Chapter 119 Ignorance (1)
"My lord, we can use this woman once or twice."

King Yunze raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a half-smile, "Although Yun Zhaorong is handsome, but in the harem where intrigues and intrigues, her non-competitive nature has become a beautiful scenery, and she is the one beside the emperor of Fujian. All women are cautious, and suddenly seeing a woman who is 'elegant and refined', it is natural to be curious. If this woman suddenly has selfish intentions, she will naturally not be favored by the Emperor of Fujian, so..." Lifting his hands, hands down.The black piece fell in one corner, and the white piece was killed or injured, "...this chess piece is useless."

Twist the dead white pieces one by one with two fingers, and in a moment, there is an empty space on the chessboard, "What about those princes?"

Nishang suddenly recalled that the delicate body of His Highness the Crown Prince, who was full of sinister aura at the banquet, trembled unconsciously.The soft voice was even weaker, "Except for His Royal Highness, the other two princes are not enough to attract the attention of the prince."

Neither the third prince nor the fifth prince attended tonight's imperial banquet.The third prince likes poetry, poetry, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and loves to travel to the beautiful rivers and mountains. He set off to the southeast of the Blood Blade Iceberg to play a few years ago.But the fifth prince is young and promising, and he is both civil and military at a young age.Last year, the emperor held a martial arts competition in the Hunting Garden. The five princes were brave and unparalleled, winning dozens of rounds in a row, and defeated the Northwest general Song Hao, winning the title of champion in martial arts in one fell swoop.The emperor Longyan was very happy, and gave him General Longwei to go to the northwest with the army, and it took two years to go there.

Emperor Ganmin was not obsessed with female sex. Although there were three thousand beauties in the harem, there were no more than a hundred concubines in reality.And there are only about forty concubines of the first rank. Besides the empress, there are two first-rank concubines, one Zhaoyi, one Zhaorong, three Jieyu, eight beauties, and several young talents.After being on the throne for more than [-] years, there are five princes and nine princesses.The eldest prince, Li Chenyu, is the direct son of Emperor Qianmin and the descendant of the empress.The third prince Li Chenxue was born to Concubine He Gui, the fourth prince Li Chenzhao, the fifth prince Li Chenfeng born to He Cairen, and the seventh prince Li Chennian born to Concubine Ren Shu.

Although only the crown prince, the third prince, and the fifth prince are the most powerful, the other two princes are also granted fiefdoms.It is hard to guarantee that these two princes will not have the desire to seize the throne.

Before the overall situation is determined, no one should be underestimated.

King Yunze studied the chess game, shook his head and said with a light smile, "When the emperor was the prince, he was also a bastard with no power. At that time, the emperor didn't even have a fief. What's more, the prince at that time was not only the first prince, Geng Zhai's benevolence and ability are outstanding, and he is more popular than the cruel and heartless Emperor Jing Ren, but in the end, he still ends up with his family ruined." Chengtian Kingdom attaches great importance to respect and inferiority. But it is very different.In terms of orthodoxy, who can compare with His Royal Highness, the prince and prince.But in the end, he was still taken over by a little bastard.

Emperor Ganmin was the second son of Emperor Jingren, but he was born of a beautiful woman.

Emperor Jing Ren was cruel and lustful, and during a private visit in disguise, he was shocked to see a beautiful woman planting rice in the field.Even disregarding the ethics of heaven, they took possession of it under the blue sky and broad daylight.Emperor Jing Ren was obsessed with that youthful and ecstasy taste for a while, and carried him away lawlessly.After the woman was taken into the palace, she washed her face with tears all day long. At first, Emperor Jingren liked the way I felt sorry for her, but after a long time, he just got bored, and then threw her into the harem and ignored her.

Although the girl fell out of favor, God still treated her kindly and gave her a son.Because she gave birth to a prince, she was made a beauty.

Therefore, Emperor Qianmin's biological mother was just a tea picking girl with no power or influence.But who would have known that the son of this tea-picking woman would eventually ascend to the Holy Throne and hold the power of life and death in the world!

King Yunze landed on the last sunspot, clapped his hands, and stood up, "I heard that King Ning is also a good-looking and elegant person. Tomorrow, King Ning will invite King Ning to Donglai Yayuan to see my latest painting Excellent work." After saying that, he entered the inner hall.

The servant girl who had been waiting in the inner hall rushed forward to take off her clothes and take a bath.

Nishang bit her lower lip lightly, looking at the inner hall covered by the light veil with her silky eyebrows, she could vaguely see the hazy back and the busy maids.At this time, a beautiful maid came out from the inner hall with the light veil lifted, "Miss Nishang, my master is going to rest, please."

Nishang glanced at the maidservant, then raised her eyes to look at the inner hall, and finally turned around and left the bedroom.

On the second day, the sky gradually dawned, and it was a wonderful and bleak moment.In the deep white sky, there are still a few stars scattered, the ground is pitch black, the sky is all white, the weeds are trembling slightly, and everywhere is shrouded in mysterious thinness.A skylark, as if reunited with the stars, sang in the high sky, and the silhouette of the sky seemed to hold its breath to listen to the carol that this little life sang for the boundless universe.The outlines of the distant peaks showed their black shadows against the bronzed horizon.With such a dawn, it is not difficult to see that today's weather must be excellent.

Sure enough, at ten o'clock in the morning, the golden sun gradually climbed out of the mountain, and the warm light shone on it, driving away the slightest bit of cold air, and I felt warm and very comfortable.

Zhang Yuelu got up early, put on a brand new padded jacket, washed up a few times, and then rushed straight to Yimo's room like a fly without a head. , knelt at Yimo's feet, and put it on for her himself. After putting it on, he clapped his big hands, looked at Yimo obsequiously, and said, "Master, how about we go to Donglai Yayuan to have a look today?"

The Donglai Yayuan in the capital is very famous. Every once in a while, students from the capital will gather here to discuss poetry.Chengtian Kingdom's speeches are open, and the speeches of students and scholars are highly valued. They form a group of their own, and there are both noble children and humble scholars.

They will meet every three months in Donglai Yayuan, where, as long as you have real talents and learning, you can stand out.And Liang Yaozu, the 'son of Shen Zhi', is even a celebrity there.

Zhang Yuelu just wanted to see who this famous Mr. Shen Zhi was!
Dirty!His master is so cruel and violent, it's not something ordinary people can marry back home.

oh!By the way, I heard that Miss Feng's family also often appears in Donglai Yayuan, I don't know if she will go today?If you go, it will be wonderful!

Donglai Yayuan is located in the east section of Longyou Street, which is an extremely luxurious location.Longyou Street is full of traffic, especially today.Officials in Confucian shirts and plain robes came one after another.

Today is a rare good weather since the beginning of winter. The warm sunshine shines on the earth, the branches covered with snow tremble slightly, and the sky is full of broken flowers. The snow melts, and crystal water drops hang on the branches of the trees. It was about to drip, and under the warm sunlight, it reflected a gorgeous luster.

On the second floor of Yayuan, there is a table of nanmu Eight Immortals, mahogany benches, thick and thick black, and cranes with clouds carved on the corners, which is very elegant.

(End of this chapter)

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