future master. A little more respectful.

Yi Mo paused his hand, tapped the word 'Tao Hua' on the message with his fingertips, and said coldly, "You are the only one left? Who is Tao Hua?"

Tao Nanjun was shocked, a trace of doubt crossed his face, he pondered for a while, his pupils lit up, he felt enlightened, and after thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little panic and admiration in his heart.

"Miss Hui, Tao Hua is my elder sister, but I was abducted by human traffickers when I was four years old, and I haven't heard from her until now." Tao Nanjun didn't remember much when he was four years old, and it's normal if he didn't think about it for a while.What surprised him was that they could find out all about him in such a short period of time!
Hearing this, Yi Mo's face softened, and he warned in a soft voice, "Do things for me, and I will naturally not treat you badly. But remember, I hate others' betrayal the most. If you betray me, it's best not to let me find out. Otherwise... don't blame me for being ruthless." His face was still expressionless, but his movements were no longer idle, and his whole body was awe-inspiring and aggressive.

"Yes." Tao Nanjun's heart trembled, and a little awe grew on his face.

Yimo arranged for someone to send Tao Nanjun to Tie Jing's ordnance department. Tie Jing is the number one master craftsman in Wangchuan, he is wise and resourceful, and has some research on this aspect, so he may be able to help Tao Nanjun.

After Tao Nanjun was sent away, Yimo went straight back to the palace in the capital. As soon as he entered the door, he vaguely heard the words 'engagement' and 'son of Shenzhi'.

When Yi Mo returned to the mansion, it was already midnight, and the imperial banquet ended as early as the hour of Hai.And the news of the engagement between Yimo and the son of the Liang family, Lang Shenzhi, swept across the entire capital like a spring breeze.For a time, everyone knew about the marriage between the Liang family and the Lei Ting Palace.Even the servants of the palace are talking about it.

The winter night is bitterly cold and lonely.The two servants of the night watch could no longer stand their loneliness. They squatted on the ground, back to back to keep warm, while talking about the hottest topics at the moment.

"Unexpectedly, the little master is also engaged to the son of Shenzhi. Enen, I heard that the son of Shenzhi is not only handsome, but also knowledgeable and intelligent. He is a young man in troubled times. Our little princess will marry him, and he will not humiliate the princess." identity of……"

"But... I heard that Mr. Shenzhi has another sweetheart, who is also the daughter of Dali Temple Minister Feng's family. I heard that the young lady is very good at playing the piano, and she has won the favor of Master Qinqing. Ms. Xuehui also called her "Qingqin Shuangshu", and she looks beautiful, no worse than our little princess. Besides, the little princess has a temper..." The man was silent, but both of them understood.One is gentle and virtuous, the other is cruel and stern; one is like bathing in spring breeze, and the other is like Han Xue falling from the sky.Incomparable, incomparable!But after all, it is my own lady, no matter how bad she is, she always has to be partial in her heart, but this gap cannot be made up by that little favoritism.

"Hey! I heard that Mr. Shenzhi vowed not to marry a lady who was not the Feng family. You said, he wouldn't regret the marriage, would he? "

"He dares!" Another person stared and shouted, "Our Lei Ting Palace is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others, how can we be bullied by his son of a third-rank official. If he dares to regret the marriage, let alone the prince can't spare him Even the emperor can't spare him lightly! The emperor is the uncle of our princess."

In this feudal era, being divorced is no less than breaking one's morals.If the man's family rescinds the marriage, then the woman's daughter can die!Anyway, to be alive is to be seen as a joke, and it is a waste of food.

Who dares to take a woman who has been divorced!

Outside the courtyard, Yi Mo stood like an unsheathed sharp blade between the sky and the earth, and the severe cold aura on his body was a bit lower than the temperature of this cold winter.Zhang Yuelu rubbed his nose, then quietly took a few steps back, it seems that the master is not in a good mood.

"Master?" Suzaku looked resentful, that damn Miss Feng family dared to seduce their master's fiancé-in-law, she was really impatient.

Yi Mo patted the white snow on his shoulder, turned around and went back to the house.Now it is midnight, even if there is something big, you have to wake up before talking about it.

Yunze Palace.

King Yunze sat idly under the glazed palace lantern, holding a book of endgame chess in one hand, and obsessed with the gentle and soft black pieces in the other. He glanced at the chess game in the book, thought for a moment, and the black pieces fell on the criss-cross chessboard. son.

"Did you see the palace banquet tonight?" A deep and sexy voice sounded in the empty bedroom.

The neon clothes are still in the same dress, with the wind and mist bun hanging aside, and the emerald green earrings swaying gently, making her cheeks as warm and white as jade, "En."

"How about the powerful concubines in the harem?" He was still fiddling with the chess game casually.

Nishang slowly recalled the expressions of everyone at the banquet, "That Yun Zhaorong and Concubine Ren Shu are not afraid, but Concubine He Gui and Empress Dowager have some ideas and methods."

"Yun Zhaorong has a gentle face, clear eyes, and does not fight. I am afraid that he is the one who stays out of things in the harem, and is also the one who is the most favored." She is very handsome, but in a harem full of beauties, she can only be regarded as delicate.But why did Emperor Min look softer than others every time he looked at her?
(End of this chapter)

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