Chapter 123
With such a graceful and dignified temperament, it seems that his status is unusual, Liang Yaozu was about to open his mouth to make friends.I don't know who suddenly exclaimed, "It's really the sound of nature!"

Everyone who reacted cheered and applauded, "One more song! One more song!"

Liang Yaozu also came to his senses, and turned his head to look at that beautiful figure, his bright eyes full of affection.How could such a talented and beautiful woman be comparable to ignorant women and children!After this comparison, the determination to withdraw from the marriage became more and more firm.

Feng Ya gave a slight blessing to everyone, got up and wanted to go back to the attic.When Liang Yaozu saw it, his expression became anxious, and he hurriedly called out, "Ya'er."

Si Luo rushed to stand in front of her young lady, and stopped Liang Yaozu who was about to approach, "Young Master Liang, please respect yourself."

Liang Yaozu suddenly felt impolite, he didn't dare to go forward, he could only watch helplessly as his sweetheart left him.

Feng Ya walked up to the mahogany stairs with lotus steps, gracefully lifted the hem of her skirt, and wore a pair of red embroidered shoes embroidered with exquisite lotuses on the three-inch golden lotus. The embroidered shoes stepped on the wooden steps, and was about to go upstairs, but suddenly met that handsome and expensive woman. Angry men collide.

The stairs here are not the main road, so it is a bit narrow, and only one person can go up and down.Both of them stood at the entrance of the stairs, and both wanted to get the private room on the third floor from this path.

Feng Ya curled up her mouth and nodded towards the man with a smile. There was a sense of grace in her gentle smile, and the arrogance between her brows was undisguised.It doesn't matter if the other party arrives first, the other party should go first. Lifting the hem of the skirt, the three-inch golden lotus stepped onto the ladder as a matter of course.

Feng Ya is Feng Chengyi's daughter-in-law, with a noble status. Although she looks skillful and graceful, the arrogance in her heart cannot be concealed.She was the daughter of a third-rank official, and it was his honor to nod to a commoner, and it was his honor to make way for her.

Feng Ya was as proud as a peacock, raised her buttocks, opened her flower screen, posing a queen-like arrogance, and walked upstairs.But before she took two steps, she suddenly felt a pulling force behind her, and then she fell backwards uncontrollably, and she screamed with a pale face, "Ahh—"

A dark blue figure flashed across, firmly catching the falling Jiaoren.

Zhang Yuelu handsomely put his arms around the frightened Feng Ya, with a wicked smile on his lips.He lowered his head and slowly approached her ear, with an ambiguous gesture and a playful tone, "Girl, be careful."

Feng Ya patted her chest with lingering fear, her pretty face turned pale with fright, and when she came back to her senses, she saw a magnified strange face.He trembled again in fright, he even forgot the location, without even going through his brain, he raised his right hand and subconsciously slapped that strange face, accompanied by a arrogant scolding, "You bastard, How dare you touch Miss Ben with your dirty hands!"

The crisp and loud sound of slaps made the originally bustling Yayuan become as silent as night, and I'm afraid you could hear a needle drop at this time.

Zhang Yuelu covered the left side of his face that was beaten, his eyes were full of anger, and he asked righteously, "Miss, I saved you with good intentions, what is your reasoning!"

Feng Ya bit her lower lip lightly and remained silent. She clearly felt that someone was pulling her from behind, and she could not stand still and fell down. But at that time, the only person closest to her was... Feng Ya glanced at the stern and awe-inspiring man. , there was some uncertainty in her eyes. Besides, she had no evidence to prove that he pulled her down. Besides, she had no grievances with him, so why did he want to kill her.

Zhang Yuelu stared at the thoughtful Feng Ya, and snorted aggressively, "I didn't expect such a fair and strict person, Mr. Feng, to raise a daughter who is so unruly and rude! It's fine if you don't treat your savior with courtesy. Huh! This is the good daughter Master Feng taught! A good daughter who oppresses others with power and has no one in her eyes!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like throwing a boulder in a calm lake, stirring up waves among the crowd.

All the officials discussed and looked at Feng Ya with scrutiny and inquiry.Most of the officials are arrogant and arrogant, and the most unaccustomed are those who bully others.In the eyes of outsiders, Feng Ya just accidentally slipped and fell when going up the stairs, and almost fell to the ground. If it wasn't for that dear friend who came to the rescue, and fell like this, with her fragile body, it would be easy to lie down for two or three months. of.But instead of thanking her savior, she insulted her and even beat her up. You can tell from the palm marks on that man's face how hard she hit!

Some scholars shook their heads secretly. It was indeed a lady from the official family. No matter how docile and well-behaved she was, she was still arrogant and domineering in her bones.

Some people even commented aloud, with dissatisfaction and disgust in their tone, "Such an arrogant temperament, how can there be a trace of elegance and gracefulness, it really knows people, knows the face, but doesn't know the heart..."

"Let me just say, which daughter raised by a big family is a fuel-efficient lamp... She is so scheming that she deceives the people of the capital... Anything that is as gentle as a flower and kind-hearted like a Buddha is a lie."

Hearing the murmured discussions among the crowd, Feng Ya's face turned pale. She never thought that her boudoir reputation, which she had been trying her best to maintain, would be ruined at this moment!
Under the sleeve robe embroidered with double-sided pear flowers, five fingers were tightly clenched into fists, looking at Zhang Yuelu's beautiful eyes full of resentment and resentment, wishing to rush forward and tear this man's stinky mouth, if it wasn't for him!If it weren't for him!How could the great reputation she had worked so hard to maintain over the years be ruined here!She is not Cai Xuehui, and she does not have a father who is the prime minister to rely on, but she can reach the same height as Cai Xuehui, full of her own unremitting efforts.

She worked so hard for so many years, but it was gone overnight.How could she be willing!

Feng Ya is a smart person and knows what to do at this time in order to restore her reputation.He suppressed the jealousy in his eyes, bit his lower lip lightly, and said apologetically, "My lord, this little girl didn't intend to do this, it's just..." She was frightened.

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yuelu waved his hand impatiently and interrupted, "Okay, okay, it's up to you to decide whether it's unintentional or intentional. Just treat me as unlucky today, and save people with good intentions, but I got a slap in vain. , What a hell!" After finishing speaking, Fu Xiu followed Yi Mo up the stairs.

In the private room on the third floor, as soon as Yi Mo sat down, Zhang Yuelu began to ask for credit, "Master, master! How is it? How is it? Does it feel good to step on your love rival?" Lazily lying on the window sill, looking at the floor Feng Ya, who fled from whereabouts, shook her head triumphantly and said, "This woman is really disgusting, she is full of lies all over her body. My beloved son Shen Zhi, why did I choose such a woman after all the choices. What a blind dog!"

After finishing speaking, he felt sorry for the young master Shen Zhi whom he admired, and immediately changed his words, "Bah, bah, that woman is too cunning, she shamelessly seduced my beloved Young Master Shen Zhi shamelessly with a docile appearance."

Suzaku took the cloak from Yi Mo's hand, looked at Zhang Yuelu, who was incoherently excited, saw his left face was flushed, and sneered, "You really have a lot of skills, but you were slapped by a boudoir girl who has no strength to restrain you." hand."

(End of this chapter)

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