black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 203 The Dazed Prince

Chapter 203 The Dazed Prince (3)
Lu Bo, aliased by Jiaomujiao, was kneeling in the courtroom with a wooden shackle, and behind him were a group of prisoners from Goshawk Villa.

Feng Chengyi patted the gavel, and asked, "Lu Bo, I ask you, did you kill Xiao Tianba, the envoy of the Crescent Moon Kingdom?"

Lu Bo replied neither humble nor overbearing, "My lord, the grassroots have never seen the envoys of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, so why kill them!"

"The bodies of Xiao Tianba and the two guards of Wanyue Kingdom were found in the back alley of your villa. How do you explain?"

"The grassroots are completely unaware of this."

Xiao Renhe, who was watching the case from the sidelines, couldn't sit still anymore, and slapped the table to stand up, "Bold and unruly, don't think that you can get rid of the crime by saying 'I don't know'. Mr. Feng, such unruly people will not be recruited without torture. , let’s go to torture, this envoy doesn’t believe it, even torture can’t pry his mouth open!”

"This..." Feng Cheng looked at Ke Heshe in embarrassment. He was most afraid of torture, so in the past, he used physical evidence to speak, and rarely used torture.

Ke Heshe shook his head secretly.

Feng Chengyi sighed softly, and closed his eyes unbearably, "Come here, let me punish you!"

Xiao Renhe looked at Lu Bo in the hall, and sneered cruelly, no matter who you are, this envoy wants you to pay with blood!
The yamen servant lifted up the torture tool and was about to use it, but he heard a shout, "Wait!"

Ning Youshu walked up to the courtroom and knelt down, "My lord, I have something to report."

Feng Chengyi naturally remembered who Ning Youshu was, because a few days ago in the case of the prince concubine of Beijun, he showed extraordinary talents, so he became fond of talents and left him in Dali Temple, "Ning Youshu, you What do you want to report to the officer?"

"My lord, my subordinate went to the back alley of Goshawk Villa to observe the day before yesterday, and found that there was very little blood there. This subordinate suspects that the back alley of Goshawk Villa is not the real crime scene."

Undoubtedly, what Ning Youshu said was reversing the case for the people of Goshawk Villa.

When Xiao Renhe heard this, he got angry and shouted angrily, "It rained so much that night, the blood was washed away by the rain, so of course there is less blood. You are a yellow-mouthed child, and you are talking nonsense to disturb the court again. , See if I don't want your dog's life!"

Ning Youshu's face was sullen, "Your envoy is so imposing. One mouth will kill Ning. I don't know what crime Ning has committed?"

"You!" Xiao Renhe was so angry that his hands were shaking, how dare a pariah talk to him like that!
Seeing Xiao Renhe's shortness of breath, Ren Zhehe tried to deal with the reckless Ning Youshu with a cold face.Feng Chengyi saw it, and said first: "Ning Youshu, I know you are a talent, and you don't even know this bit of common sense. There must be other meanings. Don't be fooled anymore, and tell the truth about what you find."

"Yes, my lord." Ning Youshu took out the dossier that Yimo handed over to him and presented it to the court, "My lord, it is recorded in this case that although the blood will be washed away by the rain, it will also seep into the soil with the rain. After the rain, it can be observed. The more blood flows, the more it will flow away with the rain, and the wider the area it invades into the soil... In the murder case recorded in this file, one person was killed in the rain , after the rain, the yamen found that there were bloodstains in the soil ten feet away from the crime scene. In the back alley of Goshawk Villa, except for the bloodstains in the soil where the three were lying, other places were bloody. There was no smell at all. If it was the place where the crime happened and three people were killed, it stands to reason that there should be blood in the soil not to mention ten feet away, even twenty feet away. So the subordinates boldly guessed that Goshawk The back alley of the villa should not be the scene of the crime."

Xiao Renhe snorted coldly, "This is just your guesswork, it's too much to do." No one should try to clear the name of the people in Goshawk Villa.

Ning Youshu curled his lips into a smile, glanced at Xiao Renhe proudly, and then said to Feng Chengyi, "So I went to Master Jing Zhaoyin to check the clothes that the deceased had replaced and the carriage that transported the deceased to Beijing. Thanks to the hard work, I finally let my subordinates discover this thing." Ning Youshu presented the evidence taken from the dead man's nails last night.

Ke Heshe took a look and asked, "What is this?"

"Red mud!" Ning Youshu replied confidently, "The red mud can only be found in the cypress forest on the outskirts of the capital."

Feng Chengyi had a quick mind and immediately understood what he meant, "You mean, the real crime location is in the cypress forest on the outskirts of the capital?"

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao Renhe didn't take his conclusion seriously, "It's possible that they got on their clothes when they passed by the cypress forest."

"Whether it was picked up by passing by or how did it come here, don't you know when you go to see it?"

"..." Xiao Renhe was speechless.

Seeing Xiao Renhe, who had always been arrogant, deflated, Feng Chengyi couldn't say how happy he was. He quietly raised a big sow to Ning Youshu, then coughed lightly, slapped the gavel, and said solemnly: "The case will be retried after adjournment." Then he took the people to the cypress forest on the outskirts of the capital.

The court was over, and Yi Mo got up and left after paying the money. The prince hurriedly wiped his mouth and followed like a dog's skin plaster.The father-in-law of the little boots saw that his grandfather was gone, he wanted to raise his heels, but he saw the uneaten osmanthus cakes on the table, so he stopped immediately.Turn around and take the rest of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, this is made by the grandfather himself, so precious!

Walked two steps, then stopped suddenly, touched the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his bosom, a little greedy, looked up and saw that the prince was staring at Miss Biao, he definitely wouldn't have the heart to look back at him, so he was relieved, He secretly took out a piece and put it in his mouth, "Ah bah bah bah! What kind of stuff is this, it's hard and salty, bah bah bah, it's too bad to eat!" That look of disgust!It's like eating shit!
The little boots father-in-law turned back again, threw two copper coins, ordered a bowl of hot tea, rinsed his mouth with a gurgle, washed away the hard-to-eat pastry in his mouth, and his brows gradually relaxed.Then hurriedly threw away the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his arms, and left without looking back.

"Mo'er, where are we going?" The prince bought a beautiful thousand-bamboo umbrella, and held up the umbrella to cover his calligraphy from the sun, so as not to damage his delicate, white and tender skin from the 'spicy' sun. .

Yi Mo enjoyed the services of the prince for granted, and her eyes lit up when she saw that the prince had paid a large ingot for an umbrella and didn't need to change it.He stared at the little girl who bought the umbrella, wishing to snatch the money from her.She is short of money!
Why!There is still 40 taels of silver that have not been recovered, so where does she have the heart to go?
Seeing that his family's Mo Bao was depressed, the crown prince was heartbroken to death. He saw the gold and silver jewelry shop not far away, and hurriedly said: "Mo'er, let's go buy gold and silver jewelry." I hope those vulgar things can make the beauty smile.

Hehe, the crown prince's suggestion this time is very much in Mo's heart.After buying the gold and silver jewelry back and asking Zhang Yuelu to resell it again, wouldn't the money from the resale be hers?

Ouch, so clever.

"En." Yi Mo nodded happily.

(End of this chapter)

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