black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 201 The Dazed Prince

Chapter 201 The Dazed Prince (1)
Yi Mo thought for a while, and said: "Mother, you can be the master." Marriage is a big matter, the words of the matchmaker, and the orders of the parents!
Jingyang was extremely troubled, "I sent someone to inquire, and the young master of the Liang family is really rare to see a good literary talent, and the emperor himself gave him the name 'Prince Shen', which shows that his future is bound to be bright. My son, I have seen him before, he is honest and kind, he is a rare and honest person, if you marry him, he will definitely treat you badly..." The two son-in-laws are both excellent, Princess Jingyang has a hard time choosing.

"Forget it, there's no rush, I'll talk about it after I think it over. Mo'er, you should go back and think about it. After all, this is your future husband. If you don't like him, no matter how good he is, it's useless. "Princess Jingyang thinks about her daughter's happiness, and she wholeheartedly wants to find someone who can love and protect her daughter for the rest of her life, and her Mo'er likes it.

Ahem, although there are few such people, they are not difficult to find. The one in the East Palace is just waiting.Even in my dreams, I look forward to receiving the pity of your daughter!

The Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace went insane again indirectly, and all the eunuchs and maids in the palace were cautious and cautious!
This morning, Zihua, the maid who cleaned the prince's bedroom, was spotted by the prince because he touched a cheap and worn-out cup.

A pair of white and tender Yi Yi stayed in the East Palace bedroom. Afterwards, instead of feeding it to the dogs, the Crown Prince hung it on the palace gate for people to enjoy—this is a blatant warning!

Miss Zihua's bloody lesson was told to all the maids and eunuchs in the East Palace, and the crown prince has another treasure that cannot be touched!
An old and cheap cup!

The people in the East Palace were wondering, what happened to their master recently? !Try to treasure some utensils and things for eating and drinking.Such as the rice bowls, chopsticks, wine glasses, and vegetable plates from a while ago... It is an exaggeration to say that there is still half a bowl of white rice left in the small bowl.A little steward took advantage of the prince's absence, took a peek, and clearly saw the four characters of 'Shu Jin Restaurant' printed on the bottom of the bowl.They were surprised, what on earth is the prince going to do, to bring back the pots and pans from other people's restaurants and treasure them.Now it's even more strange, even broken cups should be treasured!

The dark blue sky seems to have been washed by clear water, watery, clean, soft and solemn; there is no moon, no wandering clouds, and the blue sky has only twinkling stars, like a boundless blue satin There are countless broken jade flowers printed on it.

Dim starlight is scattered, like a hazy gauze covering the world like mist. The breeze blows, and the hazy gauze curtain flutters with the wind, spares the red pillars in the veranda, and wraps around the towering orange tree in the courtyard. The tall orange crown is like An open green umbrella, the green leaves on the branches are crowded together, and one cluster is piled on top of the other. Under the nourishment of the spring rain, a layer of fresh green grows on the leaves, and the fresh green reveals a bit of greasy under the starlight. greenery.

Among the dense leaves, Yi Mo folded his arms and leaned lazily on a thick tree trunk.That posture is as chic as it needs to be, and as handsome as it needs to be.

Zhang Yuelu stared at his master resentfully, pushed Ning Youshu who was holding onto his thigh with extreme disgust, and said in a low voice, "Damn, you have eccentricities! I'm a man, you hug him so tightly What are you wearing!"

Ning Youshu rolled his eyes, "You think I'm willing?" He looked down at the ground at least ten meters away, closed his eyes in fright, and even hugged Zhang Yuelu's thigh desperately!

hiss!Zhang Yuelu wished he could kill him with one palm.Being hugged like this by a big man is fucking disgusting!
Then he stared resentfully at Xiao Renhe who was crying out of breath in the mourning hall, "I've been crying for half an hour, how many tears does he have?"

Yi Mo and Zhang Yuelu brought Ning Youshu to the embassy, ​​and originally wanted to sneak into the mourning hall quietly to perform an autopsy on Xiao Tianba and others.Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he met Xiao Renhe crying for his younger brother. He cried for half an hour, and Mo was a little impatient when he got there.

"Master, why don't we force our way in?" Zhang Yuelu is highly skilled and bold, and he dares to do anything with his master around.

Yi Mo slammed him coldly, "If you break in at this time, everyone will know tomorrow that we did what happened in Qiehong Lane."

Ning Youshu also knew about Qiehong Lane. It was the most tragic murder case in the history of the Chengtian Dynasty. Even the emperor was alarmed. Scholars and literati from all over the world even signed a letter requesting the court to investigate thoroughly. The emperor will not pay attention to it. .

Because it was a subordinate of Admiral Jiumen who died, the emperor handed over the case to Admiral Jiumen and the Ministry of War for joint handling.

Ning Youshu naturally didn't believe that such a cruel thing would be done by his mistress, nodded and said, "Yes, you can't force your way in. The best thing the officials in the capital know is to plant and frame them. If we forcefully break into the embassy tonight If the matter broke out, then the Ministry of War will blame us for the murder case in Qiehongxiang. The emperor only gave them ten days to investigate the case, and the literati in the capital are pushing hard. They are worried that they will not be able to find When someone comes to pay for the crime, if we make such a fuss, we will definitely be taken advantage of!"

Zhang Yuelu pursed her lips, what a fool, they were the ones who did it in the first place.

Yi Mo didn't correct his words, so if he misunderstood, he misunderstood. Besides, even if he knew the truth, it wouldn't hurt.

Above the mourning hall, Xiao Renhe cried so hard that he almost lost his breath. He took a mouthful of Tianba, Tianba——crying so heartbreakingly!
At this time, a guard from the Crescent Moon came to report in a hurry, "My lord, His Royal Highness Prince Chengtian is here to visit."

Xiao Renhe hurriedly wiped away his old tears, "Please! Please!" After tidying up his clothes, he asked his servants to wash his face with water, and then he took all his followers to the front hall to meet His Royal Highness Prince Chengtian.

Once Xiao Renhe left, only two guards were left to guard the mourning hall.

Zhang Yuelu took out the ecstasy medicine that he had brought from Master Li Xiao, and smiled, "The Crown Prince came here in time."

When Ning Youshu saw him taking out the medicine, he quickly covered his nose, but before the two guards who guarded the spirit fell down, Zhang Yuelu wanted to jump down the tree.Ning Youshu was so scared that he hugged his leg tightly, "Hey, those two guards are still there!"

Zhang Yuelu shook the ecstasy in his hand, and smiled triumphantly, "See? This is an upgraded version of the ecstasy made by Master Lixiao. It can make him wander in the sky even if he keeps his eyes open."

"So miraculous?" Ning Youshu turned his head, and saw the mistress swaggering past the two spirit guards.And the two spirit guards remained the same, holding red-tasseled long spears, their bodies were as tall and straight as pine, and their eyes were as big as bulls.He watched helplessly as his mistress entered the house but did not respond at all!

Seeing Ning Youshu's surprised look, Zhang Yuelu felt very proud, "Don't look at them with their eyes open, in fact Hun'er didn't know where he went." After finishing speaking, he twisted Ning Youshu's collar and jumped ten feet down. A large orange tree with a height of one meter.

(End of this chapter)

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