black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 204: On the eve of the storm

Chapter 204: On the eve of the storm (1)
The prince is destined to bleed heavily today.

As soon as the two entered the store, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up, drink!The man is handsome, the woman is pretty, looking at the prince is more like looking at gold ingots, looking at his temperament, looking at his appearance, and looking at the clothes on his body... If you are rich, you are expensive!
The shop has been in business for decades, and they still have a good eye for seeing people. Knowing that the other party is a rich person, they don't bring out those inferior things to block the eyes. , is this good for Peony Zhuhua? This color and luster match your skin best..."

Yi Mo took a look in his hand, "I bought it!"

"Girl, take a look, how about this pair of jade bracelets? The whole body is crystal clear, the tentacles are delicate and moist, and the color is evenly emerald green. Wearing them will make your hands look more slender and tender..."

Yi Mo kicked the jade bracelet into his arms, "I bought it!"

"Oh, girl, look at this pearl again, it's white and round, it looks like a high-quality pearl..."

"Bought it!"

"This 'Fu Lu Shou Xi'..."

"Bought it!"

"This side..."

"Bought it!"

"I bought it! I bought it!"

Yi Mo didn't raise her eyes, as long as the boss flashed something in front of her eyes, the word 'bought' came out of her mouth.

Hearing that, the father-in-law in the little boots behind was sweating coldly, and kept feeling sorry for his grandfather's money.And his father... he's crazy about it!
As long as Miss Biao "bought" the word exit, his grandfather would smile and take out a stack of bank notes from his arms and hand them over. Those who didn't know would think that what he handed over was straw paper, so worthless!

Ouch!After this, the shopkeeper was very happy.His eyes were narrowed with laughter!
"Two guest officers, go slowly, come back next time, come back next time!" He stared straight at the crown prince, wishing that this golden statue would stay in his shop forever - that purse is like It's a bottomless pit with endless banknotes!
Not only was he staring at the prince, but Yi Mo also stared at the prince with a sigh, wishing he could go up and take off his clothes to see how much money he had hidden in his arms!

The crown prince patted Yi Mo's head with a doting face, "Do you still want to buy it?"

Yi Mo looked at the big cart behind him, and said discouragedly: "I won't buy it!" If I buy it again, there will be no place to put it.

"That's it, Boots, send the things to Thunder King's Mansion."

The father-in-law in boots looked at the cart full of jewels, his face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and he replied weakly, "Yes!"

As soon as the little boots father-in-law left, there were only Yi Mo and the prince left.The crown prince held an umbrella and walked side by side with Yimo on the street, looking at her delicate side face, he felt extremely satisfied, even more satisfied and happier than when he won the crown prince.

As long as Mo'er is by his side, even if it is hell, he will live like heaven.The overwhelming domineering that is bound to win flashed in the bright black eyes!No one can snatch her from him!
The crown prince wanted to tie Yimo firmly to his side, so that no one could peek at him.He had some calculations in his mind, the first bad luck was Liang Yaozu.

A terrifying murderous intent quietly appeared on the charming and handsome face, even if his Mo Bao didn't have Liang Yaozu in his heart, he couldn't be allowed to live in this world!Any man who peeped at Mo'er of his family should be damned!

Yi Mo's sense is very keen, and she naturally sensed such a strong killing intent suddenly appearing around her, and she suddenly looked sideways, just in time to meet those eyes full of hostility.

The crown prince was slightly stunned, all the hostility in his eyes faded away, and he regained his spring-like elegance, smiling extremely softly, "Mo'er, are you hungry? Let's go to Shujin Restaurant for dinner."

Thinking of the delicacies there, Yi Mo's mouth became a little greedy again, "En."

After walking two steps, Yi Mo stopped, "Wait." He walked to a small stall selling jade wares.

The vendor owner greeted him with a warm smile, "Girl, what do you want to buy?"

Yi Mo picked up a jade pendant carved with a four-clawed dragon, the quality of the jade pendant was not high, there was even a small flaw on it, but the carving was exquisitely handcrafted, the four-clawed dragon was carved lifelike, like It's like flying out of the sky.

Touching the four-clawed Mangosaurus on it, Yi Mo loves it very much.

Seeing that she liked it, the crown prince took out a piece of silver and handed it to the vendor owner, "Boss, we bought this jade pendant."

Seeing such a large ingot of silver, the owner of the vendor quickly waved his hand, "Young master, if you don't want so much, all the things on this stall are not worth so much. There is a flaw on this jade pendant, and it only costs one or two taels of silver." Simple and honest man.

Yi Mo took out a tael of silver from his purse and handed it to him, "I bought this jade pendant." Then he turned and left.

The crown prince took back the money and followed, "Mo'er, if you like jade pendants, I have a lot of them, I'll get them for you another day..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a slender white hand stretched out in front of him, and on the white and tender palm lay the dragon pendant that he bought for one tael.

The crown prince vaguely thought of something, his heart was like lava before a volcano erupted, his blood boiled, "Mo'er, what, what is this?"

"For you." The cold voice reached the prince's ears, as if a pot of vegetable oil was poured on the crater of a volcano, and it exploded with a bang!
As if receiving a reward from his master, the crown prince took the jade pendant with trembling hands, and placed it on his chest like a treasure—this was the first gift Mo'er gave him!
At this moment, he wished he could take the jade pendant to the Li Family Ancestral Temple as an offering! (Ahem, if he really dares to take it to the ancestral temple to make an offering, Emperor Qianmin would dare to chop him with a knife!)

Hey!In fact, Yi Mo didn't mean anything else, but for the sake of him giving her so many precious jewels, he returned one of them to him in return.Besides, this one is so cheap, only one tael of silver!Taking so much advantage of him, it's impossible to be stingy with such a small amount of money, isn't it?

The crown prince covered Long Pei's foolish smile, but before laughing for a while, he saw that white tender hand stretched out in front of him again.

At this moment, the crown prince had a bad premonition, "What are you doing?" Even his voice was vigilant.

Yi Mo spread her hands, "Give me back that Pisces pendant." It was her engagement token.

The crown prince covered his waist, and said nonsense with his eyes open, "I didn't bring it." If the things from his family's calligraphy were dumped, it would be his.

The crown prince clutched the Pisces pendant around his waist, and walked forward sullenly, "There is no reason to go back with the things you give away."

Yi Mo rolled his eyes, she gave it to him?Obviously he snatched it by himself, "I need that piece, you have to return it to me. Remember to bring it next time." She bought the dragon pendant as a gift for him with the idea of ​​exchanging it for the Pisces pendant.That piece was an engagement token given by the Liang family, no matter whether they divorced or got married in the end, they had to return the Pisces pendant to the Liang family.

(End of this chapter)

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