black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 200 The Great Harvest

Chapter 200 The Great Harvest (3)
Yi Mo nodded and asked, "Did they receive any punishment in prison?"

"Master, you can rest assured about this. You personally ordered Guo Tingyi, how dare he let you off the hook, Jiaomujiao and the others live in the cell better than in the inn." Zhang Yuelu joked.

Yi Mo rubbed the corners of his forehead, handed over the dossier of the government's murder case to Zhang Yuelu, and clicked on the folded page, "Look at it."

Zhang Yuelu stared at his master suspiciously, and then looked through the file with difficulty. After he read it word by word, he immediately understood Yi Mo's meaning, "Master, you mean that the back alley of Goshawk Villa is not a crime." send location."

"According to the records above, one of the two cases of murder in the rain is the record of the place where the crime occurred. According to the above records, because of the relationship between the rainwater washing, the blood flowed away with the rainwater, so the soil covered by the blood was very extensive. , and even the soil four feet away was covered with traces of blood." Yimo recalled the back alley she went to after the rain stopped the next day, "Although there were many bloodstains there, it was three people who died. The blood flow should be much more than that blood stain."

Zhang Yuelu rubbed his chin and murmured, "If this is the case, then the murderer deliberately planted a frame." His eyes narrowed, with a wolf-like ferocity, and he said sinisterly, "If the murderer is found out, I'll see if I'm alive took his skin!"

Yi Mo took the dossier in his hand and put it on the stone table casually, and ordered, "Ghost Jinyang has a more delicate mind, let him go to the vicinity of Goshawk Villa to see if he can find the location of the crime. If he can find the crime Based on the traces of the fight at the scene, it is much easier to find the murderer."

"Yes, this subordinate is going now." Zhang Yuelu just turned around, and Yi Mo suddenly said, "Wait, we have to make two preparations, let Ning Youshu wait at the gate of the palace tonight... Let's go for an autopsy!"

"Autopsy? What kind of autopsy?" Princess Jingyang walked into the Yating with the support of Yudie. Both of them were in a bad mood.

Yi Mo hurriedly got up and helped his mother to sit down, and poured her a cup of calming hot tea, his face was still indifferent, but his bright eyes were full of concern, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Jingyang drank a cup of hot tea and suppressed his shock before slowly explaining the matter, "Today, Yudie and I wanted to go to Yibaoxuan to choose some fabrics to make clothes for you and your father. Passing Qiehong Lane, Seeing the crowd surging there and guarded by officers and soldiers, they and Yudie took a curious look, who knows, who knows..." Speaking of this, the faces of Yudie and Princess Jingyang paled twice at the same time.

"The alley is full of corpses and blood. It looks like a slaughterhouse..." Although Jingyang came out of the palace and was used to seeing blood and life and death, it was the first time he saw such a terrifying scene.Skulls and brains all over the floor, stumps and severed fingers, some upper bodies are here, but the lower body is over there, and the internal organs, lungs and intestines in the stomach are stretched all over the floor...

Yudie's hands trembled, the tea in the cup wobbled, and she spilled her hand. With Xiaotong's help, she drank the hot tea steadily, and said anxiously, "How, how can there be such a thing in the world?" Cruel people don't leave a whole body after death, then, those people are too pitiful."

"Poor people, there must be something to hate." Yi Mo also picked up his teacup and said without changing his expression, "Those people must have done something unforgivable to bring about such an end!"

Zhang Yuelu rubbed his nose and looked up at the sky, but didn't hear anything.

"Even though those people are hateful, they're not so... well, the methods are too cruel." Jingyang's sigh made Aunt Yun, who was standing behind An Fen, tremble.

When the word 'cruel' was mentioned, Aunt Yun subconsciously glanced at Princess Pingan. Seeing that her expression was normal, she was a little uncertain about what she was thinking!
She also accompanied her master to Yibaoxuan today, so she also saw the scene in Qiehong Lane.She has only seen such cruel methods in this life on Princess Ping An... But the princess has no grievances or enmity with those people, so it shouldn't be her who did it, right? !

Yi Mo suddenly raised his eyes, his awe-inspiring gaze collided with Aunt Yun's probing and suspicious gaze, Aunt Yun hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look any further.

"Yu Die and I were so frightened that we lost our mind to look at the fabrics. We came back before going to Yibaoxuan. Hey, in two days, let the housekeeper go to Yibaoxuan to bring some styles back to the palace. We can just look at them at home. So as not to encounter any troubles when we go out." Jingyang was still thinking about buying fabrics to make clothes for her husband and daughter.

Yudie didn't have such a good psychological quality as hers. It was the first time she saw a horrible scene like purgatory on earth, and now she still had lingering fears.With a pale face as if suffering from a serious illness, she put down her teacup, and said in a soft voice, "Mother, Mo'er, I, I, I want to go back to the house first."

"Go, go, go back and have a good rest, don't think about anything else." Looking at her pale face, Jingyang shook his head pityingly, "You poor little girl, it looks like you're really scared."

Yi Mo: "..."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Yudie's remnant figure as if it had been blown by wind and rain, and was filled with guilt, hey hey!If I knew it earlier, I should have acted softly, it seems to scare the beauties.Youyou cast a glance at her master, the villain in her heart raised her orchid fingers, and said in a thin voice, "bad guys, they are more ruthless than others".Zhang Yuelu didn't miss the power of his master's flick, all the blood and flesh sprayed on his face when it exploded.

Jingyang's eyes turned slightly, and his eyes fell on the book on the table, and he reached for it, "So Mo'er is reading, let mother see what book you are reading?"

Yi Mo picked up the book on the table first, and said calmly, "It's the scriptures in the Ganye Temple." Then he handed the file to Zhang Yuelu, and secretly winked, asking him to return the file to Guo Tingyi.

Zhang Yuelu understood, bowed to the two and left.

Jingyang didn't doubt it, but regarded it as a precious scripture in the temple, and outsiders were not allowed to read it easily, "By the way, Mo'er, the capital city has been too chaotic in the past few days. Two murders happened in a row. It's better not to go out. Many schools The private schools are closed for vacation, and those literati gathered together to say that they want to make a joint letter, demanding that the court severely punish the murderer. I heard that Mr. Shenzhi is also among them, and he wrote it..." Mentioned this At the same time, Jingyang suddenly remembered a big event, "Mo'er, how should you handle those two marriages properly?"

Jingyang has not yet told Cheng Xi about Yi Mo's engagement with Wen's family, but Cheng Xi is hot-tempered and careless, and she was afraid that if she told him, the matter would become a mess.

One daughter Xu Erfu!If this matter gets out, there will be an uproar!

Therefore, Jingyang hoped that the fewer people who knew about it, the better, and it was best to solve this matter without anyone noticing.

At this time, Jingyang was very fortunate that the Wen family's family was born, and it was a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the capital, so he probably didn't know about Yimo's engagement with the Liang family.

(End of this chapter)

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