Chapter 122
Si Su obediently bowed to Liang Yaozu, "I have met Mr. Liang, my lady is indeed in Yayuan. Miss went to Liyuan to practice piano very early this morning. After practicing for two hours, she came to Yayuan to drink tea. "Yayuan and Liyuan are only separated by a wall. Liyuan is the place where ladies from noble families in the capital practice piano and learn art. The ladies who study in Liyuan like to come to Yayuan to drink tea together in their spare time.

Hearing this, Liang Yaozu smiled, picked up his robe and ran upstairs, he didn't have the reserve and elegance of a scholar, he was a young boy who was eager to meet his sweetheart.These days, because of Princess Ping'an, he has been grounded by his father, and he hasn't seen her for several days.

Liang Yaozu was halfway running when he saw a woman in green suddenly standing at the top of the stairs blocking his way.

The woman in green wore a delicate face, and she could only hear her groaning: "Young Master Liang, my lady said that she doesn't want to see you anymore. I want you to marry that Princess Ping An, and don't come looking for her."

Such delicate words made Liang Yaozu's breath hard.Thinking of that delicate and beautiful woman leaning against his arms softly and bonelessly, her round fingertips gently scratching his chest, and her winking eyes like silk cooing these words, I can only feel a fire of desire rushing from my abdomen. out, seduce his heart and soul.

Liang Yaozu stabilized his mind, suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, looked around at the students, saw that their expressions were normal, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it was a waste of reading sages' books to come up with such evil thoughts in broad daylight.

"Si Luo, you..." Liang Yaozu was about to speak.

Si Luo was the first to say, "Young Master Liang, my lady also said that if you can write a good poem in the few steps up to the third floor, our lady will make an exception to see you."

The crowd was in an uproar!

Liang Yaozu is now standing in the middle of the stairs, and there are only seven steps away from the position where the maids are huddled, and it is necessary to compose a poem within these seven steps.

"Girl, isn't this too embarrassing?" an official said with a smile.

The folk customs in the capital are open, and elegant scholars also pursue romance. Seeing such a situation, not only do they not feel frivolous, but they feel romantic and beautiful.

Others also echoed, "Yes, it's really embarrassing to complete a poem in seven steps."

"I heard that Miss Feng Ya's piano music is hard to come by. Why don't we do this, if our son Shen Zhi can really compose a poem in seven steps, then please invite Miss Feng Ya to come downstairs and play a song for our son Shen Zhi, so that we can feast An ear blessing. Do you think it is so good?"

"Very good! Very good! To be able to hear the sound of the Qin Shuangshu Miss Feng Ya's piano is really a blessing that I have waited for Sansheng to cultivate."

Si Luo was not timid, folded her arms and said with a smile, "Don't be too happy, if you want to hear my lady play the piano, you have to see if your son Shen can compose a poem in seven steps."

Si Su also raised her voice on the second floor and shouted, "Young Master Liang, what are you waiting for, let's go."

All of a sudden, Yayuan became lively, and even the honorable ladies who studied arts in Liyuan next door came to watch the excitement.

Seeing such a situation, Liang Yaozu felt a sense of arrogance in his heart.Everyone held their breaths and watched nervously as he raised his right foot to step up a step, then raised his left foot again, and impressively lifted up another step.In an instant, two steps disappeared.Everyone was secretly anxious.

A scholar hastily shouted, "Sir Shen Zhi, don't rush away, hurry up and write poetry."

Liang Yaozu remained silent, his face was always bright with confidence, he raised his right foot, stepped up the first step, and said loudly: "He Caigexi, I don't see you for a day, it's like March!"

Before everyone could react, they saw him lift his left foot again and step up a step, "He Cai is desolate, if you don't see him for a day, it's like three autumns!"

Then the two steps merged into one, two steps into one step, and he chanted freely: "He picks wormwood, I don't see you for a day, it's like three years old!"

"it is good!"

I don't know who uttered a good word. In an instant, Yayuan burst into thunderous applause.


Liang Yaozu stared brightly at the slightly opened paper window in the attic, his affectionate and hot eyes made the woman in the attic feel shy, and her cheeks were instantly stained with a thin layer of red.

The students downstairs naturally also noticed the Accord, and I don't know which student shouted, "Is Miss Feng still satisfied?"

The woman was so shy that she immediately closed the paper window and hid in the cabinet.

Si Luo's maid stared fiercely at the student who called out, "My lady keeps her word. Since Mr. Liang has completed a poem in seven steps, my lady will naturally fulfill her promise and play a song for Mr. Liang." After finishing speaking, she turned around. just go.

In an instant, a peerless beauty Yingying came down from upstairs.

The beautiful woman is wearing a pink embroidered shirt.The delicate oval face is as white as jade, with a pair of pear dimples appearing slightly between the cheeks, lightly applied rouge, red lips and white teeth.A pair of almond eyes are looking forward to shine, and there is a fascinating charm as they turn around.With long hair and hanging waist, a white and pink intarsia bead hair chain is used on the forehead, ears and temples. When walking, the round beads dangle, adding a touch of style.

"Ya'er!" Seeing the figure he was thinking about, Liang Yaozu's gaze was so obsessed that he didn't want to move away for a moment.Looking at that beautiful face, I thought to myself, but I didn't see her for a few days, and I felt even more beautiful.

Feng Ya glanced at him shyly and timidly, her eyes not only blamed and complained, but also showed off and arrogance that women must have.To be told by such an excellent man in full view of his affectionate love is indeed something to be proud of.

Feng Ya ignored him, and sat down on the second floor through the veil, took the phoenix from the hand of the servant girl, stroked the body of the qin lightly, plucked the strings with her slender fingers quickly, and the mellow sound of the qin flowed like a spring. When it comes out, the sound of the qin is melodious and deep, sometimes like a mountain and flowing water, sometimes like a yellow warbler singing lowly, the sound of the qin is gentle and soft like gurgling water...

The sound of the piano is like the sound of nature, and everyone is fascinated by it.As expected of Qingqin Shuangshu, she really lived up to her reputation.

At the end of the song, everyone was still unable to recover for a long time.

Only after hearing a deserted word 'good' in their ears, everyone came back to their senses.

The awe-inspiring domineering in the clear and clear words made everyone look sideways, and they were suddenly stunned when they saw it.

Liang Yaozu also looked back, and what caught his eyes was the awe-inspiring eagle with wings spread on the man's robe!

Liang Yaozu stared and saw a man standing proudly at the door.The man was dressed in a dark black robe, with elegant and simple patterns embroidered on the skirt and cuffs, which was mysterious and distant.On the right chest is a domineering goshawk with spread wings extending to the shoulders, and the outline outlined by the golden lines is extremely cold and noble.

Looking at the man's face again, the eyebrows are like ink paintings, the face is like peach blossoms, and the eyes are like autumn waves, shining brightly.There is a faint luster flowing on the white and jade-like skin, and the deep black eyes are full of brilliance as they flow.The stern face is too beautiful to be real. This kind of appearance, this kind of demeanor... even Feng Ya, who has just been in the limelight, can't match it!
(End of this chapter)

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