Chapter 121 Feng Ya
King Yunze smiled lightly, put down his pen, picked up the wet handkerchief that had been prepared, and wiped the ink off his fingertips.

"Since brother Xiaolai likes it, let's give it to brother Xiaolai as a meeting gift."

King Ning suddenly raised his head, showing joy, "Is it really for this king?"

"I hope brother Xiaolai don't dislike him."

King Ning waved his hand, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it!" Then he quickly put away the painting, at that speed, it seemed that if he took a step slower, King Yunze would regret it.

Ning Wang was in a good mood after receiving this excellent work. He sat back to his original seat, picked up the "Bitterness and Sweetness" and tasted it carefully.

King Yunze also lifted his robe and sat down, picked up the teapot, and poured him another cup.

At this moment, the hall under the hall suddenly became lively. King Yunze sat by the window, staring sideways, he knew that it was the 'Mr. Shen Zhi' who had been in the limelight recently.

Young Master Shen Zhi's jade crown was in full swing, and his white robe was added to his body, making his beautiful face even more handsome.With a tall and straight figure like a pine, with an elegant and gentle temperament, he is a handsome young man, but the melancholy between his brows ruined a bit of the beauty.

As soon as Liang Yaozu entered Yayuan, a student called out, "Shen Zhi, why did you come here? Come up quickly."

Wang Jing leaned on the fence on the second floor and raised his hand to greet Liang Yaozu.

Liang Yaozu looked up and saw that the group around him were all acquaintances, he nodded slightly, and walked upstairs.

Seeing the melancholy on his brow, Wang Jing asked, "Shen Zhi, are you worrying about your marriage with Princess Ping of Lei Ting Palace?" His voice was neither high nor low, and everyone around could hear him clearly.Immediately, the noisy Yayuan was much quieter, they all stopped and listened.

The marriage between Princess Ping An and Young Master Shen Zhi is the hottest topic recently.If it's just two people getting engaged, it's nothing to pay attention to, but there is an elegant girl who is one of the "Qingqin Shuangshu" in the middle.

When Princess Ping'an was mentioned, Liang Yaozu's face became even more melancholy, and he gave a light reply, which was regarded as his response, obviously he didn't want to say more.That day's palace banquet, he didn't get what he wanted. After returning home, he begged his old father so hard that he could marry Lei Ting's palace to be engaged, but this time his father was determined and insisted on marrying the medicine jar princess.Thinking about it, Liang Yaozu felt a bit of resentment in his heart. He heard that the princess was sickly and illiterate since she was a child, and she was illiterate.Thinking of the 'Master Shenzhi' bestowed by him, how could he marry an illiterate and ignorant woman and child!

Liang Yaozu didn't want to talk too much, but he couldn't hold back the curiosity of the students, "Brother Shen, have you ever seen Princess Ping An? I heard that Princess Ping An was bedridden all year round, with a sallow and emaciated complexion, and a ghostly white complexion. I don't know if it's true or not?"

"Hey! It's nice to have a sallow complexion and a ghostly complexion. I heard that Princess Ping An has been plagued by illness since she was a child. It cost half her life. Do you know why she didn't go to the imperial banquet a few days ago? I heard that she passed out halfway, and her old illness relapsed. Such a body..." The man shook his head and sighed softly, "A distant cousin of Shu's is also weak She is weak, but she can at least get up and walk around, and she can even go out for a walk when the temperature warms up in spring. But after all, it is a person who is plagued by illness, and his body has long been hollowed out. It is obviously the cardamom age, but it looks... Hey! She is older than sixty, her skin is as wrinkled as a chrysanthemum, and her complexion is dull and brown. Due to the years of drinking medicine, there is always a stench of medicine on her body, no matter how high-quality the sachet can't cover it..."

Hearing this, Liang Yaozu frowned, did he really want to spend his whole life with such a woman? !
Before Liang Yaozu could speak, someone called out angrily, "How can such a woman be worthy of our Young Master Shen!"

"Yeah, it's really hard for Mr. Shenzhi. Miss Feng's beauty is beautiful and beautiful, Mr. Shen is gentle and courteous in troubled times. If it weren't for that Princess Ping'an intervened, Mr. Shen would have been with Miss Feng's family long ago." We got married." Su Yi Scholar sighed softly, "Humanity is, lovers will eventually get married! Hey! This world..."

Hearing that the scholar sighed so much, all the students felt that Princess Ping An was nothing!
I don't know how to do it, and I don't look good, but I want to marry a young, promising and talented person. I really don't know how to be superior or inferior, and I don't know how to be ashamed!
Ning Wang stretched his neck and looked around, listened to all the officials on the second floor, and smiled, "It's really interesting." The son of a third-rank official dared to dislike a woman with the honor of a princess.

King Yunze looked sideways slightly, squinting at the student who said "the distant cousin is seriously ill" and the student who sighed that "lover will eventually get married", and frowned lightly.I saw those two people looking up at the loft of the elegant room from time to time, with uneasy brows.Can't help but follow the line of sight of the two of them——

The attic paper window is slightly open, and through the slits, one can vaguely see the graceful and graceful figure inside the veil.

King Yunze understood instantly, raised the corners of his mouth playfully, and said in a low voice, "I think Miss Feng's family is also an extremely outstanding person."

King Nie withdrew his gaze, smiled wildly and looked at King Yunze, "Why, did you fall in love with Miss Feng's family? It's not that this king is bragging, the women at Tianzi's feet are no better than you in that place where you don't want to shit. Women are strong. Putting words and deeds aside, just that soft and soft body..." The muddy eyes are full of lust, and the smile is also extremely obscene, "Peach in water juice, ecstasy, taste it once, this king guarantees that you will I don't want to miss Shu!"

Compared to King Ning's obscenity and lewdness, King Yunze is still as elegant as the bright moon in the sky, shining brightly, "Miss Feng's family is a decent lady, if the scholars downstairs hear you compare Qingqin Shuangshu to Rouge Alley's beauty, you have to suffer."

Nie Wang glared, and roared roughly: "They dare! A group of useless people who are not high enough to be low. I'm afraid they won't make it. Hmph! If Lao Tzu is in power, I must kill them all one by one, so as not to keep my ears clean all day long."

King Yunze's hand holding the teacup paused slightly, the smile on his face slowly subsided, and he reminded in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness Ning must have drunk too much, why is he talking nonsense?"

King Ning also knew that he had a low tongue, and said something that should not be said. If the word "in power" was heard by someone who cared, he was afraid that something big would happen.Sitting down resentfully, Niu drank a cup of hot tea and remained silent.

Downstairs at this moment, the scholars gradually ended the topic of Princess Ping's beating mandarin ducks with a stick, and started talking about poetry and songs.But at this moment, a maidservant in yellow clothes suddenly appeared in Yayuan. The maidservant was delicate and pretty, and she went straight to the private room on the third floor.

Liang Yaozu in the crowd saw him, he was overjoyed, he hurriedly went up to stop the maidservant, and said: "Si Su, but your lady is in Yayuan?"

Only then did everyone realize that this was Miss Feng's personal maid.She is worthy of being the maidservant of a lady from the official family, but her temperament and appearance are not comparable to ordinary maidservants.

(End of this chapter)

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