Chapter 120 Ignorance (2)
The students gathered in twos and threes, and the acquaintances formed a group to come up with appreciation and analysis of new poems.

In the small room on the third floor, King Yunze wore a plain and elegant navy blue robe, and he sat lazily by the window, with an elegant and quiet expression, surrounded by a sense of detachment and detachment that looks down on the world without desire and indifference.

In front of him was a set of jasper-transparent jade tea set. The exquisite jasper teapot was emerald green, engraved with mountains and rivers and flowing water, which was extremely elegant.The five green and crystal-clear small teacups are also engraved with the same picture of mountains, rivers and flowing water. The lines are soft and the pictures are exquisite. Even the carving techniques are exactly the same, obviously it is the hand of one person.

There was a sudden commotion outside the door, "Which bastard who doesn't have eyes, dares to block my way! I'm really impatient! Get out of here, my king!"

"King Ning, please make amends, my master..." The servant outside the door was trying to explain.

King Yunze raised his eyes lazily, and said softly, "Ye Hua, please come in, King Ning."

"Yes." A submissive voice came from outside, and then the red lacquered hollow carved wooden door was slowly pushed open.

A man in a fine attire walked in.The man was about [-] years old, his resolute outline was somewhat similar to that of today's Shengshang, with a golden crown on his head, and a dazzling golden crown firmly fixed the golden crown on his head.The man's figure is not as tall as Emperor Ganmin's, but rather short and dainty. He is wrapped in a golden robe embroidered with four-clawed banner dragons, which looks extremely vulgar, with haughty eyes and frivolous demeanor.It was in stark contrast to the gentle and refined King Yunze in the house.

King Ning looked at King Yunze in the room, and snorted coldly, "Who should I be, brother Lianli?" Then he went to sit down opposite King Yunze, and stopped him with a cold glance. People, "Brother Lianli, you should take care of such a short-sighted bastard in your family. He is so courageous that he dares to block my king's way."

The servant of Yunze Dynasty waved his hand, the person understood, bowed to the two of them, and then exited the door, closing the carved wooden door by the way.

King Yunze lifted the teapot, tilted it slightly, and the water flowed like a column, and the crisp and pleasant sound of "exhort" sounded in the empty and quiet room.The mist is dense and the fragrance of tea is overflowing.

A cup of fragrant scented tea was pushed in front of King Ning, "Brother Xiaolai, come and try the latest scented tea produced by Yunze this year."

Ning Wang was also polite, picked up the small teacup, and drank it down in one gulp.A faint bitter taste lingered on the tip of the tongue, Nie Wang smashed his mouth, and said in disgust, "Yunze's tea is not very good, it is not as good as the beauty flower in Rouge Lane, it still tastes bitter after drinking it, stains! This kind of tea can also be sold." Ning Wang is a rough man, he doesn't know how to drink tea, and he drinks tea like a cow.

King Yunze shook his head with a broken smile, and was not annoyed by his words. He still had a smile on his face, "This tea is called 'Bitterness Comes Sweeter'. After drinking it at first, a little bit of bitterness spreads on the tip of the tongue. After the bitterness, it becomes slightly sweet. Sad Only after that can one know the beauty of joy; only after crying can one understand the preciousness of laughter; only after suffering can one understand sweetness.”

"Although the beauties in Rouge Lane are sweet, drinking too much is not good for your health, and you are prone to physical weakness. Although 'suffering sweetness comes' is bitter, it can nourish your body and prolong your life, rejuvenate your energy." Qingyue's voice seemed to be The warm wind in the mountains is soft and gentle, "Sometimes, things are like this. They look gentle and harmless on the outside, but in essence they are chronic poisons. Over time, the poison accumulates on the body. Don't bother, just move one thought, and you will die without a place to die!"

Ning Wang's face suddenly became gloomy. Although he is a rough man, he is not an idiot. He naturally understands the reason behind such insinuations.Today's Holy Majesty is a ruthless person. Back then, he did not hesitate to kill his father and brother for the sake of the throne. Later, he even exterminated all the princes of the five kingdoms.He is the only prince who survived the turmoil.

He was able to live not only because his biological mother was just a little Baolin with no power and power, but also because he was still young at that time.The emperor has just ascended the throne, his position is unstable, and the situation in the court is unclear, but the ruthless and cruel methods he showed when he seized the throne chilled the hearts of many ministers. In order to consolidate his position, he had to be retained as a show of benevolence and righteousness.Besides, he was only a ten-year-old milk baby at the time, and he was not a threat to him.

At that time, he was young and could not pose a threat, but now, he is in his thirties, which is the most glorious and precious moment in a man's life. Even if he has no power in his hands, it still cannot offset his suspicion of him.

Suspicion has become sick, as long as there is the slightest sign of trouble, it will be the moment when his body is decapitated!

Ning Wang suppressed the haze in his eyes, resumed his usual arrogant posture, and roared loudly, "Huh, what is poison and not poison, and there is so much truth in drinking a cup of tea?! It is indeed an old-fashioned old man taught by Niubi. It’s really not refreshing at all. If I knew this, I might as well go to the hall to sit and see if there are any calligraphy and paintings that I don’t like.” Although King Ning is vulgar, he likes calligraphy and painting.

King Yunze put down his teacup and walked to the desk on the left side of the room.Those who come to Donglai Yayuan are all elegant people, and there is a gathering every three months, so every private room in the garden is placed with pens, inks, papers and inkstones for students to improvise.

King Yunze covered his large embroidered robe with one hand, picked up the ink pen on the stand with the other hand, dipped it in the fragrant Wuyan ink, and drew impromptu paintings on the snow-white rice paper with the pen.

With the movement of the wrist, the navy blue robe draws a smooth arc in the air, the thin body stands alone, the ordinary and delicate face is full of brilliance, the face is pale but not sick, and the whole body is surrounded by a cool and elegant Qi.Although he is not a handsome man that people can't forget at first glance, but he can make people unable to look away for a long time.The wisdom and charm accumulated over the years are the most fascinating.

Ning Wang squinted his eyes, stood up, walked to the desk, glanced at the rice paper casually, but was suddenly stunned, with an unbelievable surprise on his face, and his mouth was unconsciously light. Huh' sounded.

On the rice paper, under the pen and ink, in the green mountains, the clear springs flowing down, surrounded by green trees in Cangshan.In the mountains, the clouds and mists are transpiring, the white mist is pervasive, the valley is deep, the clear spring is cold and cold, a spotted deer is drinking water by the clear stream, a group of koi swim happily in the stream, a silver koi is jumping and writhing in the air, crystal clear Water splashes.The bright sun shines down over the top of the mountain, and the brilliant brilliance builds a colorful bridge between the mountains, and the birds in the sky fly freely. Such a fairyland is really beautiful!
King Yunze drew the last stroke and finished it gracefully.

King Ning was so excited that he didn't care about his appearance. Before King Yunze could walk away, he rushed forward and pushed him away from the desk.Holding the table with both hands, leaning over the desk, carefully looking at the painting with ink still not dry, sighing while watching, "Good painting, good painting! Good painting! Such smooth painting skills, this The transcendent artistic conception, this soft and beautiful line... can be called a peerless masterpiece. Compared with Master Luo in Langzhong, it is not much better, not much better! Zuzu! Look at this koi, it is so lifelike that it is about to dive into the paper. Yes, this king can't wait to take a bowl to catch it. Dirt! And this deer, these spots, are too delicate, too delicate."

(End of this chapter)

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